Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_NOTRUNNING 256 0x100 Citrix ADC not running
NSERR_PERM 257 0x101 Operation not permitted
NSERR_NOENT 258 0x102 No such resource
NSERR_SRCH 259 0x103 No such process
NSERR_INTR 260 0x104 Interrupted system call
NSERR_IO 261 0x105 Input/output error
NSERR_NXIO 262 0x106 Device not configured
NSERR_2BIG 263 0x107 Argument list too long
NSERR_NOEXEC 264 0x108 Exec format error
NSERR_BADF 265 0x109 Bad file descriptor
NSERR_CHILD 266 0x10A No child processes
NSERR_DEADLK 267 0x10B Resource deadlock avoided
NSERR_NOMEM 268 0x10C Cannot allocate memory
NSERR_ACCES 269 0x10D Permission denied
NSERR_FAULT 270 0x10E Bad address
NSERR_NOTBLK 271 0x10F Block device required
NSERR_BUSY 272 0x110 Device busy
NSERR_EXIST 273 0x111 Resource already exists
NSERR_XDEV 274 0x112 Cross-device link
NSERR_NODEV 275 0x113 Operation not supported by device
NSERR_NOTDIR 276 0x114 Not a directory
NSERR_ISDIR 277 0x115 Is a directory
NSERR_INVAL 278 0x116 Invalid argument
NSERR_NFILE 279 0x117 Too many open files in system
NSERR_MFILE 280 0x118 Too many open files
NSERR_NOTTY 281 0x119 Inappropriate ioctl for device
NSERR_TXTBSY 282 0x11A Text file busy
NSERR_FBIG 283 0x11B File too large
NSERR_NOSPACE 284 0x11C No space left on device
NSERR_SPIPE 285 0x11D Illegal seek
NSERR_ROFS 286 0x11E Read-only file system
NSERR_MLINK 287 0x11F Too many links
NSERR_PIPE 288 0x120 Broken pipe
NSERR_DOM 289 0x121 Numerical argument out of domain
NSERR_RANGE 290 0x122 Result too large
NSERR_AGAIN 291 0x123 Resource temporarily unavailable
NSERR_INPROGRESS 292 0x124 Operation now in progress
NSERR_ALREADY 293 0x125 Operation already in progress
NSERR_NOTSOCK 294 0x126 Socket operation on non-socket
NSERR_DESTADDRREQ 295 0x127 Destination address required
NSERR_MSGSIZE 296 0x128 Message too long
NSERR_PROTOTYPE 297 0x129 Protocol wrong type for socket
NSERR_NOPROTOOPT 298 0x12A Protocol not available
NSERR_PROTONOSUPPORT 299 0x12B Protocol not supported
NSERR_SOCKTNOSUPPORT 300 0x12C Socket type not supported
NSERR_OPNOTSUPP 301 0x12D Operation not supported
NSERR_PFNOSUPPORT 302 0x12E Protocol family not supported
NSERR_AFNOSUPPORT 303 0x12F Address family not supported by protocol family
NSERR_ADDRINUSE 304 0x130 Address already in use
NSERR_ADDRNOTAVAIL 305 0x131 Cant assign requested address
NSERR_NETDOWN 306 0x132 Network is down
NSERR_NETUNREACH 307 0x133 Network is unreachable
NSERR_NETRESET 308 0x134 Network dropped connection on reset
NSERR_CONNABORTED 309 0x135 Software caused connection abort
NSERR_CONNRESET 310 0x136 Connection reset by peer
NSERR_NOBUFS 311 0x137 No buffer space available
NSERR_ISCONN 312 0x138 Socket is already connected
NSERR_NOTCONN 313 0x139 Socket is not connected
NSERR_SHUTDOWN 314 0x13A Cant send after socket shutdown
NSERR_TOOMANYREFS 315 0x13B Resource in use
NSERR_TIMEDOUT 316 0x13C Operation timed out
NSERR_CONNREFUSED 317 0x13D Connection refused
NSERR_LOOP 318 0x13E Too many levels of symbolic links
NSERR_NAMETOOLONG 319 0x13F File name too long
NSERR_HOSTDOWN 320 0x140 Host is down
NSERR_HOSTUNREACH 321 0x141 No route to host
NSERR_NOTEMPTY 322 0x142 Directory not empty
NSERR_PROCLIM 323 0x143 Too many processes
NSERR_USERS 324 0x144 Too many users
NSERR_DQUOT 325 0x145 Disc quota exceeded
NSERR_STALE 326 0x146 Stale NFS file handle
NSERR_REMOTE 327 0x147 Too many levels of remote in path
NSERR_BADRPC 328 0x148 RPC struct is bad
NSERR_RPCMISMATCH 329 0x149 RPC version wrong
NSERR_PROGUNAVAIL 330 0x14A RPC prog. not avail
NSERR_PROGMISMATCH 331 0x14B Program version wrong
NSERR_PROCUNAVAIL 332 0x14C Bad procedure for program
NSERR_NOLCK 333 0x14D No locks available
NSERR_NOSYS 334 0x14E System Call not supported; Possible Reason: Citrix ADC is not running
NSERR_FTYPE 335 0x14F Inappropriate file type or format
NSERR_AUTH 336 0x150 Authentication error
NSERR_NEEDAUTH 337 0x151 Need authenticator
NSERR_WOULDBLOCK 338 0x152 Operation would block
NSERR_NOCODE 339 0x153 Feature is not implemented
NSERR_NOTSUSER 340 0x154 Not super-user
NSERR_BIGDATA 341 0x155 Data size is too big
NSERR_SMALLDATA 342 0x156 Data size is too small
NSERR_NOMORENT 343 0x157 No more entry in table
NSERR_NOSERVICE 344 0x158 No Service
NSERR_OSERROR 345 0x159 Operating system error
NSERR_NONEXPCMD 346 0x15A Unexpected command
NSERR_CMDPROPFAIL 347 0x15B Command propagation failed
NSERR_TOOMANYNODES 348 0x15C Too many nodes
NSERR_SECONDARYFAIL 349 0x15D Command failed on secondary node, but succeeded on primary node. Configuration will be synchronized to ensure secondary and primary have same configuration.
NSERR_INVALBACKUP 350 0x15E Invalid backup vserver
NSERR_NOSERVER 351 0x15F No such server
NSERR_LOGINREQD 352 0x160 Login is required
NSERR_RPCINVAL 353 0x161 RPC invalid argument
NSERR_NOUSER 354 0x162 Invalid username or password
NSERR_INVALPASSWD 355 0x163 Invalid username or password
NSERR_LICENSE 356 0x164 Feature(s) not licensed
NSERR_DEFERRED 357 0x165 The command is stored for later execution
NSERR_PROPAUTHFAIL 358 0x166 Command propagation failed due to user authentication problems
NSERR_NODELSUSER 359 0x167 The superuser cannot be removed
NSERR_NOMODSUSER 360 0x168 Permissions for this superuser cannot be modified
NSERR_INVALNODEID 362 0x16A Invalid node ID specified
NSERR_NOTOPHA 363 0x16B Operation not permitted on stand-alone node
NSERR_NOOPPEERBAD 364 0x16c Operation not possible due to invalid peer state. Rectify and retry.
NSERR_NOOPBAD 365 0x16d Operation not possible as system state is invalid. Use show node for more information.
NSERR_NOPNOW 366 0x16e Operation not possible now. Please wait for system to stabilize before retrying.
NSERR_NOOPPRI 367 0x16f Operation permitted only on secondary node.
NSERR_NOOPSEC 368 0x170 Operation permitted only on primary node.
NSERR_REDIRECT 369 0x171 Redirect request (VIP down)
NSERR_BUFOVERFLOW 370 0x172 Buffer overflow occurred
NSERR_NOUSERPOLICY 371 0x173 No command policy defined, permission denied
NSERR_NOSYSGROUP 372 0x174 System group does not exist
NSERR_NOSYSCMDPOL 373 0x175 System command policy does not exist
NSERR_HAIPV6PT 374 0x176 IPV6 Feature cannot be disabled while HA is running over IPv6.
NSERR_HANSIPV6 375 0x177 IPv6 NSIP cannot be changed while HA is running over IPv6.
NSERR_NSIPV6ACTIVE 376 0x178 IPv6 NSIP is not in ACTIVE state, rectify and retry.
NSERR_RTMON_STANDALONE 377 0x179 Unbind all route monitors before making node standalone.
NSERR_IPV6FEAT_DISABLED 378 0x17a IPv6 Feature Disabled
NSERR_DHCP_PBR_DEPENDENT 379 0x17b PBR rule present with nexthop dependent on released DHCP lease
NSERR_IPSECPROF_PERM 380 0x17c Tunnel protocol IPSEC must have ipsec profile set to none.
NSERR_IFPAIR_BOUND 381 0x17d Interface(s) already member of other interface pair
NSERR_IFPAIR_NOTPAIR 382 0x17e Number of member interfaces need to be exactly 2
NSERR_PBR_SETIPTUNNEL 383 0x17f SET operations on PBR for changing iptunnel not allowed. Remove and add PBR with new iptunnel
NSERR_IPRANGENOTALLOWD 394 0x18A Range not allowed for wildcard IP
NSERR_IVALIDIPRANGE 395 0x18B Invalid range value
NSERR_IPRANGEMAXLIMIT 396 0x18C Range value greater than maximum limit 254
NSERR_IP_NOT_EXIST 397 0x18D IP does not exist for default or specified td
NSERR_TOOMANYRULES 398 0x18E Maximum number of ACLs on the system has been exceeded
NSERR_PASSWD_LEN_MIN_8 399 0x18F Password too short - minimum length is 8 characters
NSERR_SYNC_DISABLED 410 0x19A Synchronization disabled
NSERR_NODE_DISABLED 411 0x19B Node disabled
NSERR_SYNC_PROGRESS 412 0x19C Synchronization is in progress
NSERR_ADNS_PERM 413 0x19D Operation not permitted on ADNS service
NSERR_NOINC_IPSAMESUBNET 414 0x19E Peer IP should be on the NSIP subnet if INC mode is disabled
NSERR_INVALID_PEERIP 415 0x19F Not a valid peer IP
NSERR_REDIRECT307 416 0x1A0 Redirect request (send 307 temporary redirect
NSERR_INVALHOSTNAME 417 0x1A1 Invalid hostname
NSERR_REWRITE_NOT_SUPPORTED 418 0x1A2 Port rewrite not supported on this vserver type
NSERR_IPCHG_DENY 419 0x1A3 IP address change not permitted on this entity
NSERR_IPCHG_GSLB 420 0x1A4 GSLB local service IP cannot be changed. Please change the corresponding vservers IP
NSERR_GSLB_IPCHG 421 0x1A5 corresponding GSLB service/GSLB service item IP has also been changed.
NSERR_NOAUDITSRVC 422 0x1A6 No audit service running on the specified port
NSERR_LACPKEY_NOTSET 423 0x1A7 LACP key not set
NSERR_CHANNEL_INUSEBYLACP 424 0x1A8 Channel in use by LACP
NSERR_LACPENABLED 425 0x1A9 LACP enabled interface cannot be bound manually to a channel
NSERR_IFACEMANUALLYBOUND 426 0x1AA LACP cannot be enabled, interface manually bound to a channel
NSERR_INTRECINUSE 427 0x1AB Domain name for the reverse domain name already exists
NSERR_PUBIPPORT_VIP_CONFLICT 428 0x1AC Public IP, port conflict with another entity bound to the same GSLB vserver
NSERR_IPPORT_VIP_BOUND 429 0x1AD IP, port conflict with an entity already bound to the vserver
NSERR_NO_BACKUP_VIP 430 0x1AE No such backup vserver
NSERR_REQ_SET_ARGS 431 0x1AF No arguments to set
NSERR_SVCGRP_MEMBER_NAMECONFLICT 432 0x1B0 Name conflicts with an existing service or service group member name
NSERR_SERVER_NAME_EXIST 433 0x1B1 Server name already exists
NSERR_MAX_SERVICE_BINDING_ON_VSERVER 434 0x1B2 Maximum services bound to vserver exceeded
NSERR_MAX_SVC_ENTITY_BINDING_ON_SVCGROUP 435 0x1B3 Maximum services bound to service group exceeded
NSERR_FSMALL 436 0x1B4 File too small
NSERR_INTOFLOW 437 0x1B5 Integer overflow
NSERR_ASYNC_BLOCKED 438 0x1B6 Expression evaluation has blocked for body accumulation
NSERR_SACL_CLEARPENDING 439 0x1B7 Clear in progress
NSERR_SACL_NAME_EXISTS 440 0x1B8 An ACL with the same name exists
NSERR_SACL_SUPERSET_EXISTS 441 0x1B9 Operation not permitted. (An overlapping rule already exists)
NSERR_SACL_SUBSET_EXISTS 442 0x1BA Operation not permitted. (A rule which is subset of this rule already exists)
NSERR_NOINC_ROUTEMONITOR 443 0x1BB Route monitors should be added only if INC mode is enabled
NSERR_SESSION_EXPIRED 444 0x1BC Session expired or killed. Please login again
NSERR_SESSION_EXCEEDED 445 0x1BD Session limit exceeded
NSERR_CFE_CONN_EXCEEDED 446 0x1BE Connection limit to CFE exceeded
NSERR_CFE_KILLSELF 449 0x1C1 Invalid session id. Current session cannot be killed
NSERR_CFE_INCOMPLETESESSION 450 0x1C2 Invalid session. Response/challenge is incomplete
NSERR_ACL_ALREADYINSTATE 451 0x1C3 Entity already in this state
NSERR_CFE_SESSION_NOEXIST 452 0x1C4 Session does not exist
NSERR_SYSGROUP_USER_EXISTS 453 0x1C5 User already bound to system group
NSERR_SYSGROUP_POLICY_EXISTS 454 0x1C6 Policy already bound to system group
NSERR_SLEEP 455 0x1C7 Sleep process sleep
NSERR_PPEDIE 456 0x1C8 Your PPE is no more
NSERR_NOCONN_CMDPROPFAIL 457 0x1C9 Unable to establish connection with the secondary. Command propagation failed
NSERR_TIMEOUT_SECONDARY 458 0x1CA There is no response from the secondary. Propagation timed out
NSERR_NOT_SUPPORTED 460 0x1CC Feature not supported in this release
NSERR_NOENT_VSERVER 461 0x1CD No such Vserver
NSERR_NOENT_SVC 462 0x1CE No such service
NSERR_NOENT_SVC_SVCGRP 463 0x1CF No such service/serviceGroup
NSERR_HA_NOV4_NETMASK 464 0x1D0 IPv4 netmask is not required for IPv6
NSERR_MAX_VSEVRVER_BINDINGS_TO_SERVICE 465 0x1D1 Maximum vservers bound to a service exceeded
NSERR_SACL6_CLEARPENDING 466 0x1D2 Simple ACL6 Clear in progress
NSERR_SACL6_NAME_EXISTS 467 0x1D3 Simple ACL6 with the same name exists
NSERR_SACL6_SUPERSET_EXISTS 468 0x1D4 Operation not permitted. (An overlapping rule already exists)
NSERR_SACL6_SUBSET_EXISTS 469 0x1D5 Operation not permitted. (A rule which is subset of this rule already exists)
NSERR_NO_BACKUP_VIP_BOUND 470 0x1D6 No backupVserver bound
NSERR_SESSION_EXPIRED_REDIRECT 471 0x1D7 Session expired, Please login again
NSERR_NOENT_VLAN 472 0x1D8 Vlan does not exist
NSERR_MAX_SVC_ENTITY 473 0x1D9 Maximum service limit reached
NSERR_CL_EXIST 474 0x1DA Resource already exists in cluster
NSERR_OWNERNODE_NOTALLOWED 475 0x1DB Can not specify owner node.
NSERR_OWNERNODE_NOT_SPECIFIED 476 0x1DC Owner node is not specified.
NSERR_NOT_SUPPINCLUSTER 477 0x1DD Operation not supported in Cluster.
NSERR_VSERVER_TYPE_MISMATCH 478 0x1DE Vserver type mismatch.
NSERR_ITER_END 479 0x1DF End of iteration reached.
NSERR_CONNECT_TO_CLUSTER_IP 1382 0x566 Please connect to cluster IP and run showtechsupport on that node.
NSERR_LB_AUDIT_IP_DENY 1383 0x567 Changing IP address of LB vserver not permitted when Audit server also referring to same server_info .
NSERR_IC_OFF_DISABLING_FEO 1384 0x568 IC is disabled, but FEO is enabled.
NSERR_SYNC_VLAN_EXIST 1385 0x569 Please unset sync vlan, before removing the HA node.
NSERR_CMDPROP_DISABLED 1450 0x5AA Command propagation disabled.
NSERR_NOTHEME 1451 0x5AB Portal theme doesnt exist
NSERR_THEMEEXISTS 1452 0x5AC Portal theme already exists
NSERR_THEME_INUSE 1453 0x5AD Portal theme in use
NSERR_NO_CONTENT 1454 0x5AE 204 No Content
NSERR_ARP_IFACE_NODE_MISMATCH 1440 0x5a0 Interface and node mismatch
NSERR_HA_BOTH_PRIMARY 1441 0x5a1 Cannot failover as Node State set to STAYPRIMARY
NSERR_PROP_DISABLED 1448 0x5a8 Propagation disabled
NSERR_HA_FAILOVER_PERM 1449 0x5a9 Failover not permitted as one node is up and another node is down
NSERR_NOEULA 938 0x3AA Eula name doesnt exist
NSERR_EULAEXISTS 939 0x3AB Eula with same name already exists
NSERR_EULA_INUSE 940 0x3AC Eula name in use
NSERR_SYSLOG_TCP_CONFIG_ERR 1459 0x5B3 tcpProfileName/maxLogDataSizeToHold cannot be set when transport is UDP
NSERR_SYSLOG_LOOPBACK_OR_LOCAL_IP_NOTALLOWED 1460 0x5B4 TCP transport is not allowed for local logging(when serverIP is configured as Loopback IP or NetScalers local IP)
NSERR_MAX_CONC_SAVECONFIG 1461 0x5B5 Maximum number of concurrent save configs are in progress. Try again later.
NSERR_SYSLOG_PERSISTENCE_NOTSUPPORTED 1463 0x5B7 Persistency is not supported for SYSLOGTCP and SYSLOGUDP service types
NSERR_SYSLOG_HASHLBMETHODS_NOTALLOWED 1464 0x5B8 Hash based LB methods which depend on packet parameters cannot be set for SYSLOGTCP/SYSLOGUDP service types
NSERR_SVC_EXISTS 1468 0x5BC Service exists with this server information
NSERR_SYSLOG_NOLBVIP 1469 0x5BD No such LB vserver of type SYSLOGUDP/SYSLOGTCP exists
NSERR_SYSLOG_LBPROTOCOL_NOTALLOWED 1470 0x5BE LB vserver of type other than SYSLOGUDP/SYSLOGTCP cannot be set to syslogaction
NSERR_SYSLOG_TRANSPORT_UNSET_NOTALLOWED 1471 0x5BF Transport cannot be unset when LB vserver name is configured
NSERR_SYSLOG_TRANSPORT_MISMATCH 1472 0x5C0 Mismatch in transport type of LB vserver and syslog action
NSERR_SYSLOG_LBVSRVR_INUSE_BY_SYSACT 1473 0x5C1 The LB vserver is being accessed by syslog action
NSERR_SYSLOG_LBVSRVR_RENAME_NOTSUPPORTED 1474 0x5C2 Renaming LB vserver is not supported for SYSLOGUDP/SYSLOGTCP service types
NSERR_SYSLOG_INVALID_SERVIP 1475 0x5C3 ServerIP cannot be configured as or 0 for syslog action
NSERR_AUDITLOG_PORT_SET_UNSET_NOTALLOWED 1476 0x5C4 Port cannot be set/unset when LB vserver name/Server domain name is configured
NSERR_SYSLOG_TCPPROFILE_NOTALLOWED 1477 0x5C5 TCP profile name cannot be set when LB vserver name is configured
NSERR_SYSLOG_CANNOT_SET_LBVSNAME 1478 0x5C6 Unset the TCP profile name and then set the LB vserver name
NSERR_PORTALBINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED 1479 0x5C7 Operation not supported. Unset VPN uitheme parameter first and then try again.
NSERR_PORTALTHEME_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED 1480 0x5C8 \EULA\and \Custom\keywords are reserved. Please try with any other name
NSERR_AUDIT_VERSION_MISMATCH 1481 0x5C9 Audit version mismatch
NSERR_RADIUS_LISTENER_PERM 1482 0x5CA Operation not permitted on RADIUS LISTENER service
NSERR_SYSLOG_NETPROFILE_NOTALLOWED 1483 0x5CB Network profile name cannot be set when LB vserver name is configured
NSERR_AUDITLOG_DMNRESOLVRETRY 1484 0x5CC Domain name can be resolved only when server domain name is configured
NSERR_AUDITLOG_ARGUMENT_MISSING 1485 0x5CD One of the arguments \“Server IP/Server domain name/LB vserver name\” is required for auditlog action
NSERR_AUDITLOG_DBS_SERVER_EXIST 1486 0x5CE Auditlog internal DBS server with the same domain name exists
NSERR_ICAMODE_STATUS_NOT_OK 1487 0x5CF vpn icamode status not okay
NSERR_SYSLOG_LBVSERVER_NOTALLOWED 1488 0x5D0 LB vserver name cannot be set when network profile is configured. Unset the netProfile and set LB vserver name
NSERR_INSTALL_FAILED 1490 0x5D2 Installation failed.
NSERR_OSPFAREA_UNSET 1491 0x5D3 Unset of OSPFArea is allowed only for VIP and SNIP
NSERR_PREQ_HOSTROUTE 1492 0x5D4 Pre-requisite Hostroute is disabled
NSERR_PREQ_NETWORKROUTE 1493 0x5D5 Pre-requisite Networkroute is disabled
NSERR_AUDITLOG_SVC_EXISTS 1496 0x5D8 Auditlog service exists with this server information
NSERR_AUDITSINFO_EXISTS_WITH_SAME_DOMAINNAME 1497 0x5D9 Auditlog action exists with the same domain name
NSERR_NO_PERM_ON_PLATFORM 1501 0x5DD Operation not supported on this platform
NSERR_NOTDBS_SERVER_AUTOSCALE_SGRP 3779 0xEC3 Cannot configure autoScale as POLICY option for an IP based server.
NSERR_AUTO_SCALE_CLOUD_TYPE_ONLY 3810 0xEE2 Operation is supported for servicegroup with autoscale type CLOUD only.
NSERR_AUTO_DISABLE_GRACEFUL_NOT_SET 3811 0xEE3 Auto Disable Graceful not enabled. Set autoDisablegraceful parameter to YES.
NSERR_AUTO_DISABLE_GRACEFUL_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_AZURE 3812 0xEE4 Auto Disable Graceful not supported on Azure Platform.
NSERR_MAX_MONITORS_BINDINGS_TO_SERVICE 3813 0xEE5 Maximum monitors bound to this entity exceeded
NSERR_INSUFFICIENT_IAM_PRIVILEGES 3815 0xEE7 Insufficient iam privileges configured for this feature
NSERR_LOGIN_NEXTFACTOR 3816 0xEE8 Nextfactor Login

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