Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_INVALIDPOL 2053 0x805 Binding invalid policy
NSERR_NOPOL 2054 0x806 No such policy exists
NSERR_RULEURL 2055 0x807 Rule or URL required
NSERR_DELMC 2056 0x808 Delay or maxConn argument required
NSERR_ACP 2057 0x809 Alternate content path not required
NSERR_ACS 2058 0x80A Alternate content service not required
NSERR_NOSET_CEXP 2059 0x80B No support to set compound expression value
NSERR_CEXP_DEPTH 2060 0x80C Maximum recursive depth reached
NSERR_NOVPNAPP 2061 0x80D No such intranet application exists
NSERR_NOSET_CSE 2062 0x80E Changing rule to/from client security expression is not allowed when policy is in use
NSERR_INVAL_POLNAME 2063 0x80F Invalid policy Name
NSERR_UNBIND_INVALIDPOL 2097 0x831 Policy not bound
NSERR_EXCEED_MAX_POL_LIMIT 2098 0x832 32 authentication policies are already bound
NSERR_INTERNAL_PI_ERROR 2103 0x837 Internal policy error
NSERR_NEG_POL_VIOL1 2104 0x838 Only negotiate and certificate policies can be bound together
NSERR_NEG_POL_VIOL2 2105 0x839 Negotiate policy in primary can be bound only along with ldap policy (with authentication turned off) in secondary
NSERR_NEG_POL_VIOL3 2106 0x83A Negotiate policy in secondary can be bound only along with certificate policy in primary
NSERR_SAML_POL_VIOL1 2122 0x84A SAML policy can only be the last in the cascade or the only one in the cascade
NSERR_SAML_POL_VIOL2 2123 0x84B SAML policy in primary can be bound only along with ldap policy (with authentication turned off) in secondary
NSERR_SAML_POL_VIOL3 2124 0x84C SAML policy cannot be bound to secondary cascade
NSERR_SAML_DISABLED 2125 0x84D SAML policy binding is disabled
NSERR_LDAP_POL_VIOL1 2088 0x828 Only LDAP policies may be bound for group extraction.
NSERR_LDAP_POL_VIOL2 2089 0x829 An LDAP policy bound for group extraction must set -authentication DISABLED.
NSERR_NON_SELECTOR_POLICY 2107 0x83B Only selector based policies can be bound to sql vserver
NSERR_BAD_SELECTOR 2108 0x83C Selector does not match content group type
NSERR_BAD_CONTENTGROUP 2109 0x83D Contentgroup not compatible
NSERR_SQL_POL_GLOBAL_BINDPOINT 2110 0x83E Datastream cache policies cannot have global/override bindpoint
NSERR_APPQOE_INVALID_ACP 2111 0x83F Alternate content path is invalid
NSERR_APPQOE_CLTRATE 2086 0x826 Client detect rate is not required
NSERR_APPQOE_DOSTHRESH_NREQ 2087 0x827 DoS attack threshold is not required
NSERR_APPQOE_DOSTHRESH_REQ 2090 0x82a DoS attack threshold is required
NSERR_APPQOE_ACS_REQ 2091 0x82b Alternate content service is required
NSERR_APPQOE_ACP_REQ 2092 0x82c Alternate content path is required with alternate content service
NSERR_CMPTYPE_MISMATCH 2093 0x82d Compression policy may not take effect due to global parameter type mismatch
NSERR_APPQOE_VSVR_CONFIG_CONFLICT 2094 0x82E AppQoE policy cannot be bound to vserver configured for PQ/SC
NSERR_APPQOE_SVC_CONFIG_CONFLICT 2095 0x82F AppQoE policy cannot be bound to vserver with services configured for SC/HDOSP
NSERR_APPQOE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTO 2142 0x85E Specified policy can be bound only to HTTP/SSL vserver
NSERR_APPQOE_UNSUPPORTED_VSVR 2143 0x85F Specified policy can be bound only to LB vserver types
NSERR_CLASSIC_POLICY_INVALID_ARG 2145 0x861 Invalid arguments for classic policy binding
NSERR_AUTHN_ADVANCE_INVALID_ARG 2146 0x862 Invalid arguments for advanced authentication policy binding
NSERR_RENAME_NOT_PERMITTED 2147 0x863 Rename operation not permitted
NSERR_PI_AUTHZPLCY_NOT_SUPPORTED 2148 0x864 advanced authorization policy cannot be bound to aaa user/group
NSERR_SAML_2FACTOR_CONFLICT 2149 0x865 SAML 2-Factor policy should always be at the beginning of cascade
NSERR_AUDIT_SYSADVPLCY_BOUND 2150 0x866 Cannot bind Classic Syslog Policy to System global if Advanced Syslog Policy is already bound to SyslogGlobal
NSERR_AUDIT_SYSCLASSICPLCY_BOUND 2151 0x867 Cannot bind Advanced Syslog Policy to SyslogGlobal if Classic Syslog Policy is already bound to System Global
NSERR_CLASSIC_TMSESSPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2152 0x868 Advanced TM Session Policy cannot be bound if Classic TM Session Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, authentication vserver, tm global)
NSERR_ADVANCED_TMSESSPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2153 0x869 Classic TM Session Policy cannot be bound if Advanced TM Session Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, authentication vserver, tm global)
NSERR_AUDIT_NSADVPLCY_BOUND 2311 0x907 Cannot bind Classic Nslog Policy to System global if Advanced Nslog Policy is already bound to NslogGlobal
NSERR_AUDIT_NSCLASSICPLCY_BOUND 2312 0x908 Cannot bind Advanced Nslog Policy to NslogGlobal if Classic Nslog Policy is already bound to System Global
NSERR_CLASSIC_AUTHNPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2219 0x8ab Advanced authentication Policy cannot be bound if Classic authentication Policy is already bound to system global
NSERR_ADVANCED_AUTHNPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2220 0x8ac Classic authentication Policy cannot be bound if Advanced authentication Policy is already bound to system global
NSERR_NEXTFACTOR_ATTRIBMAP_MISMATCH 2221 0x8ad Bind functionality not supported for current bind-entity and nextFactor
NSERR_CLASSIC_VPNTRAFFICPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2222 0x8ae Advanced VPN Traffic Policy cannot be bound if Classic VPN Traffic Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, vpn vserver, vpn global)
NSERR_ADVANCED_VPNTRAFFICPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2223 0x8af Classic VPN Traffic Policy cannot be bound if Advanced VPN Traffic Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, vpn vserver, vpn global)
NSERR_CLASSIC_AUTHPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2224 0x8b0 Advanced Authorization Policy cannot be bound if Classic Authorization Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group)
NSERR_ADVANCED_AUTHPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2225 0x8b1 Classic Authorization Policy cannot be bound if Advanced Authorization Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group)
NSERR_CLASSIC_VPNSESSPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2226 0x8b2 Advanced VPN Session Policy cannot be bound if Classic VPN Session Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, vpn vserver, vpn global)
NSERR_ADVANCED_VPNSESSPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2227 0x8b3 Classic VPN Session Policy cannot be bound if Advanced VPN Session Policy is already bound to any entity (i.e. aaa user, aaa group, vpn vserver, vpn global)
NSERR_INVALID_AUTHN_SET_ACTION_SUBTYPE 2228 0x8b4 Setting action for advanced authentication policy not allowed for different action subtype
NSERR_CLASSIC_AUTH_POLICY_DEPRECATED 2229 0x8b5 Classic authentication policies are deprecated. Please use advanced authentication policies (i.e. add/set authentication policy)
NSERR_CLASSIC_PREAUTH_POLICY_DEPRECATED 2230 0x8b6 Classic Pre-authentication policies are deprecated. Please use advanced authentication policies (i.e. add/set authentication epaaction, add/set authentication policy)
NSERR_INVALID_POLICY_CONTAIN_CSEC 2231 0x8b7 Binding policy with Client Security expression is not allowed for ICAOnly VPN Virtual Server
NSERR_CLASSIC_AUDITLOGPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2232 0x8b8 Advanced Audit Policy cannot be bound if Classic Audit Policy is already bound to Vserver
NSERR_ADVANCED_AUDITLOGPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2233 0x8b9 Classic Audit Policy cannot be bound if Advanced Audit Policy is already bound to Vserver
NSERR_MAX_AUDITLOGPOL_REACHED 2234 0x8ba Maximum auditlog policy binding to vserver reached
NSERR_PI_ADVANCED_POLICY_ALREADY_ADDED 2235 0x8bb Failed to bind classic policy because advanced policy(s) is already bound.
NSERR_PI_CLASSIC_POLICY_ALREADY_ADDED 2236 0x8bc Failed to bind advanced policy because classic policy(s) is already bound.
NSERR_CLASSIC_CLIENT_SECURITY_DEPRECATED 2237 0x8bd Client security expressions are deprecated using this command. Please use advanced authentication policies (i.e. add/set authentication epaaction, add/set authentication policy)
NSERR_CLASSIC_VPNURLPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2240 0x8c0 VPN URL Policy cannot be bound if Classic VPN URL is already bound to any entity
NSERR_ADVANCED_VPNURLPOL_ALREADY_BOUND 2241 0x8c1 Classic VPN URL cannot be bound if VPN URL Policy is already bound to any entity

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