Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference


SSL Configuration

Name Description
sslaction Configuration for SSL action
sslcacertgroup Configuration for Group of CA certificate-key pairs
sslcacertgroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslcacertgroup
sslcacertgroup_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslcacertgroup
sslcert Configuration for cerificate
sslcertbundle Configuration for Imported Certbundle
sslcertchain Configuration for CERT Chain
sslcertchain_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslcertchain
sslcertchain_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslcertchain
sslcertfile Configuration for Imported Certfile
sslcertkey Configuration for certificate key
sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertkey_crldistribution_binding Binding object showing the crldistribution that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertkey_service_binding Binding object showing the service that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertkey_sslocspresponder_binding Binding object showing the sslocspresponder that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertkey_sslprofile_binding Binding object showing the sslprofile that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertkey_sslvserver_binding Binding object showing the sslvserver that can be bound to sslcertkey
sslcertlink Configuration for linked certificate
sslcertreq Configuration for certificate request
sslcipher Configuration for cipher
sslcipher_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_individualcipher_binding Binding object showing the individualcipher that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_service_binding Binding object showing the service that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_servicegroup_binding Binding object showing the servicegroup that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_sslciphersuite_binding Binding object showing the sslciphersuite that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_sslprofile_binding Binding object showing the sslprofile that can be bound to sslcipher
sslcipher_sslvserver_binding Binding object showing the sslvserver that can be bound to sslcipher
sslciphersuite Configuration for ciphersuite
sslcrl Configuration for Certificate Revocation List
sslcrl_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslcrl
sslcrl_serialnumber_binding Binding object showing the serialnumber that can be bound to sslcrl
sslcrlfile Configuration for Imported crl files
ssldhfile Configuration for dh imported file
ssldhparam Configuration for dh Parameter
ssldsakey Configuration for dsa key
ssldtlsprofile Configuration for DTLS profile
sslecdsakey Configuration for ecdsa key
sslfips Configuration for fips
sslfipskey Configuration for FIPS key
sslfipssimsource Configuration for FIPsSIM source
sslfipssimtarget Configuration for FIPS SIM Target
sslglobal_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslglobal
sslglobal_sslpolicy_binding Binding object showing the sslpolicy that can be bound to sslglobal
sslhsmkey Configuration for HSM key
sslkeyfile Configuration for Imported ssl key files
ssllogprofile Configuration for SSL logging Profile
sslocspresponder Configuration for OCSP responser
sslparameter Configuration for SSL parameter
sslpkcs12 Configuration for pkcs12
sslpkcs8 Configuration for pkcs8
sslpolicy Configuration for SSL policy
sslpolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_csvserver_binding Binding object showing the csvserver that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding Binding object showing the lbvserver that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_sslglobal_binding Binding object showing the sslglobal that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_sslpolicylabel_binding Binding object showing the sslpolicylabel that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_sslservice_binding Binding object showing the sslservice that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicy_sslvserver_binding Binding object showing the sslvserver that can be bound to sslpolicy
sslpolicylabel Configuration for SSL policy label
sslpolicylabel_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslpolicylabel
sslpolicylabel_sslpolicy_binding Binding object showing the sslpolicy that can be bound to sslpolicylabel
sslprofile Configuration for SSL profile
sslprofile_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslprofile
sslprofile_ecccurve_binding Binding object showing the ecccurve that can be bound to sslprofile
sslprofile_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslprofile
sslprofile_sslcipher_binding Binding object showing the sslcipher that can be bound to sslprofile
sslprofile_sslciphersuite_binding Binding object showing the sslciphersuite that can be bound to sslprofile
sslprofile_sslvserver_binding Binding object showing the sslvserver that can be bound to sslprofile
sslrsakey Configuration for RSA key
sslservice Configuration for SSL service
sslservice_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslservice
sslservice_ecccurve_binding Binding object showing the ecccurve that can be bound to sslservice
sslservice_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslservice
sslservice_sslcipher_binding Binding object showing the sslcipher that can be bound to sslservice
sslservice_sslciphersuite_binding Binding object showing the sslciphersuite that can be bound to sslservice
sslservice_sslpolicy_binding Binding object showing the sslpolicy that can be bound to sslservice
sslservicegroup Configuration for SSL service group
sslservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslservicegroup
sslservicegroup_ecccurve_binding Binding object showing the ecccurve that can be bound to sslservicegroup
sslservicegroup_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslservicegroup
sslservicegroup_sslcipher_binding Binding object showing the sslcipher that can be bound to sslservicegroup
sslservicegroup_sslciphersuite_binding Binding object showing the sslciphersuite that can be bound to sslservicegroup
sslvserver Configuration for SSL virtual server
sslvserver_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to sslvserver
sslvserver_ecccurve_binding Binding object showing the ecccurve that can be bound to sslvserver
sslvserver_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to sslvserver
sslvserver_sslcipher_binding Binding object showing the sslcipher that can be bound to sslvserver
sslvserver_sslciphersuite_binding Binding object showing the sslciphersuite that can be bound to sslvserver
sslvserver_sslpolicy_binding Binding object showing the sslpolicy that can be bound to sslvserver
sslwrapkey Configuration for WRAP key