Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_SSL_FIPSCARDLOCKED 3584 0xe00 FIPS card locked due to three unsuccessful login attempts
NSERR_SSL_DOMINCOMPAT 3585 0xe01 Certificate is registered to a different domain; use the no domain checkoption to force the operation
NSERR_SSL_NOMTHDCHANGE 3586 0xe02 Cannot change refresh method of CRL
NSERR_SSL_URLSRVRNEEDED 3587 0xe03 Either URL or server-IP required on CRL
NSERR_SSL_INVALID_URL 3588 0xe04 Invalid URL
NSERR_SSL_MIXPARAMS 3589 0xe05 LDAP and HTTP parameters cannot both be specified
NSERR_SSL_PKEY_MINSIZE 3590 0xe06 Certificate of size smaller than 512 bits not supported
NSERR_SSL_SYNCINPROGRESS 3591 0xe07 Another synchronization is already in process, please try again later
NSERR_SSL_SYNCFAILED 3592 0xe08 Synchronization failed, please try again
NSERR_SSL_CIPHGRP_REFCNT 3593 0xe09 Cipher group has bound entities or is referenced by an SSL vserver or SSL service
NSERR_SSL_CVM_NODSA 3594 0xe0A Loading DSA(DSS) certificate and key not supported on this platform
NSERR_CERTHASHHEADER 3595 0xe0B CertHash header tag mandatory if certHash is enabled
NSERR_SSL_CRLINREFRESH 3596 0xe0C CRL refresh in progress, details cannot be displayed
NSERR_SSL_CRLMEM_EXCEEDS 3597 0xe0D CRL memory exhausted. Cannot load any more CRLs
NSERR_SSL_CRLINDELETION 3598 0xe0E CRL deletion in progress, details cannot be displayed
NSERR_SSL_INDELETE_NOREFRESH 3599 0xe0F CRL deletion in progress, cannot be refreshed
NSERR_SSL_INREFRESH_NODELETE 3600 0xe10 CRL refresh in progress, cannot be removed
NSERR_NOMIX 3601 0xe11 Cannot specify both HTTP data insertion and SSL actions
NSERR_NOPOLICY_NONTRSVC 3602 0xe12 Cannot bind SSL policy to SSL backend service
NSERR_SSL_SSLPOL_BIND_CONST 3603 0xe13 Cannot bind non-SSL policy to SSL vserver/service
NSERR_SSL_NO_USABLE_CIPHERS 3604 0xe14 No usable ciphers configured on the SSL vserver/service
NSERR_SSL_CERT_NOT_CA 3605 0xe15 Not a CA certificate
NSERR_SSL_CACERT_NO_CRLSIGN 3606 0xe16 Specified certificate is either not a CA cert, or does not have privileges to issue CRLs
NSERR_SSL_CRL_EXPIRED 3607 0xe17 CRL has expired
NSERR_SSL_CRL_NOTYET_VALID 3608 0xe18 CRL is not yet valid
NSERR_SSL_PARSING_DELTA_CRL_EXTN 3609 0xe19 Parsing of Delta-CRL extension failed
NSERR_SSL_DELTA_CRL_MISSING_BASE_CRL 3610 0xe1A Base-CRL for the specified Delta-CRL is missing
NSERR_NOFIPSCIPHER 3611 0xe1B Specified cipher/cipher-alias is not FIPS-approved
NSERR_NOFIPSCIPHERGRP 3612 0xe1C Cipher group does not contain all FIPS-approved ciphers
NSERR_NONFIPSCIPHERTOGRP 3613 0xe1D Cannot add non FIPS approved cipher to cipher group
NSERR_NONFIPSALIASTOGRP 3614 0xe1E Cannot add non FIPS approved cipher alias to cipher group
NSERR_NONFIPSGROUPTOGRP 3615 0xe1F Cannot add non FIPS cipher group to another cipher group
NSERR_SSL_IMPORT_FIPSKEY_NAME_MISMATCH 3616 0xe20 Specified FIPS key name does not match with the exported FIPS key name
NSERR_SSL_PKEY_SIZE_CA 3617 0xe21 CA certificate of size greater than 4096 bits not supported
NSERR_SSL_CRL_PORT_MISMATCH 3618 0xe22 Port specified in URL does not match -port parameter
NSERR_SSL_PKEY_SIZE_VPX 3619 0xe23 Certificate with key size greater than RSA512 or DSA512 bits not supported
NSERR_SSL_DH_SIZE_VPX 3620 0xe24 DH params of size greater than 512 bits not supported
NSERR_NOENT_CIPHER 3621 0xe25 No such cipher/cipherAlias/cipherGroup
NSERR_FIPSFWWRONGMAJOR 3622 0xe26 The current firmwares major version is not supported for update operation
NSERR_FIPSFWWRONGMINOR 3623 0xe27 The current firmwares minor version is not supported for update operation
NSERR_FIPSFWUPDATED 3624 0xe28 The current firmware is already updated to 4.6.1
NSERR_SSL_PENDING_CMDS 3625 0xe29 Other commands (card health monitoring/traffic) are pending to FIPS card. Please try the firmware update command after some time
NSERR_FIPSFWUPDATEDOREBOOT 3626 0xe2A Operation not permitted - FIPS card firmware update done, please reboot the system
NSERR_SSL_SNI_NOTENABLE 3627 0xe2B SNI feature not enabled on the vserver/service
NSERR_SSL_NO_CN 3628 0xe2C CommonName not present in certificate, it is must for a certificate to use for SNI
NSERR_SSL_DUP_SNICERT 3629 0xe2D Trying to bind SNI certificate with duplicate CommonName, operation failed
NSERR_SSL_SNI_NOTVALID_SERV 3630 0xe2E Operation not permitted - SNI feature not supported on internal service
NSERR_SSL_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_PLATFORM 3631 0xe2F Feature not supported on this platform
NSERR_OCSP_REFERENCES 3632 0xe30 OCSP responder is bound to a vserver/certkey pair. Use unbind ssl certkey.
NSERR_OCSP_SIGNER_NOKEY 3633 0xe31 Signing certificate must also have a private key.
NSERR_SSL_NOT_SUPPORTED 3634 0xe32 OCSP responder must be an HTTP server; SSL is not supported.
NSERR_OCSP_TOO_MANY_RESPONDERS 3635 0xe33 Too many OCSP responders configured to add another. Please delete some and try again.
NSERR_OCSP_NO_DNS_SERVER_CONFIGURED 3636 0xe34 Unable to resolve DNS name.
NSERR_SSL_DUP_SNICERT_BRKLINK 3637 0xe35 Some of the existing SNI cert bindings are broken due to presence of certificate with duplicate Common Name.
NSERR_SSL_NO_CN_BRLLINK 3638 0xe36 All exitsing SNI Cert bindings are broken during update operation due to missing Common Name.
NSERR_NGFIPSRESETREBOOT 3639 0xe37 Operation not permitted - FIPS card was reset, please reboot the system
NSERR_NGFIPSINITREBOOT 3640 0xe38 Operation not permitted - FIPS card was initialized, please reboot the system
NSERR_FIPSCMDTIMEOUT 3641 0xe39 Operation timedout on the FIPS card, please try again
NSERR_SSL_SIMTIMEOUT 3642 0xe3a Operation timed out or repeated, please wait for 10 mins and redo the SIM/HA configuration steps.
NSERR_SSL_NGFIPS_QFULL 3643 0xe3b FIPS card command queue full. Please try again later
NSERR_SSL_NOMEM_VSVRSRVLISTNODE 3644 0xe3c Failed to allocate memory for CertkeyVserverServList Node.
NSERR_SSL_CERTKEY_SIZE64 3645 0xe3d Certificate with key size (modulus) that is not multiple of 512 bits is not supported
NSERR_SNI_ATK 3646 0xe3e Host header field in the HTTP request does not match with the SNI domain name
NSERR_SNI_NOHOSTHDR 3647 0xe3f Host header missing in the HTTP header for SNI enabled session
NSERR_CRL_SHMEM_ALLOC_FAIL 3648 0xe40 Crl node allocation in the shared mem is failed
NSERR_SSL_PE_NO_SET_UNSET 3649 0xe41 Set/Unset operation not supported for classic SSL polices
NSERR_SSL_NOT_CTL_POL 3650 0xe42 Not a control policy
NSERR_SSL_NOT_DATA_POL 3651 0xe43 Not a data policy
NSERR_SSL_TYPE_REQD 3652 0xe44 Type is required
NSERR_SSL_NOT_PI_POL 3653 0xe45 Advanced policy attributes specified with classic policy
NSERR_SSL_PE_POL_POL_LBL 3654 0xe46 Cannot bind classic policy to policy label
NSERR_SSL_CERT_MISSING_PARAM 3655 0xe47 Required parameters missing in the certificate. Please check the certificate for completeness
NSERR_SSL_NOMEM_CERTKEY_OCSPRESP_LISTNODE 3656 0xe48 Failed to allocate memory for CertkeyOCSPRespList Node.
NSERR_SSL_OCSP_DUPLICATE 3657 0xe49 An ocspResponder is already bound with the specified priority.
NSERR_SSL_BIND_CP 3658 0xe4a Binding of SSL classic policy is not supported, use equivalent advanced SSL policy
NSERR_SSL_ADD_CP 3659 0xe4b Adding SSL classic policy is not supported, use equivalent advanced rule
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_IC_FILE_EXISTS 3660 0xe4c Certificate file for intermediate certificate already exists.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_SCERT_MISSING 3661 0xe4d Server certificate must be placed first in certificate bundle file.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_CERT_MISSING 3662 0xe4e No certificates present in the certificate bundle file.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_FAILED 3663 0xe4f Processing of certificate bundle file failed.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_PARSE_ERR 3664 0xe50 Unable to parse the certificate bundle file.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_MAX_CERT 3665 0xe51 Exceeded maximum Intermediate certificates limit of 9.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_MAX_KEY 3666 0xe52 Only one private-key is allowed in the certificate bundle file.
NSERR_SSL_BUNDLE_IC_FILE_CREATE_FAILED 3667 0xe53 Intermediate certificate file creation failed.
NSERR_SSL_SKIPCA_OPNOTPER 3668 0xe54 skipCA is not permitted for this entity.
NSERR_SSL_ISSUER_MISMATCH 3669 0xe55 Certificate Issuer mismatch
NSERR_SSL_SET_POLICY_ACTION_TYPE 3670 0xe56 Action type cannot be changed from the previous configured action type
NSERR_SSL_DTLS_NOTSUPP 3671 0xe57 Server/Service of type DTLS is not supported on this platform
NSERR_SSL_INVALID_CN_NAME 3672 0xe58 Invalid Common Name.
NSERR_SSL_ECC_NOT_SUPPORTED 3673 0xe59 ECDHE ciphers supported only on FE SSL entities on VPX, MPX and BE MPX
NSERR_SSL_NO_PROTOCOL_ENABLED 3674 0xe5a SSL or TLS protocols not enabled on the service.
NSERR_SSL_SSL2_NOT_SUPPORTED 3675 0xe5b SSLv2 not supported in this release
NSERR_DTLS_PROFILE_REFEXT 3676 0xe5c DTLS profile is referenced by a vserver or front-end service.
NSERR_SSL_NO_ECC_CURVES 3677 0xe5d No ECC curves bound for ECDHE ciphers.
NSERR_CRYPTODEV_MAX_LIMIT 3678 0xe5e Crypto Device count exceeds maximum available.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_ATTACHED 3679 0xe5f Operation not permitted. Use set ssl profile for setting these parameters.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_USED 3680 0xe60 Profile is being used by Virtual Server, Service or Monitor.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_NOT_VAILD_PARAM 3681 0xe61 Specified parameters are not applicable for this type of SSL profile.
NSERR_IMPORT_SSL_INVALID_DHFILE_ERROR_OBJECT 3682 0xe62 Import failed:DH file being imported is invalid.
NSERR_IMPORT_SSL_INVALID_CRLFILE_ERROR_OBJECT 3683 0xe63 Import failed:CRL file being imported is invalid.
NSERR_IMPORT_SSL_INVALID_CERTFILE_ERROR_OBJECT 3684 0xe64 Import failed:Certificate file being imported is invalid
NSERR_IMPORT_SSL_INVALID_KEYFILE_ERROR_OBJECT 3685 0xe65 Import failed:Key file being imported is invalid
NSERR_FIPSFW_FILEPATH 3686 0xe66 Invalid firmware file path
NSERR_FIPSFW_FILEOPEN 3687 0xe67 Unable to open firmware file
NSERR_FIPSFW_FILEIO 3688 0xe68 Read error occurred for firmware file
NSERR_FIPSFW_FSTAT 3689 0xe69 Failed to get status of firmware file
NSERR_FIPSFW_AUTH_FILEPATH 3690 0xe6a Invalid firmware signature file path
NSERR_FIPSFW_AUTH_FILEOPEN 3691 0xe6b Unable to open firmware signature file
NSERR_FIPSFW_AUTH_FILEIO 3692 0xe6c Read error occurred for firmware signature file
NSERR_FIPSFW_AUTH_FSTAT 3693 0xe6d Failed to get status of firmware signature file
NSERR_FIPSFW_BEGIN_ERROR 3694 0xe6e Firmware update process failed BEGIN command
NSERR_FIPSFW_UPDATE_ERROR 3695 0xe6f Firmware update process failed UPDATE command
NSERR_FIPSFW_END_ERROR 3696 0xe70 Firmware update process failed END command
NSERR_FIPSFW_STATE_ERROR 3697 0xe71 Firmware update process failed, invalid state
NSERR_FIPSFW_INVALID_CHUNK_TYPE 3698 0xe72 Firmware update process failed, invalid chunk type
NSERR_SSL_OCSP_WITH_CK_HSMKEY 3699 0xe73 Configuration of OCSP signing certificate with external HSM key not supported.
NSERR_SSL_HSMKEY_DEFLOCATION 3700 0xe74 Input HSM Key Simple file not present under the default directory /var/opt/nfast/kmdata/local/
NSERR_SSL_HSMKEY_IDENT_MISMATCH 3701 0xe75 HSM Key Name must be same as HSM Key Ident
NSERR_SSL_HSMKEY_DTLS 3702 0xe76 HSM Key bind with DTLS Vserver is not supported.
NSERR_SSL_HSMKEY_BUNDLE 3703 0xe77 Addition of certificate-bundle with external HSM Key is not supported.
NSERR_CPE_EXPRESSION_PARTITION_INVALID 3704 0xe78 Classic expression is not supported in current partition.
NSERR_AP_INVALID_EXPRESSION 3705 0xe79 Expression value not supported.
NSERR_SSL_DH_BUSY 3706 0xe7a DH Param in use. Please try later…
NSERR_FIPSFW22_MINKEYSIZE 3707 0xe7b Key size less than 2048 is not supported on FIPS Firmware Version 2.2.
NSERR_SSL_MAXSAN 3708 0xe7c Maximum number of SANs reached
NSERR_SSL_BADSNICERT 3709 0xe7d Bad SNI certificate
NSERR_SSL_AESGCM_SHA2_NOT_SUPPORTED 3710 0xe7e SHA2 ciphers not supported on VPX and FIPS
NSERR_SSL_NOCIPHERGRP 3711 0xe7f Cipher Group does not exist.
NSERR_SSL_SVCVSR_NOT_FOUND 3712 0xe80 No SSL vserver/service found with this name.
NSERR_SSL_DEF_DTLS_PROFILE 3713 0xe81 Cannot modify default DTLS profile.
NSERR_SSL_NOSSLV2REDIRECTOPT_ON_FIPS 3714 0xe82 Sslv2 Redirect option is not permitted on MPX-FIPS platform.
NSERR_SSL_OP_ON_NONFIPS_NOT_PERM 3715 0xe83 Operation permitted only on MPX-FIPS platform.
NSERR_SSL_LOAD_KEYS 3716 0xe84 Loading of internal keys failed.
NSERR_SSL_PASSWORD_DECODE 3717 0xe85 Decode of the encrypted passphrase failed.
NSERR_SSL_NOCERT_FILE 3718 0xe86 Certificate file name not specified.
NSERR_SSL_DEFAULT_CERT_DEL 3719 0xe87 Cannot delete internal default certificate.
NSERR_SSL_FIPS_CERT 3720 0xe88 FIPS certificate cannot be bound as a CA certificate, install the certificate without the FIPS key.
NSERR_SSL_CERTKEY_HSM 3721 0xe89 Cannot bind a certificate with HSM key to a service.
NSERR_SSL_DEFAULT_CERT_BIND 3722 0xe8a Cannot bind internal default certificate.
NSERR_SSL_CMD_DEPRECATED 3723 0xe8b Command deprecated, operation not applicable to this platform.
NSERR_SSL_NO_LIC 3724 0xe8c Only export ciphers are allowed without proper SSL license.
NSERR_SSL_DTLS_NA 3725 0xe8d Command arguments does not apply to vserver/service of type DTLS.
NSERR_SSL_ECC_SUPPORT 3726 0xe8e ECC curve is not supported for this entity/platform.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_FE 3727 0xe8f Cannot bind front-end profile to a back-end SSL service.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_BE 3728 0xe90 Cannot bind back-end profile to a front-end SSL vserver.
NSERR_SSL_OP_ON_FIPS_WOFW22_NOT_PERM 3729 0xe91 Operation not permitted on MPX-FIPS platform without FIPS firmware version 2.2 or higher.
NSERR_SSL_NONSSL_VSERVER 3730 0xe92 Vserver is not of type SSL.
NSERR_SSL_UDP_DTLS 3731 0xe93 Cannot bind policy to vserver of type DTLS.
NSERR_SSL_TLS11_12_SUPPORT 3732 0xe94 Enabling of TLSv1.1/1.2 is not supported on this entity/platform.
NSERR_SSL_HSM_KEY_SVC_SVCGRP 3733 0xe95 Binding of certificate with HSM key is not supported on back-end service, serviceGroup or monitors.
NSERR_DTLS_PROFILE 3734 0xe96 Cannot bind DTLS profile to a SSL vserver.
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_NO_USABLE_CIPHERS 3735 0xe97 No usable ciphers configured for some of the SSL vserver/service binded to this profile
NSERR_SSL_CIPHGRP_NO_USABLE_CIPHERS 3736 0xe98 No usable ciphers configured for some of the SSL vserver/service binded to this cipher group
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_UNSET_DEFAULT 3737 0xe99 Unsetting a default SSL Profile is not allowed
NSERR_SSL_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ENABLED 3738 0xe9a Disabling ssl default profile is not allowed
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_DEFAULT_DISABLED 3739 0xe9b Operation not permitted. To do this Enable default ssl profile by setting set ssl parameter -defaultProfile E
NSERR_SSL_PROFILE_DEFAULT_ENABLED 3740 0xe9c Operation not permitted. To do this Disable default ssl profile by setting set ssl parameter -defaultProfile D
NSERR_SSL_CIPHER_EXIST_HIGHER_PRI 3741 0xe9d Specified cipher is already bound with higher priority
NSERR_SSL_DEFAULT_PROFILE_PERM 3742 0xe9e Default ssl profile can not be removed
NSERR_SSL_DH_SIZE_16B 3743 0xe9f DH params of size is not 16B aligned
NSERR_SSL_NOCIPHERREDIRECTOPT 3744 0xea0 The cipher redirect option is not supported for SSL Service
NSERR_SSL_NOCLIENTAUTHOPT 3745 0xea1 The client auth option is not supported for SSL Service
NSERR_SSL_NOSSLV2REDIRECTOPT 3746 0xea2 The SSLv2 redirect option is not supported for SSL Service
NSERR_SSL_NONONFIPSCIPHERSOPT 3747 0xea3 The nonFipsCiphers option is not applicable any more
NSERR_SSL_NOCIPHERREDIRECTOPT_ON_FIPS 3748 0xea4 Cipher Redirect option is not permitted on MPX-FIPS platform.
NSERR_SSL_NOSSL2PROTOOPT_ON_FIPS 3749 0xea5 Ssl2 protocol option is not permitted on MPX-FIPS platform.
NSERR_SSL_CANNOT_BIND_VSERVER 3750 0xea6 Front end service cannot be bound to a vserver.
NSERR_SSL_SERVERAUTHNOTSUPP 3751 0xea7 ServerAuth Operation is not supported for front end service.
NSERR_SSL_SERVERAUTH_SNI_REQUIRED 3752 0xea8 Argument pre-requisite missing serverAuth == ENABLED or SNIEnable == ENABLED
NSERR_SSL_CN_REQUIRED 3753 0xea9 Argument pre-requisite missing commonName
NSERR_SSL_DTLSPROFNOTSUPP 3754 0xeaa Cannot set DTLS Profile Name for a ssl service.
NSERR_SSL_PUSHENCNOTSUPP 3755 0xeab Push encryption trigger is not supported for SSL Service.
NSERR_N3FIPS_MINKEYSIZE 3756 0xeac Key size less than 2048 is not supported on N3FIPS
NSERR_N3FIPS_MAXKEYSIZE 3757 0xead Key size more than 3072 is not supported on N3FIPS
NSERR_N3FIPS_MINEXPSIZE 3758 0xeae N3FIPS only supports F4(65537) as an exponent
NSERR_SSL_OCSPNAMENOTSUPP 3759 0xeaf Ocsp responder name should not start with ns_internal.
NSERR_SSL_OCSP_NOT_VALID_PARAM 3760 0xeb0 Specified parameters are not applicable for this type of ocsp responder.
NSERR_SSL_NOOCSPSTAP 3761 0xeb1 Ocsp stapling option is not supported for SSL Service.
NSERR_SSL_CREATE_AIA_OCSP_RESP_FAILED 3762 0xeb2 Failed to create/bind Internal Ocsp responder(using certkey AIA URL).
NSERR_N3FIPDEXUPGRADE 3763 0xeb3 N3FIPS VPX does not support upgrade firmware operation
NSERR_N3FIP_MAXKEYNUM 3764 0xeb4 Maximum Fips keys limit reached
NSERR_FIPSCARDCONFIGED 3765 0xeb5 Fips is already configured, please reset first to set fips again
NSERR_N3FIPSCHANGELIC 3770 0xeba N3FIPS license is changed, please reboot the system
NSERR_SSL_OCSP_SET_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_AIA 3771 0xebb Set operation on internal ocsp entity is not allowed
NSERR_SSL_TLS13_SUPPORT 3775 0xebf Enabling of TLSv1.3 is not supported on this entity/platform.
NSERR_SSL_CLEARTEXTPORT_WARNING 3778 0xec2 Cannot set cleartextport for a ssl service.
NSERR_SSL_DH_SIZE_2048 3780 0xec4 DH params of size greater than 2048 bits not supported on this platform.
NSERR_SSL_DEFAULT_CERT_NAME 3802 0xeda Cannot use this name in non-default partition.
NSERR_SSL_VS_NOT_ALLOWED 3803 0xedb Vserver should be of type: TCP, SSL_BRIDGE or SSL.
NSERR_SSL_CACERTGROUP_EXIST 3566 0xdee CA certificate group already exists.
NSERR_SSL_CACERTGROUP_NOTEXIST 3567 0xdef CA certificate group does not exist.
NSERR_SSL_CACERTGROUP_REF 3579 0xdfb Certificate group is referenced by SSL action(s).
NSERR_SSL_NOT_CACERT 3580 0xdfc Certificate is not a CA certificate.
NSERR_SSL_GROUP_HAS_CACERTKEY 3581 0xdfd CA certificate group already has an entry for this CA certificate-key.
NSERR_SSL_GROUP_HAS_NO_CACERTKEY 3583 0xdff CA certificate group does not have an entry for this CA certificate-key.
NSERR_SSL_SNICERT_INVALID 3805 0xedd Cannot bind SNI cert on an internal and backend service. SNI cert can be bound only to SSL vserver.
NSERR_SSL_NO_CERTKEY_FILE 3807 0xedf CertKey files deleted from file system, do save config, unsaved reboot will not bring deleted certKey files.
NSERR_SSL_NO_PRIVATE_KEY 3827 0xef3 Private Key for the certificate-key pair is not present.

In this article