Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference


Authentication, authorization, and accounting service configuration.

Name Description
aaacertparams Configuration for certificate parameter
aaaglobal_aaapreauthenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the aaapreauthenticationpolicy that can be bound to aaaglobal
aaaglobal_authenticationnegotiateaction_binding Binding object showing the authenticationnegotiateaction that can be bound to aaaglobal
aaaglobal_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to aaaglobal
aaagroup Configuration for AAA group
aaagroup_aaauser_binding Binding object showing the aaauser that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_auditnslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditnslogpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_auditsyslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditsyslogpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_authorizationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authorizationpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_intranetip6_binding Binding object showing the intranetip6 that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_intranetip_binding Binding object showing the intranetip that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_tmsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the tmsessionpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_vpnintranetapplication_binding Binding object showing the vpnintranetapplication that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_vpnsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnsessionpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpntrafficpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_vpnurl_binding Binding object showing the vpnurl that can be bound to aaagroup
aaagroup_vpnurlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnurlpolicy that can be bound to aaagroup
aaakcdaccount Configuration for Kerberos constrained delegation account
aaaldapparams Configuration for LDAP parameter
aaaotpparameter Configuration for AAA otpparameter
aaaparameter Configuration for AAA parameter
aaapreauthenticationaction Configuration for pre authentication action
aaapreauthenticationparameter Configuration for pre authentication parameter
aaapreauthenticationpolicy Configuration for pre authentication policy
aaapreauthenticationpolicy_aaaglobal_binding Binding object showing the aaaglobal that can be bound to aaapreauthenticationpolicy
aaapreauthenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to aaapreauthenticationpolicy
aaapreauthenticationpolicy_vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnvserver that can be bound to aaapreauthenticationpolicy
aaaradiusparams Configuration for RADIUS parameter
aaasession Configuration for active connection
aaassoprofile Configuration for aaa sso profile
aaatacacsparams Configuration for tacacs parameters
aaauser Configuration for AAA user
aaauser_aaagroup_binding Binding object showing the aaagroup that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_auditnslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditnslogpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_auditsyslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditsyslogpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_authorizationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authorizationpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_intranetip6_binding Binding object showing the intranetip6 that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_intranetip_binding Binding object showing the intranetip that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_tmsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the tmsessionpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_vpnintranetapplication_binding Binding object showing the vpnintranetapplication that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_vpnsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnsessionpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_vpntrafficpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpntrafficpolicy that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_vpnurl_binding Binding object showing the vpnurl that can be bound to aaauser
aaauser_vpnurlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnurlpolicy that can be bound to aaauser