Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_VXLAN_INCOMP 2608 0xa30 Vlan extension and IP address - both cannot be configured on vxlan
NSERR_VXLAN_TUN_BOUND 2609 0xa31 Tunnel is already bound to this vxlan
NSERR_INV_MCAST 2610 0xa32 Another multicast group already configured for this vxlan
NSERR_TUN_NOT_BOUND 2611 0xa33 Tunnel not bound to this vxlan
NSERR_IP_NOT_BOUND 2612 0xa34 IP/IPv6 address not bound to this vxlan
NSERR_INV_TUN 2613 0xa35 Tunnel should be of VXLAN type
NSERR_NO_VXLAN 2614 0xa36 Vxlan is not configured
NSERR_VLAN_EXT 2615 0xa37 Vlan already extended by a different vxlan
NSERR_VXLAN_TD 2616 0xa38 Vxlan is bound to a traffic domain
NSERR_VXLAN_ROTUING 2617 0xa39 Vlan extension and routing - both cannot be configured on vxlan
NSERR_VXLANMAP_INUSE 2743 0xab7 This vlan-to-vxlan map table is in use by a netbridge/pbr-tunnel
NSERR_VXLAN_TBL_BOUND 2738 0xab2 Vxlan is in use by a vlan-to-vxlan map table
NSERR_TUN_MAP_TBL 2739 0xab3 The tunnel currently applies vlan-to-vxlan mappings
NSERR_VXLAN_INUSE 2740 0xab4 Vxlans that have vlan extensions or IP addresses or routing cannot be used in mapping table
NSERR_NETBDG_VXLAN_VLAN 2741 0xab5 Vlan-to-vxlan map table and vlan - both cannot be configured on a netbridge
NSERR_NO_VXLANMAP 2742 0xab6 Vlan-to-vxlan map table is not configured
NSERR_VXLANMAP_TUN_NOSUP 2746 0xaba Incompatible tunnel type for vlan-to-vxlan map table

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