Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_LSN_NOPOOL 3960 0xf78 No such pool
NSERR_LSN_NOTRANSPRFL 3961 0xf79 No such transportprofile
NSERR_LSN_NOAPPSPRFL 3866 0xf1a No such applicationprofile
NSERR_LSN_POOLNOTBOUND 4052 0xfd4 Pool not bound to group
NSERR_LSN_PRFLNOTBOUND 4053 0xfd5 Profile not bound to group
NSERR_LSN_NOTREADY 4054 0xfd6 LSN not initialized. Please check memory allocated to LSN.
NSERR_LSN_MAXBINDINGS 4055 0xfd7 Maximum bindings allowed exceeded
NSERR_LSN_ACL_DETERMINISTICNAT 4056 0xfd8 Client with ACLs not allowed for deterministic nat
NSERR_LSN_ACLTYPE 4057 0xfd9 ACL with action other than ALLOW or establishedflag set
NSERR_LSN_ACLINUSE 4058 0xfda ACL already bound to a LSN/RNAT rule
NSERR_64LIB_MEM_NOTSUFFICIENT 4059 0xfdb Active memory less than minimum required for LSN and Subscriber Session Store
NSERR_LSN_NOBINDING 4060 0xfdc No such binding
NSERR_LSN_NONETWORK 4061 0xfdd No such network
NSERR_LSN_CLIENTGROUP 4062 0xfde Please remove clients group first
NSERR_LSN_NOCLIENT 4063 0xfdf No such client
NSERR_LSN_NOGLBLLOG 4072 0xfe8 Logging is disabled at Global level
NSERR_LSN_CLIENTINUSE 4080 0xff0 Client already present in a group
NSERR_LSN_PORTBLOCKSIZE 4081 0xff1 Portblocksize should be multiple of 256
NSERR_LSN_WRONG_PORTBLOCKSIZE 855 0x357 Portblocksize should not exceed 64512
NSERR_LSN_BINDINGEXIST 4082 0xff2 Binding already exists
NSERR_LSN_POOLGROUPTYPE 4083 0xff3 Both pool and group should be of same nat type
NSERR_LSN_POOLREUSE_DETERMINISTICNAT 4084 0xff4 Pool can be bound to only one group for determinstic nat
NSERR_LSN_PORT_APPSPROFEXIST 4085 0xff5 Profile already exist for one or more ports in this/bound group(s)
NSERR_LSN_TCPONLY 4086 0xff6 Allowed only for TCP profile
NSERR_LSN_MAPPINGFILTERINGTYPE 4087 0xff7 Filtering should be more or equally strict as mapping
NSERR_LSN_ICMPAPPSPROF_MAPPINGFILTERINGPORT 4088 0xff8 Port dependent Filtering or Mapping not allowed for ICMP
NSERR_LSN_ICMPAPPSPROF_PORT 4089 0xff9 Port bindings not allowed for ICMP applicationprofile
NSERR_LSN_STATIC_NOGROUP 4090 0xffa Client ip not part of any active lsn group
NSERR_LSN_STATIC_INVPOOL 4091 0xffb No natip available or natip given is invalid
NSERR_LSN_FINTIMGTSESSTIM 4092 0xffc Finrsttimeout should not be more than session timeout
NSERR_LSN_SETPORTBLOCK_DETERMINISTICNAT 4093 0xffd Port block size cannot be modified for deterministic nat
NSERR_LSN_DETERMINISTICNAT_SUBSCR_LIMIT 4094 0xffe Maximum allowed subscribers for deterministic nat group exceeeded
NSERR_64LIB_MEM_INCOMPLETE 3943 0xf67 Active memory could be different from configured memory limit, Please check show extendedmemory parameter
NSERR_64LIB_MEM_EXCEEDSMAX 3944 0xf68 Configured memory cannot exceed maximum limit, Configured memory is set to maximum available limit
NSERR_64LIB_MEM_SIZE2M 3945 0xf69 Configured memory should be in multiples of 2MB
NSERR_LSN_IPINSERT 3957 0xf75 LSN IP addition failed
NSERR_LSN_ICMP_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED 3958 0xf76 Maximum value of ICMP session timeout is 240 seconds
NSERR_LSN_TCP_UDP_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED 3867 0xf1b Maximum value of TCP/UDP session timeout is 600 seconds
NSERR_LSN_APPSPROF_PORTZERO 4073 0xfe9 Cannot bind/unbind port 0 to Application Profile
NSERR_LSN_MEM_DECR 3995 0xf9b Active memory cannot be decreased without reboot
NSERR_LSN_NOSIPALGPRFL 3547 0xddb No such sipalgprofile
NSERR_LSN_REM_APPPROFILE_ALGPROFILE_BOUND 3548 0xddc Can not remove Appfprofile, SIP ALG profile and RTSP ALG Profile should be unbound fron the groups bound to the Appprofile
NSERR_LSN_UNBIND_APPPROFILE_ALGPROFILE_BOUND 3549 0xddd Can not unbind to the Appprofile, SIP ALG profile and RTSP ALG Profile should be unbound fron the groups bound to the Appprofile
NSERR_LSN_NORTSPALGPRFL 4074 0xfea No such rtspalgprofile
NSERR_LSN_SIPALGPROF_PORTZERO 4075 0xfeb Cannot add port 0 to SIP ALG Profile
NSERR_LSN_RTSPALGPROF_PORTZERO 4076 0xfec Cannot add port 0 to RTSP ALG Profile
NSERR_LSN_IP6PROF_DSLITE 4077 0xfed With DS-Lite add only Network6
NSERR_LSN_IP6PROF_NAT64 4078 0xfee With NAT64 add only IP6Prefix
NSERR_LSN_NETWORK6_EXISTS 3546 0xdda network 6 based LSN client already exists for this network 6 address(Duplicate config)
NSERR_LSN_CLIENTNETWORK_INCORRECT_BINDING 3551 0xddf Both Client and Network type MUST be of the same type, IPv4, IPv6 or DS-Lite Deterministic
NSERR_LSN_CLIENTGROUPTYPE 3553 0xde1 Both client and group should be of same type
NSERR_LSN_DSLITEPREFIXLEN 3554 0xde2 Network6 MUST have a prefix length 128 for a DS-Lite DETERMINISTIC type client or client associated with STATIC mapping
NSERR_LSN_NOIP6PROFILE 3555 0xde3 No such IP6 profile
NSERR_LSN_IP6GROUP 4079 0xfef Please remove associated group first
NSERR_LSN_DSLITE_INVALIDIP6 3556 0xde4 With DS-Lite add only SNIP6.
NSERR_LSN_DSLITE_SNIP6_REQD 3557 0xde5 DS-Lite needs SNIP6 in relevent TDs.If not already present, add SNIP6 relevent to all tds belonging to a LSN group
NSERR_LSN_DUP_IP6PROFILE 3552 0xde0 Either IPv6 address or NAT Prefix already been used
NSERR_LSN_SIPALG_CANNOT_BIND 3882 0xf2a Cannot bind SIPALG profile to the group, either the group is not in full cone mode or IP Pool pair is not enabled
NSERR_LSN_RTSPALG_CANNOT_BIND 3883 0xf2b Cannot bind RTSP profile to the group, either the group is not in full cone mode or IP Pool pair is not enabled
NSERR_LSN_SIPALG_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_BINDINGEXIST 3884 0xf2c Can not bind more than one SIPALG profile of same transport protocol to the lsn group
NSERR_LSN_RTSPALG_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_BINDINGEXIST 3885 0xf2d Can not bind more than one RTSPALG profile of same transport protocol to the lsn group
NSERR_LSN_CANNOT_UNBIND_APPPROFILE 3886 0xf2e Can not unbind appprofile unless all SIP ALG Profiles, RTSP ALG Profiles and IPSEC ALG Profile are unbound from all the groups to which appsprofile is bound
NSERR_LSN_RTSPALGPROF_TRANSPORT_SUPPORTED 3887 0xf2f RTSP ALG profile for only TCP is supported
NSERR_LSN_IPSECALG_CANNOT_BIND 3520 0xdc0 Cannot bind IPSECALG profile to the group, IP Pool pair is not enabled
NSERR_LSN_SIPALGPROF_PORT_NOT_ADDED 3353 0xd19 Atleast sipsrcportrange or sipdstportrange should be added with positive portrange
NSERR_LSN_GRP_SESS_LIMIT 852 0x354 Group session limit must be greater than the number of Packet Engines
NSERR_LSN_DETER_POOL 3903 0xf3f Cannot enable portblock allocation on deterministic pool
NSERR_LSN_SIP_RTSP_ALG_MAPPING_FILTERING_IPPOOLING 853 0x355 Can not set appsprofile unless all SIP ALG profiles and all RTSP ALG profiles are unbound from all the groups to which appsprofile is bound
NSERR_LSN_PORTBLOCKSIZE_NOTALLOWED 856 0x358 Portblock size should not be changed to zero from nonzero and to nonzero from zero
NSERR_LSN_POOLGROUP_PORTBLOCK_MISMATCH 857 0x359 Pools portblock allocation and groups portblocksize fields are not compatable
NSERR_LSN_GRPID_PERM 3818 0xeea GroupID should not be explicitly specified
NSERR_LSN_INVALID_DSLITE_PREFIX_LEN 3819 0xeeb Invalid Ipv6 Prefix length for dslite client ipv6 network(only /128 prefix is allowed)
NSERR_LSN_NOLOGPRFL 3384 0xd38 No such log profile
NSERR_LSN_NOHTTPHDRLOGPRFL 3392 0xd40 No such HTTP header log profile
NSERR_LSN_DOHASYNC 3396 0xd44 Force HA Sync should be given to sync Primarys pre-flush operation LSN sessions
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_INV_PORT 3397 0xd45 invalid port for static nat wild card port config, subscr port and nat port must be *
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_INV_NATIP 3398 0xd46 NAT ip must be given for static nat wildcard port config
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_INV_DSTIP 3399 0xd47 Dest ip must not be given for static nat wildcard port config
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_INV_WILDPORT 3400 0xd48 wild card port(* or 65535) is valid only for trasport protocol type ALL(i.e only static nat wild card port config)
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_NATIP_INUSE 3401 0xd49 NAT ip is already in use for static nat wildcard port config.
NSERR_LSN_STATICWILD_NATIP_NO_FREE_PORTS 3402 0xd4a NAT ip is not valid or not all ports on NAT ip are free, select different natip which has all ports free.
NSERR_LSN_NAT64_MAP_INS_FAIL 3406 0xd4e Operation on nat64 prefix failed due to low system memory
NSERR_LSN_DSLITE_NO_FTP_CM 3577 0xdf9 FTP connection mirroring in LSN is not supported with DS-Lite nattype

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