Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference

0x850 ERRORS

0x850 ERRORS

Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_MONITOR_INTERVAL 2128 0x850 Monitor interval must be greater than response timeout
NSERR_MONITOR_DESTIP 2129 0x851 Destination IP must be specified for transparent, tunneled or tos monitors
NSERR_MONITOR_CODES 2130 0x852 Too many response codes, only 16 allowed
NSERR_MONITOR_REF 2131 0x853 Monitor must be unbound before it can be deleted
NSERR_MONITOR_BUILTIN 2132 0x854 Built-in monitors cannot be deleted
NSERR_MONITOR_BOUND 2133 0x855 The monitor is already bound to the service
NSERR_MONITOR_TYPE 2134 0x856 Invalid monitor type
NSERR_MONITOR_LOCAL 2135 0x857 Monitor object cannot be bound to local service
NSERR_TIMEOUT_RANGE 2136 0x858 Timeout value out of range; enter a value between 2 minutes and 1440 minutes
NSERR_INVALIDHASHLEN 2137 0x859 Hashlength should be between 1 and 4096 (inclusive)
NSERR_NOTAUTHORIZED 2138 0x85A Not authorized to execute this command
NSERR_MONITOR_DEFAULT 2139 0x85B No operations allowed with the default monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_LDNS_ADD_PERM 2140 0x85C Cannot add monitor of ldns type
NSERR_MONITOR_LDNS_BIND_PERM 2141 0x85D Cannot bind ldns monitor
NSERR_BACKUP_LOOP 2144 0x860 The VIP is already a backup in the chain
NSERR_SECURE_UDP 2154 0x86A Secure mode not supported for this protocol
NSERR_MONITOR_WRONG_TYPE 2155 0x86B Existing monitor is of different type than given
NSERR_LRTM_PERM 2156 0x86C Enabling LRTM on this monitor type is not permitted
NSERR_MONITOR_SCRIPTNAME 2157 0x86D Invalid script name for user monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_DISPATCHERIP 2159 0x86F Invalid dispatcher IP for user monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_USERPERM 2160 0x870 Operation not permitted for a user monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_NOCODES 2161 0x871 A response code is required for this monitor type
NSERR_INVAL_MON 2162 0x872 Attempt to bind invalid monitor type
NSERR_TYPE_EXISTS 2163 0x873 Only one monitor of this type can be bound to a service
NSERR_MONITOR_UNBIND_DEFAULT 2164 0x874 Default monitor cannot be unbound from a service
NSERR_MONITOR_BIND_DEFAULT 2165 0x875 Default monitor cannot be bound explicitly to a service
NSERR_MONITOR_DISABLE_DEFAULT 2166 0x876 Default monitor cannot be disabled or enabled
NSERR_DRTM_PERM 2167 0x877 Dynamic response timeout is not permitted on this monitor type
NSERR_MON_DTRM_DEVIATION 2168 0x878 Response timeout of the monitor has been changed to interval - 1
NSERR_MONITOR_INVALID_VALUE 2169 0x879 Time parameter must be a multiple of 10
NSERR_MONITOR_NOT_BOUND 2170 0x87A Monitor not bound to service
NSERR_INVALID_MONITOR 2171 0x87B Monitor does not exist
NSERR_MONITOR_NO_SUCHIPADDR 2172 0x87C Some IP addresses were not present
NSERR_MONITOR_SCRIPT_ARG_SIZE 2173 0x87D Combined argument size too long
NSERR_METRICTABLE_NOENT 2174 0x87E Metric table does not exist
NSERR_METRICTABLE_EXIST 2175 0x87F Metric table exists
NSERR_DEL_METRICTABLE_PERMANENT 2176 0x880 Permanent metric table cannot be deleted
NSERR_MAX_METRIC_BINDING 2177 0x881 Maximum of 10 SNMP type metric can be bound to the monitor
NSERR_METRIC_NOENT 2178 0x882 Metric does not exist
NSERR_METRIC_EXISTS 2179 0x883 Metric exists
NSERR_OID_EXIST 2180 0x884 SNMP OID exists
NSERR_SNMP_OID_INVAL 2181 0x885 SNMP OID is invalid
NSERR_METRICTABLE_RDONLY 2182 0x886 No operations allowed on read only metric table
NSERR_THRESHOLD_ZERO 2183 0x887 This metric will not be used for CUSTOM LB as its threshold value is zero
NSERR_LDAP_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2184 0x888 bindDN or baseDN must be specified before LDAP monitor can be used
NSERR_MYSQL_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2185 0x889 userName or database must be specified before MYSQL monitor can be used
NSERR_POP3_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2186 0x88A userName must be specified before POP3 monitor can be used
NSERR_NNTP_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2187 0x88B group must be specified before NNTP monitor can be used
NSERR_FTPEXTENDED_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2188 0x88C fileName must be specified before FTP-EXTENDED monitor can be used
NSERR_SNMP_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2189 0x88D snmpOID or snmpCommunity must be specified before SNMP monitor can be used
NSERR_CITRIX_XML_SERVICE 2190 0x88E application must be specified before CITRIX-XML-SERVICE monitor can be used
NSERR_CITRIX_WEB_INTERFACE 2191 0x88F sitePath must be specified before CITRIX-WEB-INTERFACE monitor can be used
NSERR_LDNS_MON_CANT_DISABLE 2192 0x890 Atleast one ldns monitor needs to be enabled
NSERR_RES_RETRY_ON_IP_SVR 2193 0x891 Resolve retry can be set only on domain based servers
NSERR_IP_ON_DBS_SVR 2194 0x892 IP Address cannot be set on a domain based server
NSERR_MONITOR_FAILURERETRIES 2196 0x894 Monitor retries must be greater than monitor failureRetries
NSERR_MONITOR_IP 2198 0x896 The server/monitor destination ip address is not appropriate for this monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_SUBNET 2199 0x897 The server/monitor destination ip address should be in a directly connected subnet for this monitor
NSERR_MONITOR_STATIC 2200 0x898 A static/permanent MAC entry is configured for the server/monitor destination ip address
NSERR_TOSID_NOT_SET 2201 0x899 Tos id must be specified for tos enabled vserver/monitor
NSERR_FAILURERETRIES_NOT_SUPPORTED 2202 0x89A The failure retries is not supported for this monitor type. Resetting the value of failure retries to 0(Disabled).
NSERR_SUCCESSRETRIES_NOT_SUPPORTED 2203 0x89B The success retries is not supported for this monitor type. Resetting the value of success entries to 1(Disabled).
NSERR_SETVS_INVAL_MYSQLPARAMS 2204 0x89C This parameter is only applicable to a MYSQL vserver.
NSERR_SETVS_INVAL_PROTOCOL_PARAMS 2205 0x89D The parameters are only applicable to HTTP or SSL vservers.
NSERR_SETVS_INVAL_PROTOCOLS_PARAMS 2206 0x89E The parameters are only applicable to HTTP , SSL or RTSP vservers.
NSERR_DDC_VALIDATE_CRED_REQUIRED 2207 0x89F Username, password and ddc domain are required for Xen Desktop monitor\n
NSERR_CITRIX_WI_EXTENDED_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2208 0x8A0 userName, password, sitepath and domain must be specified before CITRIX-WI-EXTENDED monitor can be used
NSERR_SETVS_INVAL_MSSQLPARAMS 2209 0x8A1 This parameter is only applicable to a MSSQL vserver.
NSERR_DRTM_MON_BOUNDED_SVC 2210 0x8A2 In a cluster system, deviation cant be set/unset on any already bound monitor.
NSERR_MONITOR_RESP_TO_THRESH 2211 0X8A3 Response timeout threshold is rounded off to nearest multiple of 10 less than the given value
NSERR_PASSIVE_ON_LOAD_ONLY 2212 0x8A4 PASSIVE option can be set only on LOAD monitors.
NSERR_SETVS_INVAL_ORACLEPARAMS 2213 0x8A5 This parameter is only applicable to a ORACLE vserver.
NSERR_RADIUS_ACCOUNTING_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 2214 0x8A6 Secret key must be specified before RADIUS ACCOUNTING monitor can be used
NSERR_MONITOR_SCRIPT_ARG_CNT 2215 0x8A7 Too many script arguments
NSERR_INVALID_DBSLB_BIND 2216 0x8A8 More than one bind not possible on one service for DBSLB
NSERR_USER_NONETPROF 2217 0x8A9 Netprofile cannot be set on scriptable monitors, so ignoring the configured netprofile for this monitor.
NSERR_MONITOR_NO_SSLPROFILE_BOUND 2218 0x8AA No SSL profile is attached to monitor. Attach SSL profile first
NSERR_DIAMETER_MONITOR_INCOMPLETE 3550 0xDDE originHost and originRealm configuration is missing
0x850 ERRORS

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