Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_PXY_CACHE_HMG 512 0x200 All caches in a content group should be of the same type
NSERR_PXY_RM_LAST_MEMT 513 0x201 Cannot remove last map entry from the table; remove the map table instead
NSERR_CSW_INS_INVAL_PFX 514 0x202 Invalid prefix specified in the URL
NSERR_PENG_EXPR_IVAL_NAME 515 0x203 Invalid expression name
NSERR_CSW_BIG_URL 516 0x204 URL specified is too long - maximum is 208, including . and *
NSERR_CSW_BIG_PFX 517 0x205 Prefix specified is too long - maximum is 199, excluding *
NSERR_CSW_BIG_SFX 518 0x206 Extension specified is too long, maximum is 8
NSERR_CSW_INVAL_SFX 519 0x207 Extension is invalid
NSERR_EXPR_NOMETHOD 520 0x208 Invalid method name
NSERR_EXPR_NOURLTOKENS 521 0x209 Invalid HTTP URL tokens
NSERR_EXPR_NOVERSION 522 0x20A Invalid HTTP version
NSERR_EXPR_NOHDR 523 0x20B Invalid HTTP header
NSERR_EXPR_NOCACNTL 524 0x20C Invalid cache-control value
NSERR_EXPR_NOPRAG 525 0x20D Invalid pragma value
NSERR_EXPR_NOQUERY 526 0x20E Invalid query string
NSERR_EXPR_NOQUAL 527 0x20F Invalid qualifier
NSERR_ACTION_INUSE 528 0x210 Action name is already in use
NSERR_ACTION_HDR_INVAL 529 0x211 Invalid header
NSERR_URLQ_INVAL 530 0x212 ?
NSERR_UNDEF_ACTION 531 0x213 Action directive or qualifier is not valid
NSERR_CPE_INUSE 532 0x214 Policy name is already in use
NSERR_CPE_REQACT_INVAL 533 0x215 Request action is not valid
NSERR_CPE_RSPACT_INVAL 534 0x216 Response action is not valid
NSERR_CPE_REQRULE_INVAL 535 0x217 Request rule is not valid
NSERR_CPE_RSPRULE_INVAL 536 0x218 Response rule is not valid
NSERR_ACTION_DEFINVAL 537 0x219 Default actions cannot be removed
NSERR_ACTION_NOTPRESENT 538 0x21A Action does not exist
NSERR_PXY_INVAL_SERVICETYPE 539 0x21B Invalid service type for virtual server
NSERR_CACHEPOLICY_INUSE 540 0x21C Caching policy name is already in use
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_INTERNAL 543 0x21F Built-in content groups cannot be removed
NSERR_CPE_INVAL 544 0x220 Policy name is invalid
NSERR_EXPR_NOLEN 545 0x221 URL length is not valid
NSERR_DNSWAIT 546 0x222 ?
NSERR_GW_TIMEOUT 547 0x223 ?
NSERR_CSWDMN_INUSE 548 0x224 Domain is already hosted by another server
NSERR_ACTION_NOMOD_HDR 550 0x226 Action has missing argument
NSERR_EXPR_INVAL_OPERATOR 551 0x227 Invalid operator for the qualifier
NSERR_EXPR_DEF_REM_INVAL 552 0x228 Default expression cannot be removed
NSERR_EXPR_TOOMANY 553 0x229 Expression limit reached
NSERR_ACTION_TOOMANY 554 0x22A Action limit reached
NSERR_CSWPOLICY_TOOMANY 555 0x22B CS policy limit reached
NSERR_CRDPOLICY_TOOMANY 556 0x22C CR policy limit reached
NSERR_MAPPOLICY_TOOMANY 557 0x22D Map policy limit reached
NSERR_FILTPOLICY_TOOMANY 558 0x22E Filter policy limit reached
NSERR_CACHEPOLICY_TOOMANY 559 0x22F Integrated cache policy limit reached
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_TOOMANY 560 0x230 Integrated cache content group limit reached
NSERR_CACHEPARAM_MEMALLOC_FAILED 561 0x231 Unable to allocate specified amount of memory
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_INUSE 562 0x232 Content group name is already in use
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_EXPCONFLICT 563 0x233 Expiry times conflict
NSERR_CACHEPARAM_INVAL 564 0x234 Cache parameter is invalid
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_PARAM_INVAL 565 0x235 Invalid invalidation parameter
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_QUERY_INVAL 566 0x236 Invalid query string
NSERR_ACTION_INVAL 567 0x237 Action name is invalid
NSERR_EXPR_DEF_SET_INVAL 568 0x238 Default expression cannot be set
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_RESSZ_MIN_GT_MAX 569 0x239 Minimum response size cannot exceed the maximum response size
NSERR_FILTACION_INVALRESPCODE 570 0x23A Invalid HTTP response code
NSERR_SVPN_CERT_CHALLENGE 571 0x23B Destination Server challenged for a client certificate
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_HOST_REQ 576 0x240 Host required for a group with invalidation restricted to host
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_HOST_NREQ 577 0x241 Host not required
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_DYNGRP_NEXP 578 0x242 Cannot expire a parameterized content group
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_ONE_GRP_REQ 579 0x243 Only one content group required
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_ONE_ALL_REQ 580 0x244 ALL should be the only content group specified
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_MATCH_PARAM_INVAL 581 0x245 Invalid request hit parameter
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_DYN_RES_CACHE 582 0x246 Cannot specify a parameterized group with a response time CACHE action
NSERR_EXPR_INVAL_VALUE 583 0x247 Invalid expression value
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_PREFETCH_CONFLICT 584 0x248 Prefetch periods conflict
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_PREFETCH_ENABLE 585 0x249 Enable prefetch to set prefetch period
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_CCH_UNKNOWN 586 0x24A Unknown cache-control header
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_RELEXP_X10MS 587 0x24B Relative expiry milliseconds must be multiples of 10
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_PREFETCH_X10MS 588 0x24C Prefetch period milliseconds must be multiples of 10
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_STATIC_TO_DYNAMIC 589 0x24D This content group cannot be made parameterized
NSERR_CLASSIC_POLICY_DEPRECATED 590 0x24E Classic policy expressions are deprecated - use Default (Advanced) policy expressions instead; the nspepi utility may be helpful in conversion
NSERR_PLCY_DEF_REM_INVAL 591 0x24F Default policy cannot be removed
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_PREFETCH_REL_NREQ 592 0x250 Relative expiry and prefetch period should both be seconds or milliseconds
NSERR_EXPR_SET_INVAL_FLOWTYPE 593 0x251 Flow type cannot be changed
NSERR_EXPR_TOO_BIG 594 0x252 Expression too long - maximum length is 1500, in fully-qualified form
NSERR_CPE_INVALID_IDRANGE 595 0x253 Priority should be between 0 and 64000 (inclusive)
NSERR_EXPR_TOO_BIG_EXT 596 0x254 Expression too long - maximum length is 800, in fully-qualified form
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_MATCHCOOKIE_DYN_REQ 597 0x255 Match cookies argument allowed only with parameterized groups
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_MATCHCOOKIE_NREQ 598 0x256 Cannot modify match cookies
NSERR_CACHEFWPXY_PRESENT 599 0x257 Forward proxy is already present
NSERR_CACHE_PREFETCH_REEVAL_NREQ 600 0x258 Cannot configure a content group to both prefetch and evaluate every miss
NSERR_CACHEFWPXY_TOOMANY 601 0x259 Forward proxy limit reached
NSERR_CACHE_PET_FC_NREQ 602 0x25A Cannot enable both Poll Every Timeand Flash Cache
NSERR_SAVECONFIG_IN_PROGRESS 603 0x25B Configuration is being saved, please try again later
NSERR_GWSUBNET_NOT_EXIST 604 0x25C The gateway is not directly reachable
NSERR_GW_REQ_SUBNET 605 0x25D An existing route relies on the presence of this subnet
NSERR_URLPOL_NO_PRI 606 0x25E Priority cannot be specified for URL-based content switching policy
NSERR_BAD_CR_ATTRIBS 607 0x25F Bad cache redirection VIP attributes given
NSERR_MAC_NOT_SUPPORTED 608 0x260 MAC redirection not supported
NSERR_POLICY_NOT_SUPPORTED 609 0x261 Policy redirection not supported with NNTP
NSERR_CACHEABILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED 610 0x262 Cannot set cacheability on cache
NSERR_HOST_RT_NOT_ALLOWED 611 0x263 Host route advertisement not permitted for this IP
NSERR_ROUTING_NOT_ALLOWED 612 0x264 Routing protocols can run only on SNIPs or NSIP
NSERR_CONFIG_NOTSAVED 613 0x265 Configuration is not saved
NSERR_DIS_ROUTING_NSIP 614 0x266 Cannot disable dynamic routing on NSIP
NSERR_NETWORK_RT_NOT_ALLOWED 615 0x267 Network route advertisement not permitted on this IP
NSERR_NR_ENABLE 616 0x268 networkRoute can be enabled only for one IP per subnet
NSERR_NO_HOST 627 0x273 No host header and default not set
NSERR_NO_DFLT 628 0x274 Host header present, no match, and default not set
NSERR_DFLTDMN_FIRST 629 0x275 No default domain translation entry
NSERR_PXY_CONF_LOOP 630 0x276 Source and target domains cannot be the same
NSERR_PXY_ME_DUP 632 0x278 Duplicate map entry
NSERR_PXY_IVAL_TGT 633 0x279 Target is invalid during map entry addition
NSERR_CONNECTED 634 0x27A Proxy connection established
NSERR_AUTHENTICATE 635 0x27B Authentication required
NSERR_LARGE_DOMAIN 636 0x27C Domain length overflow
NSERR_PXY_IVAL_URL 640 0x280 Source/destination URL or the combination is not valid
NSERR_PXY_ME_USE 641 0x281 Map entry is already in use
NSERR_PXY_MT_TYPE 642 0x282 Map entries in a table should be homogeneous
NSERR_PXY_MT_USE 643 0x283 Map table is in use
NSERR_PXY_MB_INVAL 644 0x284 Invalid map bind operation
NSERR_PXY_MB_USE 645 0x285 You can bind only one table to a vserver
NSERR_PXY_SETDCDN 646 0x286 Invalid DCDN configuration
NSERR_PXY_SETDFLT 647 0x287 Invalid default domain specification
NSERR_PXY_DFLT_NOTSET 648 0x288 Removing default without setting it
NSERR_PXY_FWD_IVAL 649 0x289 Invalid FWD PXY map entry
NSERR_PXY_MTX_PROT 656 0x290 PXY and cache protocol should be the same
NSERR_PXY_MTX_TRA 657 0x291 Invalid cache type on service
NSERR_PXY_MTX_FWD 658 0x292 Forward Pxy matrix
NSERR_PXY_MTX_REV 659 0x293 Reverse Pxy Matrix
NSERR_PXY_ADD_TRA_NONHTTP 660 0x294 transparent non-HTTP policy is invalid
NSERR_PXY_ADD_TRA_OTHER 661 0x295 transparent non-HTTP map/via should not be specified
NSERR_PXY_OPT_INVAL 662 0x296 ARP/ghost options invalid for REV/FWD proxy
NSERR_PXY_ADD_SVR_OTHER 663 0x297 Simple content based no proxy attribs
NSERR_PXY_MB_DUP 664 0x298 Bind entry already exists
NSERR_PXY_DFLT_DUP 665 0x299 Default already exists
NSERR_SEL_INUSE 672 0x2a0 Selector already exists
NSERR_SEL_PARSE_FAILED 673 0x2a1 Error in selector expression syntax
NSERR_NOSELECTOR 674 0x2a2 No such selector
NSERR_SEL_TOOMANY 675 0x2a3 Selector limit reached
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_NOSELPARAM 677 0x2a5 Cannot change param-based content group to selector-based (or vice-versa)
NSERR_NOCACHEGROUP 678 0x2a6 Content group does not exist
NSERR_NONREQ_SEL 679 0x2a7 Selector expression is not request based
NSERR_INVALARG 680 0x2a8 The action qualifier and the specified argument(s) do not match
NSERR_NOWILD_ALLOWED 681 0x2a9 Wildcard not allowed with BETWEEN operator
NSERR_DATE_INCOMPAT 682 0x2aa Time arguments incompatible
NSERR_TIMEDATE_INVALID 683 0x2ab Date/time value invalid
NSERR_CONTENTGROUP_COOKIE_REQ_PARAM 684 0x2ac Hit parameters or inval parameters needed to enable cookie matching
NSERR_CONTENTGROUP_IGNORECASE_REQ_HITPARAM 685 0x2ad Hit parameters needed to enable case-insensitive param value matching
NSERR_CONTENTGROUP_INVALPARAM_REQ 686 0x2ae Inval parameters needed to enable host-based invalidation
NSERR_CLISEC_EXP_TOO_LONG 687 0x2af Client security expression too long
NSERR_NONHTTP_CSW_BIND_HTTP_SSL_POLICY 688 0x2b0 HTTP/SSL protocol based policies can be bound only to HTTP/SSL CS vserver
NSERR_NONHTTP_CSW_BIND_DOMAIN_POLICY 689 0x2b1 Domain based policies can be bound only to HTTP/SSL CS vserver
NSERR_NONHTTP_CSW_BIND_URL_POLICY 690 0x2b2 URL based policies can be bound only to HTTP/SSL CS vserver
NSERR_POLBOUNDTO_TOO_MANY_VSVRS 691 0x2b3 Domain cannot be set - policy bound to more than one vserver.
NSERR_PI_CSW_URL_DOMAIN 692 0x2b4 Domain/URL options disallowed along with advanced expressions
NSERR_PI_TO_PE_CSW 693 0x2b5 Advanced expressions based policies cannot be bound to a classic CS vserver.
NSERR_PE_TO_PI_CSW 694 0x2b6 Classic expression policies cannot be bound to a advanced CS vserver.
NSERR_PRIORITY_COMP_PI_CSW 695 0x2b7 Priority is mandatory for advanced expressions.
NSERR_PI_TCPCSW 696 0x2b8 Advanced expressions can not be bound to non-HTTP CS Vserver.
NSERR_PE_GOTO 697 0x2b9 Priority Jump expression cannot be bound with a classic expression based policy.
NSERR_PI_TO_PE_POL_CSW 698 0x2ba Advanced expression based policy cannot be converted to a classic expression based policy and vice versa.
NSERR_CACHEOBJECT_EVICT 699 0x2bb Cached object removed on expiry.
NSERR_DNSFAIL 700 0x2bc DNS request failed
NSERR_HC_RET_TYPE_CHANGE 701 0x2bd Cannot change callout return type.
NSERR_HC_NOT_HTTP_VS 702 0x2be Not a HTTP or SSL vserver.
NSERR_HC_REQ_CONFIG_XOR 703 0x2bf Full request expression and other request attributes cannot be set at the same time.
NSERR_HC_RET_TYPE_REQD 705 0x2c1 Return type needs to be configured first.
NSERR_RTSP_CSW_BIND_IP_POLICY 706 0x2c2 Only IP based policies can be bound to RTSP CS vserver
NSERR_CSW_BIND_INCOMPAT_TGT 707 0x2c3 The target vserver is not compatible with the CS verver.
NSERR_CSW_BIND_INCOMPAT_CSPL 725 0x2d5 The target vserver is not compatible with the CS policylabel.
NSERR_AS_BAD_XMLNAMESPACE_PREFIX 708 0x2c4 Invalid XML-Namespace prefix.
NSERR_INVALID_SIP_EXPR 709 0x2c5 The SourceIP Expression specified is invalid.
NSERR_NO_BACKENDVSERVER 710 0x2c6 No backend LB vserver found.
NSERR_CONTENT_GROUP_TOOMANY 711 0x2c7 ContentGroup limit reached
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_SIZE_CHANGED 712 0x2c8 To use new Integrated Cache memory limit, save the configuration and restart the Citrix ADC.
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_SIZE_ZERO 713 0x2c9 No memory limit is configured for Integrated Cache. Use set cache parameter command to set the memory limit.
NSERR_L2CONN_NOT_ALLOWED 714 0x2ca l2conn feature is supported only for ncore.
NSERR_SQL_NOT_ALLOWED 715 0x2cb Database feature is supported only on nCore
NSERR_IPSEC_NOT_ALLOWED 716 0x2cc IPSec feature is not supported
NSERR_HTMLPAGE_NOT_ALLOWED 717 0x2cd Respondwith/sqlresponse_ok/sqlresponse_error actions cannot be set to respondwithhtmlpage action, and vice versa.
NSERR_PE_NOT_ALLOWED_DB 718 0x2ce PE expressions are not allowed for DataStream.
NSERR_CSW_NO_POLICY_NAME 719 0x2cf Policy name is required with priority.
NSERR_SQL_MSG_EXCEED 720 0x2d0 Message length should be smaller than 512
NSERR_CSW_CLASSIC_APPFW_POL 721 0x2d1 Binding classic appfw policy to CS vserver is not supported.
NSERR_ROUTING_STRIPED_SNIP 722 0x2d2 Routing protocols can run only on a spotted SNIP in a cluster
NSERR_USERNAME_MISSING 723 0x2d3 UserName argument Missing
NSERR_ACTION_EXIST 724 0x2d4 Default Action for this type already exist.
NSERR_WRONG_SERVICENAME 726 0x2d6 Use corresponding gslb servicecommand.
NSERR_PE_NOT_ALLOWED_RULE 727 0x2d7 PE expressions are not allowed for RULE based persistence
NSERR_NODE_NOT_IN_CLUSTER 728 0x2d8 Node is not in the cluster
NSERR_MCMX_CNRES 729 0x2d9 Error in communication with other cores
NSERR_HC_POST_REQ_CONFIG_XOR 730 0x2da Parameters and body cannot be set at the same time for the POST method
NSERR_HC_CACGRP 731 0X2db Operation on calloutContentGroupcontent group not permitted
NSERR_CSW_BIND_INCOMPAT_BKUP 732 0x2dc The backup vserver of the target vserver is not compatible with the CS vserver.
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_RESIZE_IN_PROGRESS 733 0x2dd Integrated Cache memory resize is in progress. Please wait a few seconds.
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_RESIZE_FAILED 734 0x2de Integrated Cache memory resize failed.
NSERR_CSW_BIND_INCOMPAT_TARGET 735 0x2df The target vserver has to be an LB vserver.
NSERR_ATTRIB_MEM_FREED 736 0x2e0 ATTRIB memory already freed
NSERR_RULE_MISSING 737 0x2e1 EvalRule argument Missing
NSERR_CACHEGROUP_CCH_MAXAGE_MAX 738 0x2e2 max-age value cannot be greater than 2147483647
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_REDUCTION_NOT_ALLOWED 739 0x2e3 Integrated Cache memory limit cannot be reduced.
NSERR_CSW_POL_INCOMPAT_LB 740 0x2e4 The target vserver is not compatible with the CS policy expression.
NSERR_CS_INVALBACKUP 741 0x2e5 Content-Switching or Cache-Redirection vservers cannot be used as a backupvserver.
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDING 742 0x2e6 The IC memory configured for all the admin partitions that are defined on the appliance, must be limited to the IC memory that is configured on the default partition.
NSERR_PI_TO_PE_CRD 743 0x2e7 Advanced expressions based policies cannot be bound to a classic CR vserver.
NSERR_PE_TO_PI_CRD 744 0x2e8 Classic expression policies cannot be bound to a advanced CR vserver.
NSERR_INVAL_ARG_CRPL_LBVS 745 0x2e9 LB vserver cannot be bound to the CR vserver along with a CR policy.
NSERR_CRPEPOLICY_SETNOACTION 746 0x2ea Cache-Redirection classic policy does not support action
NSERR_CACHE_MEM_LIMIT_NOT_CONFIGURED 747 0x2eb Set the IC memory on the default partition before setting the IC memory for an admin partition.
NSERR_INVALID_BIND_PIPOL_CS 748 0x2ec The Advanced Policy cannot be bound to a CS vserver
NSERR_INVALID_BIND_PIPOL_CR 749 0x2ed The Advanced Policy cannot be bound to a CR vserver
NSERR_MEDIAC_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED 750 0x2ee Memory allocation for media classification failed
NSERR_CRD_CLASSIC_APPFW_POL 751 0x2ef Binding classic appfw policy to CR vserver is not supported.
NSERR_CSPOL_VPN_BIND 756 0x2f4 Invalid bind, VPN vserver is already set as a target Vserver on a CS action.
NSERR_CSACT_VPN 757 0x2f5 VPN vserver cannot be set as a target Vserver since CS policies are bound to it.
NSERR_CSPOL_ACT_VPN 759 0x2f7 CS policy cannot be bound to the vserver.CS action must be a LB vserver.
NSERR_VPNSERVER_NOTEXIST 760 0x2f8 The VPN Vserver does not exist
NSERR_VPNREFERRED_IN_CSBINDING 761 0x2f9 Cannot remove VPN Vserver which is referred in CS policy bindings.
NSERR_DEFAULTVPN_NOT_BOUND 762 0x2fa Default VPN mentioned is not bound
NSERR_HDXINVAL 763 0x2fb HDX servicetype cannot have WildCard IP and Port or 0 IP.
NSERR_CSW_ACTION_INCOMPTIBLE 764 0x2fc Incompatible Content Switching action provided. During set operation the old and the new action should have compatible fields. eg, target LB vserver to target LB vserver.
NSERR_FWPXY_LICENSE 3578 0xdfa Feature not licensed [FORWARDPROXY]
NSERR_GSLB_SVC_GRP_VSRVR_ERR 941 0x3ad Binding of same GSLB servicegroup to heterogeneous IPV4 and IPV6 GSLB vservers is not allowed.
NSERR_GSLB_SVC_GRP_IP_ERR 942 0x3ae Same GSLB servicegroup cannot be bound to both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses.
NSERR_GSLB_PUB_IP_PORT 943 0x3af This configuration change will result in inconsistent private and public ip/port combination across GSLB services/servicegroup items.
NSERR_GSLB_SVCGRP_PUBIP_PUBPORT_EXISTS 1341 0x53d The Public IP and Public port is being used by another service item in the same GSLB servicegroup.
NSERR_NO_GSLBSVCGRP 1349 0x545 The GSLB servicegroup does not exist
NSERR_RENAME_GSLB_SVCGRP_WARN 1350 0x546 Please fire this command on all the participating GSLB sites manually or by using real time sync otherwise stats exchange between GSLB sites will not work.
NSERR_CS_PERSIST_NT_ALLWD 1688 0x698 Persistence is not supported for PROXY and CS GSLB type of CS vservers.