Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_CIPROF_INTERFACE_NOT_ALLOWED 2436 0x984 IngressInterface and Ingressvlan are not allowed for this contentinspection profile type
NSERR_XS_INTERNAL_RESOURCE_CREATION 3794 0xed2 Resource creation failed, internal error.
NSERR_XS_INVALID_SERVERNAME 3795 0xed3 Unsupported service type. Supported types are TCP and SSL_TCP for ICAP, TCP for INLINEINSPECTION and ANY for MIRROR.
NSERR_CI_ACT_IP_PORT_NOT_ALLOWED 3820 0xeec IP and Port cant set be for this contentinspection action type
NSERR_CI_ACT_SNAME_SIP_CONFLICT 3796 0xed4 Server name and ip cant both be set for this content inspection entity.
NSERR_XS_INVALID_ICAPPROFILE_NAME 3797 0xed5 Invalid ICAP profile name.
NSERR_CI_PROFILE_EXISTS 3798 0xed6 ContentInspection profile exists with the given name.
NSERR_CIPROF_INUSE 3801 0xed9 Cant change MODE as the ContentInspection profile is in use.
NSERR_XS_INVALID_CIPROFILE_NAME 3766 0xeb6 Invalid contentInspection profile name.
NSERR_CI_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE_TYPE 3767 0xeb7 Invalid Content Inspection type specified.
NSERR_CI_NO_PROFILE 3817 0xee9 Content Inspection profile does not exist.
NSERR_CI_INVALID_CIC 3821 0xeed Content Inspection callout does not exist or type didnt match.
NSERR_CI_ACT_MISSING_PROFILE 3823 0xeef ContentInspectionProfile is not set on service(s)

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