Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_TCPCONNFAIL 1024 0x400 Connection failed
NSERR_LOGINFAIL 1025 0x401 Login failed
NSERR_NOLOGIN 1026 0x402 Not logged in
NSERR_AUTHTIMEOUT 1027 0x403 Not logged in or connection timed out
NSERR_NOT_PRIMARY 1028 0x404 You are connected to a secondary node; configuration changes made in this session will not be propagated to, or saved on, other nodes
NSERR_REMOTEOP 1029 0x405 Operation cannot be performed from remote login
NSERR_CONNLOST 1030 0x406 Connection with Citrix ADC lost
NSERR_RPCDATAMISMATCH 1031 0x407 Communication error (RPC data-size mismatch)
NSERR_RPCBADREPLY 1032 0x408 Communication error (bad RPC reply)
NSERR_UNABLETOPROMPT 1033 0x409 Unable to display secondary prompt
NSERR_LOGIN_CHALLENGED 1034 0X40A Login challenged
NSERR_LOGOUT_SAVE 1035 0X40B You are leaving without saving changes. Save changes now (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_CLEAR_CONFIG 1036 0X40C Are you sure you want to clear the configuration(Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_REBOOT 1037 0X40D Are you sure you want to restart Citrix ADC (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_SHUTDOWNNS 1038 0X40E Are you sure you want to completely stop Citrix ADC (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_REBOOT_SAVE 1039 0X40F Configuration not Saved. Are you sure you want to restart Citrix ADC (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_USERABORT 1040 0x410 User requested abort
NSERR_EOF 1041 0x411 EOF
NSERR_INTERRUPT 1042 0x412 Interrupted
NSERR_INTERNAL 1043 0x413 Internal error
NSERR_NOT_CLIP 1044 0x414 You are connected to NSIP of a cluster node; configuration changes made in this session will not be propagated to, or saved on, other cluster nodes
NSERR_EULA_NOTACCEPTED 1045 0x415 End User License Agreement not accepted. Login from CLI/GUI to accept it.
NSERR_FORCE_PWDCHANGE 1046 0x416 ForcePasswordChange is enabled. Please login from CLI/GUI to change the default nsroot password
NSERR_PWD_EXISTS 1047 0x417 Default nsroot password is not allowed. Please enter a new password.
NSERR_STRMAXLEN_255 1048 0x418 String length exceeds maximum. Allowed maximum length is 255 bytes.
NSERR_STRMAXLEN_32 1049 0x419 String length exceeds maximum. Allowed maximum length is 32.
NSERR_NOPREFIX_LENGTH 1050 0x41A Prefix length must be given with network
NSERR_INVALIDPOLLVAL 1051 0x41B Minpoll value should not be greater than maxpoll
NSERR_SHELL_ACCESS 1052 0x41C User has shell access
NSERR_NORESPONSE 1056 0x420 No response from Citrix ADC
NSERR_IOERROR 1057 0x421 I/O error
NSERR_ENV 1058 0x422 Environment error
NSERR_CMDSFAILED 1059 0x423 Some commands failed
NSERR_ALLCMDSFAILED 1060 0x424 All commands failed
NSERR_INTMINVAL_CLT_IDLETIMEOUT 1061 0x425 Integer value below minimum for client idle timeout.
NSERR_INTMINVAL_SRV_IDLETIMEOUT 1062 0x426 Integer value below minimum for server idle timeout.
NSERR_INVALID_TCP_OPTION_TYPE 1063 0x427 Invalid tcp option type value. Allowed type values are 0 to 254
NSERR_OPNOTALLOW_ONCLIP 1065 0x429 Operation not permitted on CLIP
NSERR_LICEXPIRED 1066 0x42A Features(s) license expired
NSERR_FEATDISABLED 1067 0x42B Feature(s) not enabled
NSERR_LESS_PE 1068 0x42C Operation not permitted. PE pool is not enough to enable additional management CPU
NSERR_MAXLIMIT 1072 0x430 Maximum resource limit reached
NSERR_SET_NOSUPPORT 1073 0x431 Set operation not supported
NSERR_INVALIDVALUE 1074 0x432 Invalid value
NSERR_INVALIDNAME 1075 0x433 Invalid name; names must begin with an alphanumeric character or underscore and must contain only alphanumerics, _, #, ., , :, @, =or -
NSERR_INVALIDPASSWORD 1076 0x434 Invalid password. Password must contain atleast one lower case character, one upper case character, one numeric character and one special character when strong password is enabled.
NSERR_INVALIDMINPASSWORDLENGTH 1077 0x435 Minimum password length should be greater than or equal to 4 when strong password is enabled
NSERR_ENABLINGPASSWORDCOMPLEXITY 1078 0x436 Strong Password now enabled. Please ensure all the existing user passwords adhere to this restriction. Minimum Password Length is set to 4 as default.
NSERR_INVALIDPASSWORDLENGTH 1079 0x437 Password length should adhere to minimum password length value in system parameter settings.
NSERR_CANNOTSETMINPASSWORDLENGTH 1080 0x438 Strong Password needs to be enabled to set the Minimum Password Length value.
NSERR_NOSUCHCMD 1088 0x440 No such command
NSERR_CMDAMBIGUOUS 1089 0x441 Ambiguous command name
NSERR_NOSUCHARG 1090 0x442 No such argument
NSERR_ARGVALMISSING 1091 0x443 Required argument value missing
NSERR_ARGSMUTEX 1092 0x444 Arguments cannot both be specified
NSERR_ARGPREREQ 1093 0x445 Argument pre-requisite missing
NSERR_ARGSTOOFEW 1094 0x446 Too few arguments
NSERR_ARGMISSING 1095 0x447 Required argument missing
NSERR_ARGORDER 1096 0x448 Argument(s) out of order
NSERR_ARGVALBAD 1097 0x449 Invalid argument value
NSERR_ARGVALSEQ 1098 0x44A Arguments cannot have the same value
NSERR_ARGAMBIGUOUS 1099 0x44B Ambiguous argument name
NSERR_SYNCGSLBCONFIG 1100 0x44C Please confirm whether you want to sync-config (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_SYNCGSLBCONFIG_WARN 1101 0x44D Configuration mismatch with the slave sites will result in the master sites configuration prevailing on the slave sites. This might result in disruptions in traffic.
NSERR_FORCESYNCGSLBCONFIG_WARN 1134 0x46e GSLB configuration will be removed from the slave sites and the master sites configuration will be applied to the slave sites. Traffic disruptions might occur during forced synchronization.
NSERR_ARGVALSNEQ 1104 0x450 Arguments must have the same value
NSERR_ARGVALAMBIGUOUS 1105 0x451 Ambiguous argument value
NSERR_STRMAXLEN 1106 0x452 String length exceeds maximum
NSERR_STRMINLEN 1107 0x453 String too short
NSERR_INTMAXVAL 1108 0x454 Integer value exceeds maximum
NSERR_INTMINVAL 1109 0x455 Integer value below minimum
NSERR_INVALIDIP 1110 0x456 Invalid IP address
NSERR_INVALIDNETMASK 1111 0x457 Invalid netmask
NSERR_TOOMANYVALS 1112 0x458 Argument has too many values
NSERR_BADRANGE 1113 0x459 Range minimum exceeds range maximum
NSERR_EXPRQUOTES 1114 0x45A Expression must be enclosed in quotes
NSERR_BADQUOTES 1115 0x45B Unmatched quote
NSERR_INVALIDRANGE 1116 0x45C Invalid range specification
NSERR_MISMATCHRANGES 1117 0x45D Ranges are different sizes
NSERR_MULTIRANGES 1118 0x45E Only one range allowed per argument
NSERR_NOMATCHCHAR 1119 0x45F Unmatched character
NSERR_NEEDREBOOT 1120 0x460 The configuration must be saved and the system rebooted for these settings to take effect
NSQ_SAVECONFIG 1121 0x461 Do you want to save the new configuration?
NSERR_NOTSAVED 1122 0x462 The configuration changes were not saved - they will be lost on the next reboot
NSERR_CMDEXEC 1123 0x463 Error(s) occurred - some or all changes may not be applied
NSQ_REBOOT 1124 0x464 Do you want to reboot the system now?
NSERR_NOREBOOT 1125 0x465 The configuration changes will not take effect until the system is rebooted
NSERR_PGMFAILED 1126 0x466 External program failed
NSERR_CTXMODE 1127 0x467 Contextual CLI mode
NSERR_CMDINCOMPLETE 1128 0x468 Incomplete command
NSERR_CMDOUTOFCTX 1129 0x469 Command not valid here
NSERR_CONFIGSAVED 1130 0x46A The running configuration has been saved
NSERR_CONFIGCLEARED 1131 0x46B The running configuration has been cleared
NSERR_REBOOTING 1132 0x46C Citrix ADC is rebooting now
NSERR_NOCONFIGSAVE 1133 0x46D The running configuration has not changed
NSERR_REGEXNOANCHOR 1135 0x46F First character of regular expression must be ^
NSERR_REGEXNOMATCH 1136 0x470 Regular expression does not match
NSERR_REGEXINVALID 1137 0x471 Invalid regular expression
NSERR_REGEXNOTALLOWED 1138 0x472 Regular expression not allowed
NSERR_REGEXNOCMD 1139 0x473 No matches
NSERR_INVALIDIPV6_FORMAT 1140 0x474 Invalid IPv6 address
NSERR_INVALIDIPV6_TWO_DOUBECOLON 1141 0x475 Double-colon can appear only once in an IPv6 address
NSERR_INVALIDIPV6_NOPREFIX_LENGTH 1142 0x476 Prefix length must be given with an IPv6 address
NSERR_INVALIDIPV6_PREFIX_VALUE 1143 0x477 Prefix length must be in the range of 0-128
NSERR_TERMNAMEINVALID 1144 0x478 Invalid term name
NSERR_TERMINVALID 1145 0x479 Invalid syntax in term
NSERR_FORCEFAILOVER 1146 0x47a Please confirm whether you want force-failover (Y/N)? [N]
NSERR_FORCEFAIL_HEALTH_WARN 1147 0x47b Force Failover may cause configuration loss, peer health not optimum. Reason(s)
NSERR_HELLOTIME_MULTIPLE 1148 0x47c Invalid value. Hellotime Interval must be a multiple of 200
NSERR_FORCESYNCSAVE 1149 0x47d Do you want to save the config after sync (Y/N)? [Y]
NSERR_ERROUTFILENAME 1150 0x47e Character /not allowed in outfilename
NSERR_RNATIPDEL 1151 0x47f address is bound to rnat config, can not be removed
NSERR_INVALIDALIAS 1152 0x480 Invalid alias
NSERR_NOSUCHALIAS 1153 0x481 No such alias
NSERR_ALIASEXISTS 1154 0x482 Alias already exists
NSERR_NOSUCHFILE 1155 0x483 No such file
NSERR_NOTREGFILE 1156 0x484 Not a file
NSERR_DEPRCMD 1157 0x485 Command deprecated
NSERR_DEPRARG 1158 0x486 Argument deprecated
NSERR_NOTLOGFILE 1159 0x487 Not a Citrix ADC log file
NSERR_NOPLENFORIPV6RANGE 1160 0x488 Prefix length cannot be specified for an IPv6 range
NSERR_INVALIDINT 1161 0x489 Integer not in range
NSERR_CMDAMBIGUOUS_USECOMPLETIONSOPTIONS 1162 0x48A Ambiguous (use cmd completion for options)
NSERR_SETNOTEXIST 1164 0x48C set operation does not exist
NSERR_SETARGNOTEXIST 1165 0x48d set operation for one of the modified argument does not exist
NSERR_INVALID_DS 1166 0x48e Invalid datasource
NSERR_NOSUCHCOUNTER 1167 0x48F No such counter
NSERR_INVALIDIPMASK 1168 0x490 Invalid IP address mask
NSERR_INVALIDIPPAT 1169 0x491 Invalid IP address pattern
NSERR_BADRC 1170 0x492 Unexpected return code
NSERR_INVALIDRANGETYPE 1171 0x493 Inappropriate range values for value type
NSERR_INVALIDRANGEVAL 1172 0x494 Invalid range value
NSERR_INVALIDIPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH 1173 0x495 Prefix length must not be given
NSERR_ENTITYDELETE_FAIL 1174 0x496 Can not delete active entity
NSERR_DONE 1175 0X497 This is the last result
NSERR_RNATIPDEL2 1176 0x498 An RNAT address requires an IP address to exist
NSERR_INCOMPATIBLEIP 1181 0x49d Private IP and public IP must be either IPv4 or IPv6
NSERR_TRANSCR_IP 1182 0x49e For transparent CR vserver, you cannot specify IP address
NSERR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH 1183 0x49f Passwords entered do not match
NSERR_LEADING_TRAILING_SPACES 1053 0x41d Leading or Trailing spaces in string
NSERR_SAVENOTDONE 1054 0x41e The running configuration is not saved
NSERR_INVALIDIP_VSVRTYPE 1178 0x49a Invalid IP address or Vserver Type
NSERR_HELLOTIME_DEADINTERVAL_COMBINATION 1177 0x499 The Hello Interval must be set to 200 msec when dead interval is less than 3 sec
NSERR_MAXSESSION 1179 0x49b Maxsession cannot be set for this user
NSERR_NEEDREPLICATE 1180 0x49c This command will not be propagated to the other cluster nodes as you are connected to the NSIP of this cluster node
NSERR_HDOSP_DEPRECATED 3917 0xF4D HTTP DOS protection feature has been deprecated in favour of AppQoE
NSERR_PQ_DEPRECATED 3871 0xF1F Priority Queuing feature has been deprecated in favour of AppQoE
NSERR_IOH_DEPRECATED 3870 0xF1E Sure Connect feature has been deprecated in favour of AppQoE
NSERR_NOT_PRIVATE_EXPORT 1069 0x42D Private entities can not be exported
NSERR_OBJECT_IN_USE 1070 0x42E Object in use, cannot delete
NSERR_CERBUNDLE_NOT_FOUND 1071 0x42F Certbundle name not found in mapping file
NSERR_CERTBUNDLE_CANNOT_OPEN_PID 1086 0x43E Cannot open nscertforgerd pid file
NSERR_FAILED_TO_APPLY 1087 0x43F Failed to apply new cert bundle
NSERR_AWS_UNSUP 1103 0x44F Command not supported on AWS VPX
NSERR_POOLED_VPX 1102 0x44E Ensure to provision the VPX with the recommended settings for this Bandwidth.
NSERR_GCP_UNSUPPORTED_MTU 2439 0x987 MTU greater than 1460 bytes is not supported on this platform.
NSERR_AWS_UNSUPPORTED_MTU 2440 0x988 MTU greater than 9000 bytes is not supported on this platform.
NSERR_INVALID_QUERYTYPE_FOR_IPV6 2441 0x989 Cannot use ipv6Address option with querytype set to A

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