Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference


Statistics for icmpv6 resource.


(click to see Operations)

Name Data Type Permissions Description
clearstats Read-write Clear the statsistics / counters.
Possible values = basic, full
icmpv6totrxpkts Read-only ICMPv6 packets received.
icmpv6rxpktsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxpkts
icmpv6totrxbytes Read-only Bytes of ICMPv6 data received.
icmpv6rxbytesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxbytes
icmpv6tottxpkts Read-only ICMPv6 packets transmitted.
icmpv6txpktsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxpkts
icmpv6tottxbytes Read-only Bytes of ICMPv6 data transmitted.
icmpv6txbytesrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxbytes
icmpv6totrxna Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor advertisement packets received. These packets are received in response to a neighbor solicitation message sent out by this node, or if the link layer address of a neighbor has changed.
icmpv6rxnarate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxna
icmpv6totrxns Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation packets received. These packets are received if the link layer address of a neighbor has changed, or in response to a neighbor solicitation message sent out by this node.
icmpv6rxnsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxns
icmpv6totrxra Read-only ICMPv6 router advertisement packets received. These are received at defined intervals or in response to a router solicitation message.
icmpv6rxrarate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxra
icmpv6totrxrs Read-only ICMPv6 router solicitation packets received. These could be sent by a neighboring router to initiate address resolution.
icmpv6rxrsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxrs
icmpv6totrxechoreq Read-only ICMPv6 Ping Echo Request packets received.
icmpv6rxechoreqrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxechoreq
icmpv6totrxechoreply Read-only ICMPv6 Ping Echo Reply packets received.
icmpv6rxechoreplyrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6totrxechoreply
icmpv6tottxna Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor advertisement packets transmitted. These packets are sent in response to a neighbor solicitation packet, or if the link layer address of this node has changed.
icmpv6txnarate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxna
icmpv6tottxns Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation packets transmitted. These packets are sent to get the link layer addresses of neighboring nodes or to confirm that they are reachable.
icmpv6txnsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxns
icmpv6tottxra Read-only ICMPv6 router advertisement packets transmitted. These packets are sent at regular intervals or in response to a router solicitation packet from a neighbor.
icmpv6txrarate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxra
icmpv6tottxrs Read-only ICMPv6 router solicitation packets transmitted. These packets are sent to request neighboring routers to generate router advertisements immediately rather than wait for the next defined time.
icmpv6txrsrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxrs
icmpv6tottxechoreq Read-only ICMPv6 Ping Echo Request packets transmitted.
icmpv6txechoreqrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxechoreq
icmpv6tottxechoreply Read-only ICMP Ping Echo Reply packets transmitted.
icmpv6txechoreplyrate Read-only Rate (/s) counter for icmpv6tottxechoreply
icmpv6errra Read-only ICMPv6 router advertisement error packets received that contain an error in the header, such as an incorrect source IP address, destination IP address, or packet length.
icmpv6errna Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor advertisement error packets received that contain an error in the header, such as an incorrect source IP address, destination IP address, or packet length.
icmpv6errns Read-only ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation error packets received that contain an error in the header, such as an incorrect source IP address, destination IP address, or packet length.
icmpv6badchecksums Read-only Packets received with an ICMPv6 checksum error.
icmpv6unspt Read-only ICMPv6 packets received that are not supported by the Citrix ADC.
icmpv6rtthsld Read-only Packets dropped because the default threshold of 100 requests per 10 milliseconds has been exceeded. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.


(click to see Properties)


Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response:NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the "warning" query parameter as "yes". For example, to get warnings while connecting to the Citrix ADC appliance, the URL is as follows:


    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code "209 X-NITRO-WARNING".

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations:NITRO allows you to logon to the Citrix ADC appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:



    Note:In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:



Mandatory parameters are marked in redand placeholder content is marked in <green>.

get (all)





Use this query-parameter to get protocolicmpv6 resources based on additional properties.


Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN=<tokenvalue> Accept:application/json


HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for Citrix ADC specific errors). The response payload provides details of the errorResponse Headers:


Response Payload:

{ "protocolicmpv6": [ {
