Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_AS_NOSTARTURL 3120 0xc30 No such StartURL check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_STARTURL 3121 0xc31 The StartURL check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NODENYURL 3122 0xc32 No such DenyURL check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_DENYURL 3123 0xc33 The DenyURL check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOCOOKIECONSISTENCY 3124 0xc34 No such CookieConsistency check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_COOKIECONSISTENCY 3125 0xc35 The CookieConsistency check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOFIELDCONSISTENCY 3126 0xc36 No such FieldConsistency check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_FIELDCONSISTENCY 3127 0xc37 The FieldConsistency check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOXSS 3128 0xc38 No such CrossSiteScripting check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XSS 3129 0xc39 The CrossSiteScripting check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOSQL 3130 0xc3a No such SQLInjection check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_SQL 3131 0xc3b The SQLInjection check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOFIELDFORMAT 3132 0xc3c No such FieldFormat check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_FIELDFORMAT 3133 0xc3d The FieldFormat check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOOBJECTEXPRESSION 3134 0xc3e No such SafeObject check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_OBJECTEXPRESSION 3135 0xc3f The SafeObject check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOFIELDTYPE 3136 0xc40 No such FieldType. See /var/log/ns.log for more details.
NSERR_AS_NOT_SUPPORTED_VS 3137 0xc41 Specified policy can be bound only to HTTP/SSL/PROXY vserver
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_STARTURL 3138 0xc42 Invalid StartURL Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_DENYURL 3139 0xc43 Invalid DenyURL Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_COOKIECONSISTENCY 3140 0xc44 Invalid CookieConsistency Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_FIELDCONSISTENCY 3141 0xc45 Invalid FieldConsistency Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XSS 3142 0xc46 Invalid CrossSiteScripting Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_SQL 3143 0xc47 Invalid SQLInjection Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_FIELDFORMAT 3144 0xc48 Invalid FieldFormat Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_OBJECTEXPRESSION 3145 0xc49 Invalid SafeObject Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_BUFFEROVERFLOW 3146 0xc4a Invalid BufferOverflow Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_CCARD 3147 0xc4b Invalid CreditCard Action
NSERR_AS_FIELDFORMAT_MIN_GT_MAX 3148 0xc4c Minimum FieldFormat length cannot exceed maximum FieldFormat length
NSERR_AS_FIELDTYPE_BAD_NAME_LEN 3149 0xc4d Invalid FieldType name length
NSERR_AS_BAD_COMMENT_LEN 3150 0xc4e Invalid comment length
NSERR_AS_FIELDTYPE_BAD_REGEX_LEN 3151 0xc4f Invalid regex length
NSERR_AS_SECURITY_CHECK_REQUIRED 3152 0xc50 Security check required
NSERR_AS_FIELDTYPE_BUILTIN 3153 0xc51 Built-in FieldTypes cannot be modified or deleted
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_CONTENT_TYPE 3154 0xc52 Invalid ContentType Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_DEFAULT_CHARSET 3155 0xc53 Invalid default character set
NSERR_AS_BAD_COOKIECONSISTENCY_NAME 3156 0xc54 Invalid Cookie name
NSERR_AS_BAD_ERRORURL 3157 0xc55 Invalid ErrorURL
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_URL 3158 0xc56 Invalid encoding for URL
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_FIELDNAME 3159 0xc57 Invalid encoding for field name
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_COOKIENAME 3160 0xc58 Invalid encoding for cookie name
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_OBJECTEXPRESSION_NAME 3161 0xc59 Invalid encoding for SafeObject name
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_EXPRESSION 3162 0xc5a Invalid encoding for expression
NSERR_AS_BAD_ENCODING_REGEX 3163 0xc5b Invalid encoding for regex
NSERR_AS_MODIFIED_URL 3164 0xc5c Replaced character that is not printable ASCII with escaped equivalent in URL
NSERR_AS_MODIFIED_OBJECTEXPRESSION 3165 0xc5d Replaced character that is not printable ASCII with escaped equivalent in expression
NSERR_AS_CFFIELD_BAD_FIELDNAME_LEN 3166 0xc5e Invalid confidential form field name length
NSERR_AS_CFFIELD_BAD_URL_LEN 3167 0xc5f Invalid confidential form field URL length
NSERR_AS_NOCFFIELD 3168 0xc60 No such confidential form field
NSERR_AS_BAD_CFF_NAME 3169 0xc61 Name may not contain leading/trailing spaces.
NSERR_AS_BAD_CFF_URL 3170 0xc62 URL may not contain leading/trailing spaces.
NSERR_AS_CFF_DUP 3171 0xc63 The confidential field is already in use.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XDOS 3172 0xc64 Invalid XML Dos Action
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XML_DOS_URL 3173 0xc65 The XML DoS URL check is already in use.
NSERR_XML_URL_NOT_SUPPORTED 3174 0xc66 Only .* is supported for XML checks.
NSERR_AS_NO_XDOS_URL 3175 0xc67 No such URL exist for XDOS check.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_XML_DOS_CONF 3176 0xc68 Invalid configuration: xmlMaxFileSize can not be less than xmlMinFileSize when both checks are enabled.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XML_SQLINJECTION 3177 0xc69 Invalid XML - SQLInjection Action.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XML_XSS 3178 0xc6a Invalid XML - CrossSiteScripting Action.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XML_WELLFORMEDNESS 3179 0xc6b Invalid XML - Format Action.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_PROFILE_TYPE 3180 0xc6c Invalid Appsecure Profile Type.
NSERR_AS_MODIFIED_FIELDNAME 3181 0xc6d Replaced character that is not printable ASCII with escaped equivalent in form field name
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_WSI 3182 0xc6e Invalid XML WS-I Action.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XML_WSI_URL 3183 0xc6f The XML WS-I URL check is already in use.
NSERR_AS_NO_WSI_URL 3184 0xc70 No such URL exist for WS-I check.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_XML_WSI_CONF 3185 0xc71 Invalid WS-I rule id in the list.
NSERR_AS_OBJECTNAME_TOO_BIG 3186 0xc72 Object too big.
NSERR_AS_OBJECT_NO_EXIST 3187 0xc73 Imported file does not exist [Please import the file before use]. See /var/log/ns.log for more details.
NSERR_AS_SERVER_NAME_TOO_BIG 3188 0xc74 Server name too big.
NSERR_AS_OBJECT_NOT_READABLE 3189 0xc75 Object not readable [Please make sure it exists].
NSERR_AS_NOPROFILE 3190 0xc76 No such profile.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_XML_ATTACHMENT 3191 0xc77 Invalid XML - Attachment Action
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_MSGVAL 3192 0xc78 Invalid XML Message Validation Action.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XML_MSGVAL_URL 3193 0xc79 The XML MSGVAL URL check is already in use.
NSERR_AS_NO_MSGVAL_URL 3194 0xc7a No such URL exist for MSGVAL check.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_XML_MSGVAL_CONF 3195 0xc7b Invalid MsgVal configuration.
NSERR_AS_BIND_XML_MSGVAL_CONF 3196 0xc7c Error in message validation binding. For More details see log messages.
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_FAILED 3197 0xc7d Importing the resource failed
NSERR_AS_OBJECT_EXIST 3198 0xc7e Object already exists
NSERR_AS_INVALID_OPTION 3199 0xc7f Invalid option
NSERR_AS_REMOVE_FAILED 3200 0xc80 Problem in removing resource
NSERR_AS_NO_RESOURCE 3201 0xc81 No such resource. Object you are trying to update or remove does not exist.
NSERR_AS_SHOW_FAILED 3202 0xc82 Problem in showing object
NSERR_AS_DEPENDENCY_FAILED 3203 0xc83 Problem in downloading dependencies
NSERR_AS_COMPILATION_FAILED 3204 0xc84 Problem compiling object. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file
NSERR_INVALID_OBJECT_NAME 3205 0xc85 Invalid name; names must begin with an alphanumeric character or underscore and must contain only alphanumerics, _, #, ., :, @, =or -
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED 3206 0xc86 Problem in importing the object. Please check the DNS NameServer/Route settings and try again. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file
NSERR_AS_RESOURCE_INUSE 3207 0xc87 Can not remove resource. Resource is in use
NSERR_AS_BAD_MAPPING_DATA 3208 0xc88 Mapping Data Corrupted
NSERR_AS_PROFILE_CHANGE_HTML 3209 0xc89 HTML checks will not be applicable when profile type is XML
NSERR_AS_PROFILE_CHANGE_XML 3210 0xc8a XML checks will not be applicable when profile type is HTML
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_ALREADY_INPROCESS 3211 0xc8b Import failed. Another resource with the same name being processed
NSERR_AS_INVALID_XML_ERROR_OBJECT 3212 0xc8c Invalid XML error object
NSERR_AS_XML_WELLFORMEDNESS_DISABLED 3213 0xc8d XML Security checks can not be performed, once an XML message is found not wellformed.
NSERR_AS_INDIVIDUAL_IMPORT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 3214 0xc8e Import failed - importing file size greater than configured size limit
NSERR_AS_TOTAL_IMPORT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 3215 0xc8f Import failed - exceeding the configured total size limit on the imported objects
NSERR_AS_LEARNING_BUSY 3216 0xc90 Please wait for the learning database to finish updating
NSERR_AS_DEPRECATED_XML_WSI_RULE_R4003 3217 0xc91 WS-I Rule R4003 has been deprecated, it will be removed from the WS-I binding list.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XML_ATTACHMENT_URL 3218 0xc92 The XML Attachment URL check is already in use.
NSERR_AS_NO_XML_ATTACHMENT_URL 3219 0xc93 No such URL exist for XML Attachment check.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_SOAP_FAULT 3220 0xc94 Invalid SOAP Fault Filtering Action.
NSERR_AS_XML_DOS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 3221 0xc95 XML DoS check value is not within the allowed range.
NSERR_AS_XML_MSGVAL_CLI_ERROR 3222 0xc96 -XMLValidateResponse requires one of [-XMLValidateSOAPEnvelope, -XMLWSDL, -XMLRequestSchema, -XMLResponseSchema]
NSERR_AS_INVALID_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_OBJECT 3223 0xc97 Import failed. Please check syntax of signature object
NSERR_AS_SESSION_TIMEOUT_LIFETIME_CONFLICT 3224 0xc98 The session lifetime cannot be less than the session timeout
NSERR_AS_CLASSIC_POLICY_ALREADY_BOUND 3225 0xc99 Failed to bind advanced policy because a classic one is already bound globally or to a vserver. Binding classic and advanced policies at the same time is not allowed
NSERR_AS_ADVANCED_POLICY_ALREADY_BOUND 3226 0xc9a Failed to bind classic policy because an advanced one is already bound globally or to a vserver or to a user defined policylabel. Binding classic and advanced policies at the same time is not allowed
NSERR_AS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_NO_INJECTION_TYPE 3227 0xc9b Failed to set signature object. One of the
NSERR_AS_NOCSRF_TAG 3228 0xc9c No such CrossSiteRequestForgery check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_CSRF_TAG 3229 0xc9d The CrossSiteRequestForgery check is already in use
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_CSRF_TAG 3230 0xc9e Invalid CSRF Tag Action
NSERR_AS_TURNING_TAGGING_OFF_CSRF_TAG_ON 3231 0xc9f Must set CSRF tagging check to nonebefore disabling form tagging.
NSERR_AS_TURNING_CSRF_TAG_ON_TAGGING_OFF 3232 0xca0 Form tagging must be enabled before turning on CSRF tag checks.
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_LIMIT_LESS_THAN_IMPORT_DIR_SIZE 3233 0xca1 Import limit should be greater than the current total imported objects size.
NSERR_AS_UNSUPPORTED_IMPORT_PROTOCOL 3234 0xca2 Unsupported import source protocol. Supported protocols are http, https and ftp
NSERR_AS_UNSUPPORTED_EXPORT_PROTOCOL 3235 0xca3 Unsupported export target protocol. Supported protocols are http and https
NSERR_AS_EXPORT_FAILED 3236 0xca4 Export failed. Check /var/log/ns.log for details.
NSERR_AS_BAD_LOCAL_FILE 3237 0xca5 Local file cannot use .. to backtrack up a directory.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_REGEX_CUSTOM_OBJECT 3238 0xca6 Invalid regular expression in custom object. Reverting to default settings.
NSERR_AS_BUILTIN_INVALID_OP 3239 0xca7 Invalid operation for built-in profile
NSERR_AS_INVALID_ADV_POLICY_STATE 3240 0xca8 Cannot bind advanced policy with state set to DISABLED
NSERR_AS_BUILTIN_NAMES_IN_CONF 3241 0xca9 Entities with names reserved for built-in profiles have been discarded
NSERR_AS_DEFAULT_PROFILE_IS_BYPASS 3242 0xcaa The default profile is set to bypass traffic. It can be set using the set appfw settingscommand.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_DENYURL 3243 0xcab Learn is not supported as a denyURLAction.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_XML_FILE_SIZE 3244 0xcac Invalid configuration: xmlMinFileSize / xmlMaxFileSize can not be less than 4 or greater than 1000000000.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_BUFFEROVERFLOW 3246 0xcae Learn is not supported as a bufferOvewflowAction.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_XML_FORMAT 3247 0xcaf Learn is not supported as an XMLFormatAction.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_XML_SQLINJECTION 3251 0xcb3 Learn is not supported as an XMLSQLInjectionAction.
NSERR_AS_BAD_ACTION_MULTIPLE_HEADER 3252 0xcb4 Invalid Multiple Header Action. Only one of Block and KeepLast is allowed / None cannot be used with another Multiple Header Action.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_XML_MSGVAL 3253 0xcb5 Learn is not supported as an XMLValidationAction.
NSERR_AS_NO_LEARN_XML_SOAP_FAULT 3254 0xcb6 Learn is not supported as an XMLSOAPFaultAction.
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_INTERNAL_ERROR 3255 0xcb7 Internal error while importing resource.
NSERR_AS_NETSVC_CONN_FAILED 3256 0xcb8 Critical internal error. please retry after some time.
NSERR_AS_VALIDATION_FAILED 3257 0xcb9 Problem validating Imported object against specification. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_CKI_TRANSFORM_DISABLED 3258 0xcba This setting will not take effect until cookieTransforms is turned ON.
NSERR_AS_NOXMLXSS 3259 0xcbb No such XMLXSS check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XMLXSS 3260 0xcbc The XMLXSS check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NOXMLSQL 3261 0xcbd No such XMLSQLInjection check
NSERR_AS_EXIST_XMLSQL 3262 0xcbe The XMLSQLInjection check is already in use
NSERR_AS_NO_ENDTAG 3263 0xcbf Missing end tag in the imported signature file.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_RULEID 3264 0xcc0 Invalid rule id in imported signature.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_RULE_VERSION 3265 0xcc1 Invalid version in imported signature.
NSERR_AS_SIG_PARSE_ERROR 3266 0xcc2 Error parsing imported signatures.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3267 0xcc3 Imported signatures have invalid attributes
NSERR_AS_SIG_MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS 3268 0xcc4 Imported signature patterns has multiple locations
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_STATE 3269 0xcc5 Error parsing imported signatures. Invalid parse state.
NSERR_AS_CKI_ENCRYPT_METHOD_IS_NONE 3270 0xcc6 For security purposes, please set the NS encryptions parameter using the \“set ns encryptionParams\” command.
NSERR_AS_UPDATE_FAILED 3271 0xcc7 Updating the resource failed
NSERR_AS_OBJECT_NOT_USED 3272 0xcc8 The specified object is not used
NSERR_AS_SIG_MULTIPLE_URLS 3273 0xcc9 Imported signature pattern location has multiple URLs
NSERR_AS_SIG_MULTIPLE_FIELD_NAMES 3274 0xcca Imported signature pattern location has multiple field names
NSERR_AS_SIG_NO_FASTMATCH 3275 0xccb A signature rule has no fastmatch pattern. See log for details.
NSERR_AS_PE_POLICY_NOTSUPPORTED 3276 0xccc Not supported for classic policy.
NSERR_AS_AUDITLOG_POLICY_NOTSUPPORTED 3277 0xccd Not supported for auditlog policy.
NSERR_AS_SIG_MULTIPLE_CREDIT_CARD_RULES 3278 0xcce Imported signatures has multiple credit card patterns in Rule.
NSERR_AS_TURNING_TAGGING_OFF_SESSIONLESS_FFC_ON 3279 0xccf Must disable sessionless field consistency checks before disabling form tagging.
NSERR_AS_TURNING_SESSIONLESS_FFC_ON_TAGGING_OFF 3280 0xcd0 Form tagging must be enabled before enabling sessionless field consistency checks.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_CREDIT_CARD_PATTERN 3281 0xcd1 Imported Signatures has invalid Credit Card pattern.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_SAFE_OBJECT_PATTERN 3282 0xcd2 Imported Signatures has invalid Safe Object pattern.
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_INVALID_TAR_ARCHIVE 3283 0xcd3 Imported archive is invalid. Please provide valid tar.gz archive.
NSERR_AS_SQLINJECTION_KEYWORD_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3284 0xcd4 Imported signatures has invalid SQL injection attributes.
NSERR_AS_SPLSTRING_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3285 0xcd5 Imported signatures has invalid special string attributes.
NSERR_AS_SQLINJECTION_KEYWORD_LITERAL_EXCEED_MAXLEN 3286 0xcd6 Maximum allowed length for type \“LITERAL\” for keyword is 255.
NSERR_AS_SPLSTRING_LITERAL_EXCEED_MAXLEN 3287 0xcd7 Maximum allowed length for type \“LITERAL\” for special string is 255.
NSERR_AS_XSLT_TRANFORM_LATEST 3288 0xcd8 Problem converting imported signature to the latest version. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_XSLT_TRANFORM_USER 3289 0xcd9 Problem converting imported signature with the given xslt file. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_SIG_RESP_BODY_EXPR_ERROR 3290 0xcda Match type EXPRESSION is not supported in response rules.
NSERR_AS_NOTRUSTEDLEARNINGCLIENT 3291 0xcdb No Such Trusted Learning Client.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_TRUSTEDLEARNINGCLIENT 3292 0xcdc The Trusted Learning Client is already in use.
NSERR_AS_POLICY_ALLOWED_BINDPOINT_NONE 3293 0xcdd Only bindpoint none is allowed for this policy.
NSERR_AS_XSS_DENIED_PATTERN_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3294 0xcde Imported signatures has invalid denied pattern attribute.
NSERR_AS_XSS_DENIED_PATTERN_EXCEED_MAXLEN 3295 0xcdf Maximum allowed length for type \“LITERAL\” for denied pattern is 255.
NSERR_AS_XSS_ALLOWED_PATTERN_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3296 0xce0 Imported signatures has invalid allowed pattern attribute.
NSERR_AS_XSS_ALLOWED_PATTERN_EXCEED_MAXLEN 3297 0xce1 Maximum allowed length for type \“LITERAL\” for allowed pattern is 255.
NSERR_AS_SIG_MULTIPLE_SUB_LOCATIONS 3298 0xce2 Imported signature pattern location has multiple sub locations
NSERR_AS_SIG_INTERNAL_ERROR 3299 0xce3 Internal error when configuring signatures.
NSERR_AS_SIG_URL_TAG_ERROR 3300 0xce4 Signature file has
NSERR_AS_SIG_HEADER_NAME_TAG_ERROR 3301 0xce5 Signature file has
NSERR_AS_SIG_COOKIE_NAME_TAG_ERROR 3302 0xce6 Signature file has
NSERR_AS_SIG_FIELD_NAME_TAG_ERROR 3303 0xce7 Signature file has
NSERR_AS_SIG_PATTERN_ADD_ERROR 3304 0xce8 Problem constructing signature pattern from file
NSERR_AS_SIG_NON_LITERAL_FASTMATCH 3305 0xce9 Signature file has \“fastmatch\” on a non-literal match. See /var/log/ns.log for more details
NSERR_AS_SIG_NEGATED_LITERAL_FASTMATCH 3306 0xcea Signature file has \“fastmatch\” on a negated literal match.
NSERR_AS_SIG_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED 3307 0xceb Memory allocation failed while loading signatures.
NSERR_AS_SIG_TOO_MANY_PATTERNS 3308 0xcec Signature file has a rule with too many patterns.
NSERR_AS_SIG_LITERAL_HEX_PARSE_ERROR 3309 0xced Signature file has a pattern with hex byte syntax error.
NSERR_AS_SIG_PCRE_COMPILE_ERROR 3310 0xcee Signature file has an invalid PCRE.
NSERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_NAME 3311 0xcef Invalid signature name; it must begin with an alphanumeric character or underscore and must contain only alphanumerics, _, ., or -
NSERR_AS_SIGNATURE_MERGE 3312 0xcf0 Problem merging imported signature rules with the existing signature rules. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_RECORDER_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR 3313 0xcf1 Cannot allocate memory for requested recorder size.
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_FILE_VERSION 3314 0xcf2 Signature file has an invalid SignaturesFile versionvalue.
NSERR_AS_AUTO_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_FAILED 3315 0xcf3 Updating of signatures failed. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_NO_CONTENT_TYPE 3316 0xcf4 No Such content-type.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_LOG_EXPRESSION 3317 0xcf5 LogExpression is already in use.
NSERR_AS_POLICY_SET_NOTALLOWED 3318 0xcf6 Set disallowed as advance profile can only be associated to policy that is either not bound or bound to spotted vservers.
NSERR_AS_SIGNATURE_URL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE 3319 0xcf7 Signature URL set in set appfw settingsis not accessible. Please check the DNS NameServer/Route settings and try again.
NSERR_AS_NODEGROUP_UNBIND_VSERVER_NOTALLOWED 3320 0xcf8 Unbinding vserver from nodegroup disallowed as vserver has appfw policy bound to it.
NSERR_AS_NODEGROUP_BIND_NODE_NOTALLOWED 3321 0xcf9 Nodegroup could be associated with only one node if it has a vserver that has appfw policy bound to it.
NSERR_AS_BUILT_IN_OBJECT_ERROR 3322 0xcfa Cannot add or remove built in objects.
NSERR_AS_SIGNATURE_VALIDATE_FAILED 3323 0xcfb Imported signature is failed to validate against sha1 file. For more details see /var/log/ns.log file.
NSERR_AS_INVALID_PARAMETER 3325 0xcfd Sha1 parameter is allowed to use only with Import Appfw Signatures command
NSERR_AS_LEARNING_DB_ERROR 3326 0xcfe Learning database is either corrupt or does not exist.
NSERR_AS_VALIDATION_SIGNATURE_MAPPING_FAILED 3327 0xcff SignatureMapping.xml is invalid. Failed to validate SignatureMapping.xml against its schema file.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_CONTENT_TYPE 3332 0xd04 Content-type is already in use.
NSERR_AS_SIG_MISSING_MAX_MATCH_LEN 3333 0xd05 Signature file has a rule with a response body pattern without the required maxMatchLength attribute
NSERR_AS_NOT_ALLOWED_CONTENT_TYPE 3334 0xd06 Content-types application/x-www-form-urlencodedor multipart/form-dataor text/x-gwt-rpcare allowed by default and do not need to be explicitly configured in the allowed list
NSERR_AS_TOTAL_IMPORT_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 3335 0xd07 Update is successful but update operation of this import object exceeded total import size limit. Now total import size limit is changed to newer value.
NSERR_AS_MAX_TOTAL_IMPORT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 3336 0xd08 Update operation of this import object exceeded maximum total import size limit. Please remove the object.
NSERR_INVALID_DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_NAME 3337 0xd09 Signature name must only be *Default Signaturesor *Xpath Injection Patterns
NSERR_AS_SIG_OFFSET_GTE_DEPTH 3338 0xd0a Signature file has a pattern with offset attribute greater than or equal to the depth attribute. See /var/log/ns.log for more details
NSERR_AS_SQLWILDCHAR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3339 0xd0b Imported signatures has invalid wild char attributes.
NSERR_AS_WILDCHAR_LITERAL_EXCEED_MAXLEN 3340 0xd0c Maximum allowed length for type \“LITERAL\” for wild char exceeded.
NSERR_AS_SIG_EXCLAMATION_LITERAL 3341 0xd0d Cannot have an exclamation point alone as a literal
NSERR_AS_REMOVE_FAILED_RENAME_FAILED 3342 0xd0e Problem in removing resource - file rename failed
NSERR_AS_ARCHIVE_PROFILE_FAILED 3343 0xd0f Some commands failed during archive profile. Please see /var/log/ns.log for more details.
NSERR_AS_RESTORE_PROFILE_FAILED 3345 0xd11 Some commands failed during restore profile. Please see /var/log/ns.log for more details.
NSERR_AS_EMPTY_CONTENT_TYPE 3352 0xd18 Empty content type
NSERR_AS_SIG_FASTMATCH_BAD_LOCATION 3359 0xd1f A signature rule has fastmatch pattern in a bad location. See log for details.
NSERR_AS_SESSIONLESS_FFC_POST_ONLY 3360 0xd20 POST ONLYis same as option ONin streaming
NSERR_AS_TURNING_TAGGING_OFF_FFC_ON 3361 0xd21 Form-tagging cannot be disabled and remains enabled as long as field consistency check is enabled.
NSERR_AS_NO_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER 3363 0xd23 No such credit card number.
NSERR_AS_EXIST_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER 3364 0xd24 Credit card number is already in use.
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_IMPORTED_OBJECT 3365 0xd25 No such imported object.
NSERR_AS_LEARNING_SQL_ERROR 3366 0xd26 SQL Error when performing learning operation
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_FILE_IS_EMPTY 3367 0xd27 Imported file is empty
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_OVERWRITE_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 3368 0xd28 Overwrite option is not supported.
NSERR_AS_BAD_INSPECT_CONTENT_TYPE 3369 0xd29 Invalid inspection content type
NSERR_AS_GEO_LOCATION_LOGGING_ENABLED 3376 0xd30 GeoLocationLogging only works when CEFLogging is enabled
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_WSDL_OBJECT 3377 0xd31 WSDL does not exist
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_XMLSCHEMA_OBJECT 3378 0xd32 XMLSchema does not exist
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_XMLERRORPAGE_OBJECT 3379 0xd33 XMLErrorPage does not exist
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_SIGNATURE_OBJECT 3380 0xd34 Signature does not exist
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_ARCHIVE_OBJECT 3381 0xd35 Archive does not exist
NSERR_AS_NO_SUCH_HTMLERRORPAGE_OBJECT 3382 0xd36 HTMLErrorPage does not exist
NSERR_AS_XSS_ALLOWED_TAG_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3393 0xd41 Xss allowed Tag has invalid attribute
NSERR_AS_XSS_ALLOWED_ATTR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3394 0xd42 Xss allowed attribute has invalid attribute
NSERR_AS_SQL_TRANSFORM_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE 3395 0xd43 SQL transform has invalid attribute
NSERR_AS_SRC_INVALID 3404 0xd4c Invalid source
NSERR_AS_IMPORT_NOT_DEFAULT_WITH_SHA1 3405 0xd4d Name should be *Default Signatures when -sha1 is specified
NSERR_AS_WAR_UPDATE_FOLLOWED_BY_IMPORT 3407 0xd4f Execute update command to push the object to packet engine so that the imported object is applied.
NSERR_AS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_SQL_MULTIPLE_INJECTION_TYPE 3423 0xd5f Failed to set signature object. Multiple injection tags of sql type are not allowed
NSERR_AS_BAD_CCARD_FLAGS 3439 0xd6f Invalid Credit Card Value
NSERR_AS_NO_LOGEXPRESSION 3790 0xece No Such Log Expression
NSERR_AS_RFCPROFILE_BAD_ACTION 3808 0xee0 Bad rfc profile action
NSERR_AS_RFCPROFILE 3809 0xee1 Invalid rfc profile
NSERR_AS_BAD_MALFORMED_REQ_ACTION 3814 0xee6 Invalid malformed request Action
NSERR_AS_SIG_INVALID_RULE_YEAR 3822 0xeee Invalid year attribute value in imported signature.