Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_NOSUCHIOCTL 1184 0x4a0 Command not implemented on server
NSERR_NOTARGETS 1185 0x4a1 No configured targets
NSERR_CANTRECOVER 1186 0x4a2 Configuration possibly inconsistent. Please check with the \“show configstatus\” command or reboot.
NSERR_IGNOREDIOCTL 1187 0x4a3 The command was ignored.
NSERR_REMOTECLOSE 1188 0x4a4 The remote side closed the connection.
NSERR_INVALID_TARGET 1189 0x4a5 The specified target does not exist
NSERR_FILE_ERROR 1190 0x4a6 File operation failed
NSERR_COMMENT_DROPPED 1191 0x4a7 Failed to retain all comments
NSERR_AGGREQ_TIMEOUT 1192 0x4a8 Request to Aggregator timed out
NSERR_AGGREAD 1193 0x4a9 Failed to read data from Aggregator
NSERR_RPC_CMD_DUP 1194 0x4aa Found unexpected RPC duplicate command
NSERR_RPC_CMD_NONDUP 1195 0x4ab Found unexpected RPC command
NSERR_CFE_PE_COMM 1196 0x4ac Communication error with the packet engine
NSERR_AGG_CONFAIL 1197 0x4ad Failed to connect to the aggregator
NSERR_CFE_PE_TIMOUT 1198 0x4ae No response from the packet engine
NSERR_AGG_INVALIDRESPONSE 1199 0x4af Invalid response from the aggregator
NSERR_NONTPSVR 1200 0x4b0 Cannot enable ntpd when there is no ntp server configured
NSERR_AGG_SENDFAIL 1201 0x4b1 Failed to send to aggregator
NSERR_CFE_ASLEARN_COMM 1202 0x4b2 Communication error with aslearn
NSERR_READONLY_SESSION 1203 0x4b3 Session is read-only; connect to the Cluster IP address to modify the configuration
NSERR_WRONG_PE_STATE 1204 0x4b4 The packet engine is in the wrong state to receive this command
NSERR_CFE_VALIDATION_FAILED 1205 0x4b5 Config validation failed
NSERR_XPATH_INTERNAL 1206 0x4b6 XPATH Internal Error
NSERR_CFE_CALLHOME_COMM 1207 0x4b7 Communication error with callhome
NSERR_BIND_NOENT 1208 0x4b8 No such bind resource
NSERR_PPNETMASK 1209 0x4b9 Netmask length 31 supports only point to point communications
NSERR_CFE_CLFSYNCD_COMM 1210 0X4ba Communication error with cluster filesync server
NSERR_DB_INTERNAL 1211 0x4bb Config DB Internal Error
NSERR_MIPDEPRECATED 1212 0x4bc MIP is deprecated. Please use SNIP
NSERR_KEKEXISTS 1213 0x4bd Cannot create KEK. KEK already exists.
NSERR_VAL_INCONSITENT 1214 0x4be Validation inconsistent between PE and configd.
NSERR_CALLHOME_LOW_HB_CUSTOM_INTERVAL 1215 0x4bf Setting a low heartbeat interval will result in frequent CallHome uploads
NSERR_INVALIDTIMEOUT 1219 0x4c3 Invalid Timeout, it cannot be beyond admin configured value and should be between in the range of 300-86400

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