Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_MAX_PARTITION 2752 0xac0 Maximum allowed partition limit reached
NSERR_PARTITION_NAME_EXIST 2753 0xac1 Partition name already exist
NSERR_NO_PARTITION 2755 0xac3 Partition does not exist
NSERR_DEL_PARTITION_BUSY 2756 0xac4 Partition is busy, cant delete
NSERR_DEL_PARTITION_INUSE 2757 0xac5 Partition is in use, cant delete
NSERR_NO_DEL_DFLT_PARTITION 2758 0xac6 Default Partition cant be delete
NSERR_RM_PARTITION_CONFIRM 2759 0xac7 Are you sure you want to remove partition (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_NOT_SUPPORTFORPARTITION 2760 0xac8 This feature is not supported on partition
NSERR_AP_CONFIG_NOT_ALLOWED 2761 0xac9 This configuration option is not supported on non-default partition
NSERR_VLAN_BDGGRP_PARTITION_EXIST 2762 0xaca VLAN or VXLAN or BridgeGroup bound to a partition can not be deleted.
NSERR_AP_DEFVLAN 2763 0xacb Default VLAN cannot be bound/unbound to/from a partition.
NSERR_VLAN_BDGGRP_PARTITION 2764 0xacc The specified VLAN or VXLAN or BridgeGroup is bound to other partition.
NSERR_PQ_ARG_UNSUPPORTED_PARTITION 2765 0xacd PQ feature is not supported in non-default partition.
NSERR_SC_ARG_UNSUPPORTED_PARTITION 2766 0xace SC feature is not supported in non-default partition.
NSERR_MAX_PARTITIONS_ZEBOS 2767 0xacf Maximum allowed partition limit for routing reached
NSERR_AP_SYNCVLAN 2769 0xad1 SYNC VLAN cannot be bound/unbound to/from a partition.
NSERR_AP_VLAN_BDG_EXIST 2770 0xad2 The specified VLAN cannot be bound to a partition because it is bound to a bridge group.
NSERR_AP_SDXMGMTVLAN 2771 0xad3 The SDX management VLAN cannot be bound/unbound to/from a partition.
NSERR_AP_DEFAULT_PARTITION_CONFIG 2772 0xad4 This configuration is allowed only from the default partition.
NSERR_AP_MEM_DECR 2773 0xad5 Partitions memory limit cannot be reduced less than currently used memory
NSERR_AP_MISMATCH 2774 0xad6 The specified entity is configured in some other partition.
NSERR_AP_PVID_IF_NOT_ALLOWED 2775 0xad7 The specified VLAN cannot be configured as untagged member of interface because it is bound to partition.
NSERR_AP_VLAN_BINDING_NOT_ALLOWED 2776 0xad8 The specified VLAN cannot be bound to a partition because it is configured as untagged member of interface.
NSERR_AP_NOT_SUPPORTFORSHAREDVLAN 2777 0xad9 This feature is not supported on shared vlan.
NSERR_AP_SHAREDVLAN_CONFIG_NOT_ALLOWED_INCLUSTER 2778 0xada Configuring vlan as shared is not supported on cluster.
NSERR_AP_SHAREDVLAN_BDG 2779 0xadb Shared vlan cannot be bound/unbound to/from a bridge group.
NSERR_AP_SHAREDVLAN_TD 2780 0xadc Shared vlan cannot be bound/unbound to/from a Traffic domain.
NSERR_AP_MCAST_PMAC 2781 0xadd Partition MAC address cannot have multicast bit set.
NSERR_AP_VMAC_EXIST 2782 0xade Another admin-partition with the same partition MAC address exist.
NSERR_AP_VMAC_BUSY 2783 0xadf Partitions MAC address can not be unset when shared vlans are bound to it.
NSERR_AP_XS_CONN_FAILED 2784 0xae0 Unable to communicate with the XenStore.
NSERR_AP_XS_NO_VMAC 2785 0xae1 No partition MAC address is configured for the VPX on SDX.
NSERR_AP_XS_VMAC_NOTEXIST 2786 0xae2 The specified partition MAC address is not configured for the VPX on SDX.
NSERR_AP_XS_VMAC_EXHAUSTED 2787 0xae3 All partition MAC addresses configured for the VPX on SDX are in use.
NSERR_AP_ARP_VLAN_NOT_SPECIFIED 2788 0xae4 VLAN must be specified while adding ARP entry within partition.
NSERR_AP_SHAREDVLAN_PART_EXIST 2789 0xae5 This VLAN already bound to the specified partition.
NSERR_PARTITION_ID_EXIST 2790 0xae6 Partition-id is already in use by another partition.
NSERR_SYNCNSVLAN_AP 2791 0xae7 VLAN bound to Admin Partition cannot be configured as SYNC/NS VLAN.
NSERR_AP_NSVLAN 2792 0xae8 NSVLAN cannot be bound to Admin Partition.
NSERR_VXLAN_VLAN_DIFF_PARTITION 2799 0xaef VXLAN and VLAN belong to different partitions.
NSERR_AP_VXLAN_TUNNEL_NOT_ALLOWED 2800 0xaf0 IPtunnel of type vxlan cannot be configured in non default partition
NSERR_VXLAN_CONFIG_INPART 2801 0xaf1 This vxlan config not supported in non-default partition.
NSERR_VXLAN_OTHER_PARTITION 2802 0xaf2 Specified vxlan is already bound to some other partition.
NSERR_VXLAN_VLAN_BIND 2803 0xaf3 When vxlan extends vlan, these operations should be done on vlan
NSERR_VXLAN_IP_BINDING_CURPART 2804 0xaf4 IP binding to vxlan should be done in vxlan partition alone
NSERR_VXLAN_BOUNDTO_PARTITION 2805 0xaf5 Specified vxlan is already bound to the partition.
NSERR_DYNROUTING_PARTITION 2806 0xaf6 Dynamic Routing should be enabled or disabled in vlan/vxlan partition
NSERR_AP_SHAREDVLAN_VXLAN 2807 0xaf7 Shared vlan cannot be bound/unbound to/from a vxlan.
NSERR_AP_VLAN_VXLAN_EXIST 2808 0xaf8 The specified VLAN cannot be shared to a partition because it is extended by a vxlan .
NSERR_AP_STATIC_ARP_ND6_VXLAN_NOT_ALLOWED 2809 0xaf9 Static arp/nd6 entries cannot be added with vxlan in non default partition
NSERR_AP_MEM_MIN_LIMIT 2810 0xafa Partitions memory limit cannot be less than 5MB
NSERR_AP_BDGGRP_BINDING_NOT_ALLOWED 2811 0xafb The specified BridgeGroup cannot be bound to a partition because one of its member VLAN is configured as untagged member of interface.
NSERR_AP_NOT_LOCAL_ADMIN_PMAC 2812 0xafc Local-admin bit must be set for Partition MAC address.
NSERR_AP_NOMEM 2813 0xafd Cannot allocate memory. The total memory budgeted across all partitions will exceed the system capacity.

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