ADC CLI Commands


The following operations can be performed on “vpn-clientlessAccessProfile”:

unset vpn clientlessAccessProfile

Resets the attributes of the specified clientless access profile. Attributes for which a default value is available revert to their default values. Refer to the set vpn clientlessAccessProfile command for a description of the parameters..Refer to the set vpn clientlessAccessProfile command for meanings of the arguments.


unset vpn clientlessAccessProfile [-URLRewritePolicyLabel] [-JavaScriptRewritePolicyLabel] [-ReqHdrRewritePolicyLabel] [-ResHdrRewritePolicyLabel] [-RegexForFindingURLinJavaScript] [-RegexForFindingURLinCSS] [-RegexForFindingURLinXComponent] [-RegexForFindingURLinXML] [-RegexForFindingCustomURLs] [-ClientConsumedCookies] [-requirePersistentCookie]

show vpn clientlessAccessProfile

Displays information about all the configured clientless access profiles, or displays detailed information about the specified clientless access profile.


show vpn clientlessAccessProfile []


profileName Name of the clientless access profile for which to display detailed information.


stateflag URLRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured URL rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then URLs are not rewritten.

JavaScriptRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured JavaScript rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then JAVA scripts are not rewritten.

CSSRewritePolicyLabel The configured CSS rewrite policylabel.

XMLRewritePolicyLabel The configured XML rewrite policylabel.

XComponentRewritePolicyLabel The configured X-Component rewrite policylabel.

ReqHdrRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured Request rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then requests are not rewritten.

ResHdrRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured Response rewrite policy label.

RegexForFindingURLinJavaScript Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in Java script.

RegexForFindingURLinCSS Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in the CSS.

RegexForFindingURLinXComponent Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in X Component.

RegexForFindingURLinXML Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in XML.

RegexForFindingCustomURLs Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URLs in the custom content type other than HTML, CSS, XML, XCOMP, and JavaScript. The custom content type should be included in the patset ns_cvpn_custom_content_types.

ClientConsumedCookies Specify the name of the pattern set containing the names of the cookies, which are allowed between the client and the server. If a pattern set is not specified, Citrix Gateway does not allow any cookies between the client and the server. A cookie that is not specified in the pattern set is handled by Citrix Gateway on behalf of the client.

requirePersistentCookie Specify whether a persistent session cookie is set and accepted for clientless access. If this parameter is set to ON, COM objects, such as MSOffice, which are invoked by the browser can access the files using clientless access. Use caution because the persistent cookie is stored on the disk.

isDefault A value of true is returned if it is a default vpnclientlessrwprofile.

description Description of the clientless access profile.

builtin Flag to determine if vpn clientless rewrite profile is built-in or not

feature The feature to be checked while applying this config

devno count

add vpn clientlessAccessProfile

Adds a collection of settings that allows clientless access to a given application. Settings include the policies to specify whether to rewrite a URL, rules to find the URLs within various web content-types, and a set of cookies that are required to be present on the client machine.


add vpn clientlessAccessProfile


profileName Name for the Citrix Gateway clientless access profile. Must begin with an ASCII alphabetic or underscore (_) character, and must consist only of ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, hash (#), period (.), space, colon (:), at (@), equals (=), and hyphen (-) characters. Cannot be changed after the profile is created.

The following requirement applies only to the Citrix ADC CLI: If the name includes one or more spaces, enclose the name in double or single quotation marks (for example, “my profile” or ‘my profile’).

set vpn clientlessAccessProfile

Modifies the settings for an existing clientless access profile.


set vpn clientlessAccessProfile \[-URLRewritePolicyLabel ] \[-JavaScriptRewritePolicyLabel ] \[-ReqHdrRewritePolicyLabel ] \[-ResHdrRewritePolicyLabel ] \[-RegexForFindingURLinJavaScript ] \[-RegexForFindingURLinCSS ] \[-RegexForFindingURLinXComponent ] \[-RegexForFindingURLinXML ] \[-RegexForFindingCustomURLs ] \[-ClientConsumedCookies ] \[-requirePersistentCookie \( ON | OFF )]


profileName Name of the clientless access profile to modify.

URLRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured URL rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then URLs are not rewritten.

JavaScriptRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured JavaScript rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then JAVA scripts are not rewritten.

ReqHdrRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured Request rewrite policy label. If you do not specify a policy label name, then requests are not rewritten.

ResHdrRewritePolicyLabel Name of the configured Response rewrite policy label.

RegexForFindingURLinJavaScript Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in Java script.

RegexForFindingURLinCSS Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in the CSS.

RegexForFindingURLinXComponent Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in X Component.

RegexForFindingURLinXML Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URL in XML.

RegexForFindingCustomURLs Name of the pattern set that contains the regular expressions, which match the URLs in the custom content type other than HTML, CSS, XML, XCOMP, and JavaScript. The custom content type should be included in the patset ns_cvpn_custom_content_types.

ClientConsumedCookies Specify the name of the pattern set containing the names of the cookies, which are allowed between the client and the server. If a pattern set is not specified, Citrix Gateway does not allow any cookies between the client and the server. A cookie that is not specified in the pattern set is handled by Citrix Gateway on behalf of the client.

requirePersistentCookie Specify whether a persistent session cookie is set and accepted for clientless access. If this parameter is set to ON, COM objects, such as MSOffice, which are invoked by the browser can access the files using clientless access. Use caution because the persistent cookie is stored on the disk.

Possible values: ON, OFF Default value: OFF

rm vpn clientlessAccessProfile

Removes a clientless access profile.


rm vpn clientlessAccessProfile


profileName Name of the clientless access profile to remove.
