Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_SLESSLB_LBMETHOD_NOTSUPPORTED 1280 0x500 Incompatible LB method for sessionless vserver
NSERR_SLESSLB_PERSIST_NOTSUPPORTED 1281 0x501 Incompatible persistence method for sessionless vserver
NSERR_SLESSLB_TYPE_NOTSUPPORTED 1282 0x502 Sessionless vserver must be of type ANY, DNS or UDP
NSERR_SLESSLB_MODE_NOTSUPPORTED 1283 0x503 Sessionless vserver must have MAC or IPTUNNEL mode set
NSERR_SLESSLB_SVC_USIPNOTSET 1284 0x504 Service bound to a sessionless vserver must have UseSourceIP mode enabled
NSERR_WILDCARDVIP_LBMETHOD_INVAL 1286 0x506 Invalid LB method for a wildcard vserver
NSERR_WILDCARDVIP_PERSIST_INVAL 1287 0x507 Invalid persistence policy for a wildcard vserver
NSERR_LB_SO_THRESHOLD 1288 0x508 Spill-over threshold should be a non-zero value
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_USIP 1289 0x509 Service must have Use Source IP option set in order to be bound to a connection failover enabled virtual server
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_SERVICE 1290 0x50a Connection failover can only be enabled on a virtual server of service type ANY
NSERR_LB_SO_DYNAMICCON_THRESHOLD 1291 0x50B Spill-over threshold cannot be set for dynamic connection spill-over method
NSERR_LB_SO_ADDRVIP 1292 0x50C DYNAMICCONNECTION spill-over cannot be set on a non-LB vserver
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_NOTFOR_SLESS 1293 0x50d Connection Failover is not supported for sessionless lb vserver\n
NSERR_NEWSVC_PERCENT_CAPPED 1294 0x50e Percentage value of requests capped at 100
NSERR_SIP_NOCALLID 1296 0x510 Missing Call-ID header field
NSERR_SIP_NOVIA 1297 0x511 Missing Via header field
NSERR_SIP_NOCSEQ 1298 0x512 Missing CSeq header field
NSERR_SIP_NOTO 1299 0x513 Missing To header field
NSERR_SIP_NOFROM 1300 0x514 Missing From header field
NSERR_SIP_NOMAX_FORWARDS 1301 0x515 Missing Max-Forwards header field
NSERR_SIP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 1302 0x516 Service unavailable
NSERR_SVC_NOT_BOUND 1303 0x517 Service not bound to Vserver
NSERR_SVCTYPE_MISMATCH 1304 0x518 Service type mismatch between the vserver and service
NSERR_CH_CON_NOT_ALLOWED 1305 0x519 CONNECTION header cannot be set
NSERR_LBPROFILE_DBS 3572 0xdf4 DBSLB setting of LB profile cannot be changed with vservers associated with it
NSERR_LBPROFILE_EXIST 3573 0xdf5 LB profile already exists
NSERR_LBPROFILE_NOENT 3574 0xdf6 LB profile doesnt exist
NSERR_LBPROFILE_NOMEM 3575 0xdf7 Cannot allocate memory for LB profile
NSERR_LBPROFILE_VSERVERSET 3576 0xdf8 Cannot set vserver params which is associated with LB profile
NSERR_CH_INCOMPLETE_HDR 1312 0x520 Custom Header string should end with CRLF
NSERR_SPILLOVERDISABLED 1313 0x521 No spillover on the vserver due to max client setting 0on a bound service
NSERR_MAXTIMEEXCEEDED 1314 0x522 Maximum time value for interval or responsetimeout or downtime is exceeded, rounding to maximum
NSERR_SCINVALPROTO 1315 0x523 Cannot bind SC policy to non-HTTP service or vserver
NSERR_ROOTREC 1316 0x524 Atleast one nameserver record should exist for the root domain
NSERR_ROOT_GLUEREC 1317 0x525 Root domain nameserver address record should have atleast one ip address
NSERR_VIPINSERT_NOT_SUPPORTED 1356 0x54c Vserver IP and port header insertion option not supported on this vserver.
NSERR_VSVR_ALRDY_BOUND 1318 0x526 This vserver is already bound to a WLM
NSERR_INVALID_WLM_BINDING 1319 0x527 Only LB vservers are allowed to bound to WLM
NSERR_VSVR_NOT_BOUND 1320 0x528 Vserver not bound to WLM
NSERR_WLM_EXISTS 1321 0x529 WLM already configured on this IP, port
NSERR_INVALID_TIMEOUT 1322 0x52a Invalid persistence timeout: default timeout assigned
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_INCMODE 1323 0x52b Stateful connection failover cannot be enabled in INC mode
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_TCPB 1324 0x52c Stateful connection failover cannot be enabled on a vserver that binds services with TCP buffering enabled
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_TCPB_SVC_BIND 1326 0x52e Service with TCP buffering enabled cannot be bound to a vserver with stateful connection failover enabled
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_TCPB_SVC_PARAM 1327 0x52f TCP buffering cannot be enabled on a service bound to a vserver with stateful connection failover enabled
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_SERVICE_STATEFULL 1328 0x530 Stateful connection failover cannot be enabled on a vserver of this service type
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_SSL_SVC_BIND 1329 0x531 SSL TCP service cannot be bound to a TCP vserver with stateful connection failover enabled
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_HA_INC_NODE 1330 0x532 Ha node with INC mode enabled cannot be added to the system that has vserver(s) with stateful connection failover enabled
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_SSL_SVC 1331 0x533 Stateful connection failover cannot be enabled on a vserver that binds services of type SSL_TCP
NSERR_INVALID_PERSISTENCE 1332 0x534 Invalid Persistence type
NSERR_RTSPSESSION_INVALID 1333 0x535 Invalid RTSP session entry
NSERR_LB_METHOD_SAMEAS_BACKUP_METHOD 1334 0x536 Backup load balancing method cannot be the same as the primary load balancing method
NSERR_SERVER_EXIST 1335 0x537 Server already exists
NSERR_LB_SO_HEALTH 1336 0x538 HEALTH spill-over cannot be set on a non-LB vserver
NSERR_REQ_RULE_MISSING 1337 0x539 Request Rule is required, when Response rule is specified.
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_BINDLO 1338 0x53a Loopback service cannot be bound to vserver with connection failover enabled \n
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_SETWITHLO 1339 0x53b Connection Failover cannot be set to STATEFUL/STATELESS on vserver with bound loopback service\n
NSERR_REDIRECT_URL_NOT_APPLICABLE 1340 0x53c Redirect URL cannot be configured on this vserver.
NSERR_CONNFAILOVER_NOT_SUPPORTED 1342 0x53e Connection Failover is not supported for pattern based vservers
NSERR_NOBIND_ONPUSH 1343 0x53f Bindings not allowed on push vserver
NSERR_PUSH_VSVR 1344 0x540 Option cannot be set on push vserver
NSERR_ONLY_HTTPSSL 1345 0x541 Option can only be set on http/ ssl vserver
NSERR_PUSH_BIND_EXISTS 1346 0x542 A push vserver is already bound. Unbind before binding new vserver
NSERR_SET_PUSHVS_ONLY 1347 0x543 Push vserver should be of type push or ssl_push only
NSERR_SLESS_NO_SUPPORT 1348 0x544 Not supported for sessionless vservers
NSERR_LISTEN_POLICY_BIND 1351 0X547 Error in binding listen policy to vserver(normal vserver already present)
NSERR_NO_LISTEN_POLICY_FOR_DUMMYVS 1352 0x548 Cannot bind listen policy to dummy vservers
NSERR_LISTEN_POLICY_BIND_PRESENT 1353 0X549 Error in binding listen policy to vserver(vserver with new priority already present)
NSERR_NO_LISTEN_PRI 1354 0X54a Error in binding listen priority to normal vserver
NSERR_NORMAL_VS_NONE_LISTENPOL 1355 0x54b The vserver already has None Listen Policy\n
NSERR_NO_LISPRI_FOR_NONE_LISPOL 1357 0x54d None listenpolicy doesnot have listen priority\n
NSERR_INVALID_POLICY_STRING 1358 0x54e Invalid listenpolicy entered\n
NSERR_NODATALENOFFFORVS 1359 0x54f Dataoffset and datalength are not required for this vserver\n
NSERR_LBGRPPERSISWITHRDP 1285 0x505 Persistency is not applicable for RDP vserver or LB group which has RDP vserver part of it
NSERR_CS_SOTHRESHOLD 1370 0x55a Spillover threshold must be given with spillover method in Content Switching vserver
NSERR_INVALID_INSERTVSERVERIPPORT 1392 0x570 V6TOV4MAPPING is not applicable to ipv4 vserver
NSERR_LB_SERVER_NOTEXIST 1388 0x56c The Target LB Vserver does not exist
NSERR_BOUNDTO_CSACT 1371 0x55b The Vserver referred by Content Switching action cannot be removed
NSERR_BOUNDTO_CSPOLICY 1372 0x55c The Content Switching Action bound to Content Switching Policy cannot be removed
NSERR_INVALID_MULTIPLEBIND 1373 0x55d Multiple Bind not supported for Content Switching Advanced policies without action
NSERR_CSPOLICY_HASACTION 1374 0x55e LB vserver/gotoPriorityExpression/invoke not allowed during bind when content swtiching policy already has an action.
NSERR_CS_NOTSUPPORT_LB 1375 0x55f The Protocol of given LB vserver is not supported by Content Switching action
NSERR_ACTION_NOTNOOP_CS 1386 0x56a Do not provide gotoPriorityExpression/invoke because policy has action
NSERR_CSPOLICY_NOACTION 1387 0x56b Either LB vserver or GotoPriorityExpression or Invoke must be provided while binding a Content Switching policy without action.
NSERR_CSPEPOLICY_SETNOACTION 1389 0x56d Content Switching classic policy does not support action
NSERR_POLICY_USED_FOR_INVOKE 1390 0x56e Do not give target LB beacuse the policy has been bound to multiple entities
NSERR_SPECIFY_BACKUP_NODE 1393 0x571 Please specify the backup node.
NSERR_SAME_NODES 1394 0x572 Owner and backup nodes need to different.
NSERR_INCOMPATIBLE_POLICY_SERVER_TYPE 1391 0x56f Content switching vserver service type is not compatible with given policy expression
NSERR_PEPOLICY_BIND_NOTALLOWED 1395 0x573 Binding of classic content switching policy to content switching policylabel is not allowed
NSERR_TCPKA_IDLETIME_TOO_LOW 1396 0x574 Connection idle time cannot be lower than keep-alive probe interval
NSERR_OWNER_NODE_NOT_IN_CLUSTER 1397 0x575 Owner node is not in the cluster config or is NOT ACTIVE
NSERR_BACKUP_NODE_NOT_IN_CLUSTER 1398 0x576 Backup node is not in the cluster config or is NOT ACTIVE
NSERR_SPOTTED_VSERVER_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STANDALONE 1399 0x577 Spotted vserver configuration not supported in standalone or HA deplyoment
NSERR_SPOTTED_CONFIG_NO_MATCH 1400 0x578 Spotted config of the backup verser does not match the vserver
NSERR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 1401 0x579 Skip persistency is supported only for ANY and UDP service types
NSERR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IP 1402 0x57a BYPASS is not supported for IP based vservers
NSERR_OWNER_NODE_NOT_SET 1403 0x57b Owner node should be specified for cluster
NSERR_INVALID_RENAME 1404 0x57c Rename is supported only for Advanced policies
NSERR_INVAL_LOCAL_NAMSVR_TYPE 1405 0x57d Only UDP based local nameservers are allowed
NSERR_INVALID_TFTPORT 1406 0x57e Invalid port for tftp vserver
NSERR_NO_RENAME 1407 0x57f No Rename Supported
NSERR_USE_BINDCR_CMD 88 0x58 Use Bind CR command to bind CR Vserver instead of Bind CS
NSERR_NOENT_AS_PROFILE 1408 0x580 No such Autoscale profile
NSERR_LBREFFERED_IN_CSBINDING 1409 0x581 Cannot remove LB Vserver which is reffered in CS policy bindings
NSERR_DEFAULTLB_NOT_BOUND 1410 0x582 default LB mentioned is not bound
NSERR_NG_BIND_ENTITY 1411 0x583 Error binding the node group to an entity
NSERR_ENTITY_BOUND_TO_ANOTHER_NG 1412 0x584 The specified entity is already bound to a different node group
NSERR_ENTITY_ALREADY_BOUND 1413 0x585 The specified entity is already bound to this node group
NSERR_ENTITY_NOT_BOUND_TO_NG 1414 0x586 The specified entity is not bound to any node group
NSERR_NG_NOT_FOUND 1415 0x587 Nodegroup is not found
NSERR_NG_HAS_BINDINGS 1416 0x588 Nodegroup cannot be deleted, it has entities bound to it
NSERR_VSERVER_CANNOT_BIND 1417 0x589 Vserver cannot bind to the nodegroup
NSERR_VSERVER_CANNOT_UNBIND 1418 0x58a Vserver cannot unbind to the nodegroup
NSERR_NG_CANNOT_BE_STRICT 1419 0x58b Nodegroup cannot be made strict as there are no nodes bound to it, but entities are bound
NSERR_NG_STRICT_AND_ZERODEPTH 1420 0x58c Cannot bind an entity to a strict nodegroup with no nodes bound to it
NSERR_UNBINDING_LAST_NODE_FROM_STRICT_NG 1421 0x58d Cannot unbind the last node from a strict nodegroup with entities bound to it
NSERR_NG_ALREADY_ADDED 1422 0x58e Nodegroup is already added
NSERR_NG_ENTITY_NOMEM 1423 0x58f No memory to establish entity to nodegroup association
NSERR_NG_MAX_CONFIGURED 1424 0x590 Cannot add nodegroup; maximum number of nodegroups already added
NSERR_INVAL_CS_ACTION 1425 0x591 Action given is not a CS action
NSERR_SET_CSACTION_DISALLOWED 1426 0x592 Set disallowed for CS action from Target LB/targetVserver to Target Expression and vice versa
NSERR_RETAIN_VLAN 1427 0x593 macmoderetainvlan applicable only for wildcard(IP and port) macmode vserver. Disable macmoderetainvlan attribute to change the mode of vserver
NSERR_BIND_BDGGROUP_SYNCVLAN 1428 0x594 Sync vlan cannot be bound to bridgegroup
NSERR_DEL_SYNCVLAN 1429 0x595 Sync vlan cannot be deleted
NSERR_CSPEPOL_PARTITION_NOT_ALLOWED 1430 0x596 Current NON-default partition only supports Advanced Polices.
NSERR_LESSTHAN_PPE 1438 0x59e Max/Min Reusepool connections should be greater than or equal to running Packet Engines.
NSERR_MCLIMITS 1295 0x50f Dummy error to avoid issues when upgrade done from 9.3.
NSERR_SIP_BAD_REQUEST 1431 0x597 Invalid SIP request.
NSERR_SIP_NO_CONTENT_LEN 1432 0x598 No content length present.
NSERR_SIP_RET_MAX_INCOM_LEN 1433 0x599 SIP InComp max limit reached.
NSERR_SIP_RET_RETRY 1434 0x59a SIP packet retry.
NSERR_SIP_RET_NO_MEM 1435 0x59b SIP no memory available.
NSERR_SIP_RET_HEADER_NOT_COMPLETE 1436 0x59c Incomplete SIP headers.
NSERR_SIP_RET_FAILURE 1437 0x59d SIP operation failed.
NSERR_CS_GSLB_DEFAULT 1439 0x59f Default vserver type mismatch
NSERR_CS_GSLB_DNSRT_MISMATCH 1306 0x51a DNSrecordType of CS GSLB vserver and Target Vserver should be same.
NSERR_CS_GSLB_INVALID_TARGET 1307 0x51b CS Vserver of type GSLB can only have GSLB vserver as Target.
NSERR_CS_GSLB_POLICY_NO_ACTION 1308 0x51c CS Policy has no action or CS action doesnt have targetVserver
NSERR_GSLB_SVC_ALREADY_BOUND_TO_CS 1309 0x51d GSLB service bound to targetVserver is already bound to CS vserver
NSERR_CS_POLICY_NO_RULE 1310 0x51e Binding CS policy to CS GSLB vserver requires rule
NSERR_VIP_BACKUP_ISCSGSLB 1311 0x51f CS GSLB vserver cannot be backup of a non- CS GSLB vserver
NSERR_VSR_BOUND 1325 0x52d Service/servicegroup is bound to one or more vserver. Please unbind and retry the operation. Also check allowBoundSvcRemovaloption in lb parameter to change this behaviour.
NSERR_SG_AUTOSCALE_REQ_SRV 1504 0x5e0 Autoscale DNS must be enabled on servicegroup for binding server of SRV querytype
NSERR_SG_PORT_REQ 1505 0x5e1 Port is not specified
NSERR_SRV_PORT_NREQ 1506 0x5e2 Port should not be specified for DBS server of SRV querytype
NSERR_DBS_SPECIFIC_PARAMS 1507 0x5e3 This parameter can only be used for DBS type servers
NSERR_LW_CPX 1687 0x697 Operation not permitted

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