Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_RISE_NOT_ENABLED 3473 0xd91 Feature RISE is not enabled
NSERR_RISE_NS_MODE_APBR_DISABLED 3474 0xd92 Operation not permitted as ns mode RISE_APBR is disabled. Retry after ns mode RISE_ABPR is enabled
NSERR_RISE_NS_MODE_RHI_DISABLED 3475 0xd93 Operation not permitted as ns mode RISE_RHI is disabled. Retry after ns mode RISE_RHI is enabled
NSERR_RISE_RHI_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 3476 0xd94 RISE RHI mode is not implemented
NSERR_RISE_NOT_LICENSED 3477 0xd95 RISE cannot be enabled in Standard NS license
NSERR_RISE_DISABLED_ALREADY 3478 0xd96 RISE mode is already disabled
NSERR_RISE_WARN_DIRECT_DISABLE 3479 0xd97 Disabling direct mode with one or more active RISE profile(s) on DIRECT ATTACH mode may cause corresponding RISE profile(s) to not come UP on reboot
NSERR_RISE_WARN_INDIRECT_DISABLE 3480 0xd98 Disabling indirect mode will cause any active RISE profile(s) to go down

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