Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_ACL_TIMED_OUT 977 0x3d1 ACL timed out
NSERR_MSR_ADVT_NULL_RT 978 0x3d2 Cannot monitor or advertise NULL route
NSERR_DEF_RT_UNSET 979 0x3d3 Unset operation on default route not allowed
NSERR_ACTIVE_PERM_DIR_NULL_RT 981 0x3d5 Unset operation on active or permanent or direct or null routes not allowed
NSERR_DHCP_RT 982 0x3d6 Unset operation on DHCP route not allowed
NSERR_LB_RT 983 0x3d7 Unset operation on LB route not allowed
NSERR_MSR_STATIC_RT 984 0x3d8 Cannot set MSR on a non-static route
NSERR_ADV_DEF_RT 985 0x3d9 Advertise on default route not allowed
NSERR_VLAN_RT 986 0x3da Cannot delete this route. Network is bound to VLAN
NSERR_PERM_RT 987 0x3db A permanent route cannot be deleted
NSERR_NOENTRY_RT 988 0x3dc Entry not found in the routing table
NSERR_DIR_RT 989 0x3dd Cannot add a direct route
NSERR_LOOP_RT 990 0x3de Cannot add a route in loopback network
NSERR_GW_NWID_BROADADDR 991 0x3df Gateway cannot be network id or broadcast address
NSERR_MON_ADV_NULL_RT 992 0x3e0 Cannot set MSR or advertise on null gateway
NSERR_HA_PEER_IP 994 0x3e2 Cannot add IP address. This is peers NSIP
NSERR_NON_LOCAL_IP 995 0x3e3 IP address is already configured on a node in the cluster
NSERR_ADD_NSIP 996 0x3e4 Adding NSIP not allowed
NSERR_VRID_VIP_ONLY 997 0x3e5 VRID can be set only on VIP
NSERR_ARP_ICMP_SNIP_NSIP 998 0x3e6 ARP and ICMP cannot be disabled on SNIP/NSIP/MIP/CLIP
NSERR_IPADDR_DISABLE 999 0x3e7 IP address state of SNIP/NSIP/CLIP cannot be disabled
NSERR_NODE_NOEXIST 1000 0x3e8 Cluster node does not exist
NSERR_CLIP_SPOTTED_IP 1001 0x3e9 CLIP should be striped
NSERR_IP_MGMTACCESS 1002 0x3ea Management Access cannot be enabled on this IP address
NSERR_IPTUN_MULTICAST 1003 0x3eb Vlan on which to send the packet needs to be specified for multicast remote endpoints
NSERR_IPTUNNEL_INVALIDNETMASK 1004 0x3ec IP tunnel netmask should be
NSERR_IPTUNNEL_VLAN 1005 0x3ed Vlan can be specified only for multicast remote endpoints
NSERR_IPTUN_INV_LIP 1006 0x3ee Invalid local IP address. Either the local IP address is not configured or local IP address has to be one among SNIP|VIP|MIP
NSERR_VXLAN_LIP_NOT_SNIP 1007 0x3ef Invalid local IP address. For VXLAN local IP address has to be SNIP
NSERR_INVALID_IPTUNNEL_NAME 1008 0x3f0 Invalid IPTunnel name
NSERR_IPTUNNEL_PREFXLEN_GT_128 1009 0x3f1 IP tunnel prefix length should not be more than 128
NSERR_TUN_PBR_DEP 1010 0x3f2 Cannot remove tunnel. A PBR is depending on this tunnel
NSERR_TUN_NOEXIST 1011 0x3f3 Tunnel does not exist
NSERR_INV_DROPFRAGCPUTHRESH 1012 0x3f4 Invalid dropFragCpuThreshold parameter. Should >=1 and <=100
NSERR_SRCIP_NOEXIST 1013 0x3f5 SrcIP does not exist
NSERR_TUN_ON_DEF_ROUTE 1014 0x3f6 Cannot add tunnel on default route
NSERR_VLAN_NOT_SNIP_MIP_VIP 1015 0x3f7 IP address has to be either SNIP, MIP or VIP
NSERR_ACL_PROTO_TCP 1016 0x3f8 Protocol should be TCP for ESTABLISHED flag to be set
NSERR_HA_VERSION_MISMATCH 1017 0x3f9 HA version mismatch between primary and secondary
NSERR_HA_SYNC_VLAN 1018 0x3fa Syncvlan should be L2 VLAN. No IP address should be bound to this VLAN
NSERR_LOOP_FIS 1019 0x3fb Loopback interface cannot be bound to Failover Interface Set (FIS)
NSERR_VLAN_LOOP 1020 0x3fc Loopback interface cannot be unbound from default VLAN
NSERR_VLAN_TAGG_INTF_NOSUPP 1021 0x3fd VLAN tagging is not supported on this platform/interface
NSERR_VLAN_BDG_NOTBOUND 1022 0x3fe The VLAN is not bound to specified bridgegroup
NSERR_PERMANENT_ARP_ND6_ENTRY 1023 0x3ff Cant remove permanent ARP/ND6 entry
NSERR_HA_VER_MISMATCH_PROP_SYNC 1447 0x5a7 HA version mismatch. Prop and sync not allowed
NSERR_VXLAN_TUNN_BOUND 1458 0x5b2 Cannot remove IPtunnel. One or more VXLAN is bound to this iptunnel.
NSERR_HOSTRT_UNSET 1489 0x5d1 Unset of OSPFArea and HostRtGw is allowed only for VIP
NSERR_BDGGRP_L3VLAN 2412 0x96c L3VLAN cannot be bound to a bridgegroup
NSERR_BDGGRP_ROUTING 2505 0x9c9 Routing is enabled on the specified VLAN. Cannot bind this VLAN to the bridgegroup
NSERR_RM_RT_DIR_PERM_DHCP 2506 0x9ca DIRECT/PERMANENT/DHCP routes cannot be removed.
NSERR_ADD_IP_STRIPED_EXISTS 2507 0x9cb Trying to add a striped IP address as a spotted IP.
NSERR_DIS_IP_NOT_USR_DEF 2508 0x9cc Enable/Disbaling this IP address not allowed as VIP is not user-defined
NSERR_DIS_IP_NOT_VIP 2509 0x9cd Enable/Disabling this IP address not allowed as it is not VIP
NSERR_DEL_NSIP 2510 0x9ce Cannot delete NSIP
NSERR_DEL_DHCP_AQRD 2511 0x9cf Cannot delete DHCP acquired IP address
NSERR_USR_DEF_NO 2618 0xa3a Not a user-defined IP address
NSERR_TUNL_DEPENDENCY 2619 0xa3b Existing tunnel depends on this IP address
NSERR_MGMT_NSIP_CLIP 2620 0xa3c Management access on NSIP and CLIP should always be enabled
NSERR_INV_ICMP_RESP 2621 0xa3d Invalid icmpResponse value
NSERR_INV_ARP_RESP 2622 0xa3e Invalid arpResponse value
NSERR_INTERNAL_ERR_REGN 2623 0xa3f Internal error while registration of service. Service name in use
NSERR_CANT_SET_IP_DEL_IN_PROG 2540 0x9ec Delete IP address is in progress.
NSERR_INAT_USE_PROXY 2394 0x95a Useproxyport cannot be disabled when either of publicIP or private IP is IPV6
NSERR_GSLB_ADNS_CONFGRD 2395 0x95b GSLB/ADNS/RADIUS is already configured on this IP address
NSERR_NW_ADDR_ZERO 2396 0x95c Network address cannot be zero
NSERR_NW_ADDR_LOOP 2397 0x95d Network address cannot be loopback
NSERR_UNABLE_DEFVLAN_INFO 2398 0x95e Unable to get default VLAN info.
NSERR_HA_INC_SYNC 2399 0x95f SyncVlan is not supported in HA-INC mode
NSERR_IP_NWADDR 2400 0x960 IPaddress cannot be network address
NSERR_IP_BCASTADDR 2401 0x961 IPaddress cannot be broadcast address
NSERR_ACL_BOUND_LSN 2402 0x962 This ACL is already bound to LSN
NSERR_SUBNET_BOUND_ANTHR_VLAN 2403 0x963 Either the subnet is not directly connected or subnet already bound to another VLAN
NSERR_BGP_AS_NO_EXIST 2404 0x964 BGP instance with given AS number does not exist.
NSERR_BGP_RUNNING 2405 0x965 Another BGP instance is already running.
NSERR_DEL_ADNS_IP 2406 0x966 Cannot delete this IP address as ADNS is configured on this.
NSERR_DEL_REF_IP 2407 0x967 Cannot delete this IP address as it is used in GSLB/IPSET/Other entities
NSERR_SNMP_CANNOT_EN_ON_IP 2409 0x969 SNMP cannot be enabled on this IP address
NSERR_ACL_ESTABLISHED_SET 2414 0x96e For RNAT/NAT64 ACL established flag cannot be set
NSERR_DEL_RADIUS_IP 2415 0x96f Cannot delete this IP address as RADIUS is configured on this.
NSERR_CANNOT_EN_ON_IP 2416 0x970 TELNET/FTP/SSH/GUI/SECURE GUI/RESTRICTED-IP cannot be enabled on this IP address
NSERR_BFD_SESSION_CLEAR_INPROGRESS 2418 0x972 BFD session cannot be added now as old session clear is in progress
NSERR_BFD_SESSION_EXISTS_DIFF_FLAGS 2419 0x973 BFD session exists with different flags (SINGLEHOP AND MULTIHOP)
NSERR_CLASS_E 2426 0x97a Class-E IPv4 and IPv6PT are mutually exclusive configs. Disable one to enable the other