Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_INTERFACEBOUND 2080 0x820 Interface is already bound to this VLAN
NSERR_IFACE_NO_UNBIND 2081 0x821 Untagged interface cannot be removed from default VLAN. To remove, bind to other VLAN.
NSERR_IFACE_MAX_VLANS 2082 0x822 Maximum number of tagged VLANs bound to the interface exceeded or the binding of this VLAN is not allowed on the interface.
NSERR_VLAN_RTEXIST 2083 0x823 An existing route relies on the presence of this vlan
NSERR_VLAN_LLEXIST 2084 0x824 An existing link-local ip relies on the presence of this vlan
NSERR_BOUNDTONSVLAN 2085 0x825 Interface/Channel bound to NSVLAN
NSERR_VLAN_TD_CONFIGURED 2408 0x968 TD is configured on this bridgegroup/vlan. Cannot delete this
NSERR_VLAN_BOUNDTO_NETBRIDGE 1216 0x4c0 Vlan bound to Netbridge cannot be removed

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