Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_PI_LONGVSVRNAME 3040 0xbe0 The name of the label must be less than 32 characters
NSERR_PI_PRIORITY_EXISTS 3041 0xbe1 A policy is already bound to the specified priority
NSERR_PICON_GOTO_NOT_END 3042 0xbe2 GotoPriorityExpression for this policy has to be END
NSERR_INVAL_THRESHOLD 3043 0xbe3 Invalid threshold size value. Threshold size must be lesser than the sample size
NSERR_DEF_INVALID_UNBIND 3044 0xbe4 Default binding cannot be unbinded
NSERR_BAD_INIT_VALUE 3045 0xbe5 Invalid initial value
NSERR_INIT_VALUE_TOO_BIG 3046 0xbe6 Initial value is larger than the maximum allowed text length and the ifValueTooBig action is undef
NSERR_INIT_VALUE_TRUNCATED 3047 0xbe7 Initial value has been truncated to the maximum allowed text length because the ifValueTooBig action is truncate
NSERR_BAD_ASSIGN_LHS 3048 0xbe8 Invalid -var parameter: expect $variable-name for a ulong or text variable or $variable-name[key-expression] for a map variable.
NSERR_BAD_OP_FOR_TYPE 3049 0xbe9 Op is not allowed for the variable type.
NSERR_BAD_VAR_TYPE 3050 0xbea Invalid type: expected one of ulong, text, or map.
NSERR_ASSIGNMENT_LOG_UNSUPPORTED 3051 0xbeb Log action is not supported with assignment action
NSERR_UNDEF_EXCEPTION 3052 0xbec Undef exception raised.
NSERR_NO_VARIABLE_VALUE 3053 0xbed No value exists for the variable and key.
NSERR_Q_S_DEPRECATED 3054 0xbee The Q and S prefixes are deprecated - use HTTP.REQ and HTTP.RES instead
NSERR_UNSUPPORTED_VARIABLE_USE 3055 0xbef Variables are not supported for use with DNS.
NSERR_BAD_KEY_TYPE 3056 0xbf0 Invalid key type: expected type text
NSERR_BAD_SINGLETON_VAR 3057 0xbf1 Not a singleton variable
NSERR_BAD_MAP_VAR 3058 0xbf2 Not a map variable
NSERR_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE 3059 0xbf3 Variable is not configured.
NSERR_MAP_WITHOUT_KEY 3060 0xbf4 Map variable used without a key.
NSERR_SINGLETON_WITH_KEY 3061 0xbf5 Singleton variable used with a key.
NSERR_BAD_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH 3062 0xbf6 Invalid text type: expected text(max-length), where max-length is an unsigned integer >= 1 and <= 64000.
NSERR_BAD_MAP_TYPE_SYNTAX 3063 0xbf7 Invalid map type: expected map(key-type, value-type, max-entries), where max-entries is an unsigned long value <= 18446744073709551615 and greater than 0.
NSERR_BAD_MAP_KEY_TYPE 3064 0xbf8 Map key type must be text.
NSERR_BAD_MAP_VALUE_TYPE 3065 0xbf9 Map value type must be ulong or text.
NSERR_BAD_KEY_VALUE_LENGTH 3066 0xbfa Sum of the maximum map key and value lengths must be <= 64000.
NSERR_BAD_MAP_SET_TYPE 3067 0xbfb Invalid type parameter for set.
NSERR_TRANSACTION_MAPS_NOT_SUPPORTED 3068 0xbfc Maps with transaction scope are not supported.
NSERR_FILTER_DEPRECATED 3069 0xbfd Content Filtering is deprecated - use Responder (for ERRORCODE, or DROP or RESET on the request side), Rewrite (for ADD or CORRUPT, or DROP or RESET on the response side), or Content Switching (for FORWARD) instead
NSERR_TRANSACTION_EXPIRE_NOT_SUPPORTED 3070 0xbfe Expiration with transaction scope variables is not supported.
NSERR_INVOKE_NOT_SUPPORTED 3071 0xbff Policy does not support invoke.
NSERR_INVALPIEXPR 3073 0xc01 Invalid expression
NSERR_INVALINTOP 3074 0xc02 Expecting numeric arguments in this context for -, +, *or /
NSERR_INVALCOMPARE 3075 0xc03 Invalid arguments to compare operation
NSERR_INVALBOOLOP 3076 0xc04 The !, ||and ;;operators can have only boolean argument(s)
NSERR_ARGNEG 3077 0xc05 Argument cannot be negative
NSERR_ARGEXCEED 3078 0xc06 Argument exceeds maximum allowed value
NSERR_ARGZERO 3079 0xc07 Operand or function argument should be non-zero
NSERR_MAXHEADER 3080 0xc08 Number of custom header exceeds limit
NSERR_INVALPICEXPR 3081 0xc09 Expression syntax error
NSERR_CEXPRLIMIT 3082 0xc0a Expression too long
NSERR_EXPRLIMIT 3083 0xc0b Expression too long
NSERR_SEXPRLIMIT 3084 0xc0c String expression too long
NSERR_INVALPISEXPR 3085 0xc0d String expression syntax error
NSERR_NOBIDI 3086 0xc0e Bi-directional expression not allowed
NSERR_NOLAB 3087 0xc0f Policy Label does not exist
NSERR_INTERNAL_LABEL_RM 3088 0xc10 Default Policy labels cannot be removed
NSERR_POLICY_FLOWTYPE_NONE 3089 0xc11 Policy should either be a request or response policy
NSERR_INVAL_PRIORITY 3090 0xc12 Priority is mandatory for advanced expressions and should be in the range from 1 to 2147483647
NSERR_NUMERICEXPR 3091 0xc13 Expression should evaluate to numeric value
NSERR_BOOLEXPR 3092 0xc14 Expression should evaluate to true or false
NSERR_NOTBOUND 3093 0xc15 Cannot unbind a policy that is not bound
NSERR_POLICY_INUSE 3094 0xc16 Policy name already in use
NSERR_POLICY_SET_NOTALLOWED 3095 0xc17 Invalid rule/action for bound policy
NSERR_INVALID_BIND 3096 0xc18 Policy cannot be bound to specified policy label
NSERR_USE_INVOKE_RESULT 3097 0xc19 USE_INVOCATION_RESULT can be used only with invoke
NSERR_INVAL_EXPR_DATA_TYPE 3098 0xc1a Invalid expression data type
NSERR_EXPR_CONST_ONLY 3099 0xc1b Only constant parameters are allowed for function
NSERR_ALT_EXPR_STRING_ONLY 3100 0xc1c Only string expressions are allowed for ALT
NSERR_ACTION_DEF_SET_INVAL 3101 0xc1d Default action cannot be modified
NSERR_POLICY_DEF_SET_INVAL 3102 0xc1e Default policy cannot be modified
NSERR_POLICY_LABEL_DEF_SET_INVAL 3103 0xc1f Default policylabel cannot be modified
NSERR_INVAL_UNBIND 3104 0xc20 Policy not bound to specified policy label
NSERR_REGEX_INVALID 3105 0xc21 Invalid regular expression
NSERR_REGEX_BACKREF 3106 0xc22 Backreference in regular expression
NSERR_REGEX_RECURSIVE 3107 0xc23 Recursive regular expression present
NSERR_PIXL_EXPR_UNSAFE 3108 0xc24 Input expression is unsafe
NSERR_PI_ACTION_MAX_REF_REACHED 3109 0xc25 Cannot create policy. Binding limit for action reached (65536)
NSERR_PI_INVALID_UNSET 3110 0xc26 Cannot unset rule or action. No changes done
NSERR_EMPTY_STRING 3111 0xc27 Zero length string not allowed
NSERR_INVAL_BTW_ARGS 3112 0xc28 Arguments to BETWEEN are incorrect
NSERR_INVAL_ARG_SPECIFIED 3113 0xc29 GotoPriorityExpression, flowtype and invoke apply only to rewrite, responder and cache policies
NSERR_INVAL_ARG_CSPL 3854 0xf0e Target vserver cannot be specified along with GotoPriorityExpression and invoke.
NSERR_FLOWTYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE 3114 0xc2a Flowtype applies only to rewrite, responder and cache policies
NSERR_INVAL_ARG_SPECIFIED_CS 3115 0xc2b Flowtype and invoke apply only to Advanced policies.
NSERR_INVAL_GOTOEXPR_CS 3116 0xc2c GotoPriorityExpression applies only to Advanced policies
NSERR_REBIND_FAILED 3117 0xc2d Rebinding of policy with new bind parameters failed. The policy is unbound.
NSERR_SECOND_BIND 3118 0xc2e A policy can be bound only once
NSERR_NONHTTP_VS 3119 0xc2f Specified policy can be bound only to HTTP/SSL/PROXY vserver
NSERR_PI_LEX_FAILURE 3344 0xd10 Error in parsing
NSERR_PI_INVALIDNAME 3856 0xF10 Invalid policy entity name: names must begin with an ASCII alphabetic character or underscore and must contain only ASCII alphanumerics or underscores; words reserved for policy use may not be used
NSERR_PI_RST_CONN 3855 0xF0F Message processing reset connection
NSERR_PI_EXPR_CSMSG 3857 0xF11 Advanced expression cannot have client security message
NSERR_INVAL_XPATH_EXPR 3858 0xf12 XPath Expression Compilation Failed
NSERR_XPATH_EXPR_NOT_SUPPORTED 3859 0xf13 Unsupported XPath
NSERR_TARGET_INVAL 3860 0xf14 Target Vserver cannot be specified for this policy
NSERR_INVAL_VSERVER_BIND 3862 0xf16 Policy can be bound only to LB/CS vserver types
NSERR_APP_FREED_NSB 3863 0xf17 Application reset/drop connection and freed nsb
NSERR_MULT_BIND_INVAL 3864 0xf18 CVPN Policies cannot be bound to multiple entities
NSERR_CLASSIC_POLICY_ALREADY_BOUND 3865 0xF19 Cannot bind an advanced policy to a virtual server to which a classic policy is already bound
NSERR_ADVANCED_POLICY_ALREADY_BOUND 3872 0xF20 Cannot bind a classic policy to a virtual server to which an advanced policy is already bound
NSERR_MULT_UNBIND 3873 0xF21 Policy is bound to multiple global bindpoints. Please specify the appropriate bindpoint to unbind it.
NSERR_UNKNOWN_CERTKEY 3874 0xF22 The specified certkey object has not been configured
NSERR_NO_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY 3875 0xF23 The specified certkey object does not include a certificate with an RSA public key
NSERR_NO_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY 3876 0xF24 The specified certkey object does not include an RSA private key
NSERR_CERTKEY_NAME_TOO_LONG 3877 0xF25 The certkey name exceeds the maximum 31 characters
NSERR_INVALID_UTF_8 3878 0xF26 Invalid UTF-8 string
NSERR_UNRECOG_CHARSET 3879 0xF27 Unrecognized character set
NSERR_INCOMPATIBLE_NAME_EXPR_CHANGE 3880 0xF28 Incompatible named expression change for in-use expression.
NSERR_HEADER_EXPR_ONLY 3881 0xF29 Only classic expressions for headers allowed in EVAL_CLASSIC_EXPR
NSERR_INVALID_KEYVALUE 3905 0xf41 The keyvalue argument is incorrect.
NSERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_NAME 3906 0xF42 Resource of the given name does not exist
NSERR_INVALID_ACTION 3907 0xF43 Invalid action
NSERR_ASCII_ONLY_FUNCTION 3908 0xF44 Advanced expression function does not accept non-ASCII arguments
NSERR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE 3909 0xF45 Invalid enumeration value
NSERR_INVALID_BINDPOINT 3910 0xF46 Invalid bind point.
NSERR_NO_FIPS_FOR_POLICY_CRYPTO 3911 0xF47 A FIPS key cannot be used for policy crypto functions.
NSERR_NO_CONFIGDB_DATA_SELECTED 3912 0xF48 No data selected from the configuration database.
NSERR_HEADER_NAME_LENGTH_LIMIT 3913 0xF49 Custom header name is too long.
NSERR_UNSUPPORTED_CVPN_SEARCH 3914 0xF4A Patset, dataset, and xpath not supported for clientless VPN search.
NSERR_INVALID_HEADER_NAME 3915 0xF4B Header name contains invalid characters (one or more of ( ) < > @ , ; : \ \” / [ ] ? = { } and space) as per the HTTP spec RFC 2616. This is allowed to for non-conformant HTTP messages, but may not be what you intended.
NSERR_HEADER_NAME_TOO_LONG 3916 0xF4c Header name is too long (maximum of 32 characters allowed).
NSERR_CSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 3918 0xF4E Content Switching actions are not suported for classic content switching policies.
NSERR_PI_EXPR_TOO_BIG 3919 0xF4F Expression too long - maximum length is 8191
NSERR_PI_INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME 3946 0xF6A Cannot use Advanced Expression reserved word as a function name.
NSERR_PI_FUNCTION_NAME_EXISTS 3947 0xF6B Function with the same name already exists.
NSERR_EXTENSION_INVALID_UPDATE_NAME 3948 0xF6C Add the extension before updating.
NSERR_PI_INVALID_EXTENSION_NAME 3949 0xF6D Extension is not added.
NSERR_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE_CHANGED 3950 0xF6E Extension has different prototype of a function than that which is in use.
NSERR_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_UPDATE_PROBLEM 3951 0xF6F Problem in updating function that is in use.
NSERR_EXTENSION_COMPILE_FAILURE 3962 0xF7A Extension compilation error.
NSERR_EXTENSION_LOAD_FAILURE 3963 0xF7B Extension loading error.
NSERR_PI_USED_FUNCTION_REMOVED 3964 0xF7C Update attempted to remove a function that is in use.
NSERR_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_MULTIPLE_DEFINITIONS 3965 0xF7D Extension has multiple definitions of a function.
NSERR_EXTENSION_INVALID_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE 3966 0xF7E Extension functions prototype is invalid.
NSERR_EXTENSION_MAX_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT 3967 0xF7F Maximum number of function arguments can be 3.
NSERR_BAD_EXTENSION_TRACE_NAME 4038 0xFC6 Function or variable name can contain only alphanumerics and underscores and cannot begin with a digit.
NSERR_BAD_EXTENSION_TRACE_ARRAYS 3024 0xBD0 traceFunctions or traceVariables cannot be specified with trace off.
NSERR_PI_INVALID_GLOBAL_BINDTYPE 3828 0xEF4 Invalid global bindtype.
NSERR_INVALID_POLICY_GLOBAL_BINDING 3829 0xEF5 Policy cannot be bound/unbound to/from the given global bindtype.
NSERR_INVALID_PI_ANNOTATE 1465 0x5b9 Invalid Advanced Expression annotation value
NSERR_INVALID_PI_ANNOTATE_LOGINSCHEMA 1466 0x5ba Invalid loginSchema corresponding to Advanced Expression annotation value
NSERR_ANGLE_BRACKETS_IN_TAGNAME 3830 0xEF6 Invalid syntax, angle brackets in tag specified
NSERR_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ARGUMENT 3831 0xEF7 Invalid encryptionKey argument
NSERR_INVALID_HMAC_KEY_ARGUMENT 3832 0xEF8 Invalid hmacKey argument
NSERR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_NOTPRESENT 3833 0xEF9 Encryption key does not exist.
NSERR_HMAC_KEY_NOTPRESENT 3834 0xEFA HMAC key does not exist.
NSERR_WARN_SHORT_HMAC_KEY 3835 0xEFB Recommend that the HMAC keyValue be at least as long as the digest blocksize
NSERR_MULT_TYPE_UNBIND 3836 0xEFC Policy is bound to multiple bindpoints. Please specify the appropriate bindpoint to unbind it.
NSERR_EMPTY_CERTKEY 3837 0xEFD The specified certkey name is empty or NULL.
NSERR_NON_PROXY_HTTP_VS 3838 0xEFE Specified policy can be bound only to PROXY/HTTP/SSL vserver
NSERR_EXTENSION_HAS_GENERIC_MBLB_API_NOT_FUNCTION_API 3839 0xEFF Extension code already used for an Advanced Expression extension function cannot be used for a user protocol implementation.
NSERR_EXTENSION_HAS_FUNCTION_API_NOT_GENERIC_MBLB_API 3424 0xD60 Extension code already used for a user protocol implementation cannot be used for an Advanced Expression extension function.
NSERR_EXTENSION_INCORRECT_USER_PARAM_VALUE 3435 0xD6B Incorrect parameter fields value. Value should be in
NSERR_EXTENSION_USER_PROTOCOL_IN_USE 1502 0x5DE Cant update the extension as the user protocol using this extension is in use
NSERR_USER_VSERVER_EXCEED_PARAM_NAME_VALUE_LENGTH 1503 0x5DF Parameters name or value length exceeds maximum allowed length of 63 characters
NSERR_USER_VSERVER_INVALID_DEFAULT_LB_PROTOCOL_TYPE 2832 0xB10 Default Load Balancing virtual servers protocol type should be a user type.
NSERR_USER_VSERVER_DIFFERENT_TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_LB_PROTOCOL_TYPE 2831 0xB0F Transport type and default Load Balanocing virtual servers protocol type are not compatible.
NSERR_INTERIM_UPDATE_SUPPORT_IN_RADIUS_ONLY 3436 0xD6C Treat Radius Interim message as Start message is only supported in Radius-Only mode.
NSERR_WARN_VAR_SET_INIT 3437 0xD6D Set of the init parameter will not affect existing variable values.
NSERR_CI_UNSUPPORTED_VS 3454 0xD7E A Content Inspection policy can be bound only to LB vservers of type HTTP and SSL, and CS vservers of type HTTP, SSL and PROXY
NSERR_CI_ICAP_FLOWTYPE_MISMATCH 3470 0xD8E This Content Inspection policys ICAP action is incompatible with the specified bindpoint
NSERR_INVALID_POLICY_BINDING 3438 0xD6E Policy cannot be bound/unbound to/from this vserver for the given bindtype.
NSERR_BODY_WITHOUT_ARGUMENT_DEPRECATED 3455 0xD7F BODY method without argument is deprecated - use BODY method with argument instead
NSERR_HTTP_REQ_USER_DEPRECATED 3456 0xD80 HTTP.REQ.USER has been deprecated. Use AAA.USER instead.
NSERR_ASSIGN_CONTEXT_PCB_NOT_PRESENT 3471 0xD8F Assignment attempted when not in a connection context.
NSERR_SELFAUTH_DEPRECATED 3481 0xD99 Selfauth as ssotype has been deprecated.
NSERR_RHS_TARGET_REQUIRED 3482 0xD9A TARGET is required in the rewrite action stringBuilder expression when a refineSearch espression contains a REGEX or XPATH function.
NSERR_AAA_GRP_AS_XML_DEPRECATED 3483 0xD9B GROUPS_AS_XML has been deprecated. Use AAA.USER.GROUPS instead.
NSERR_REDIRECT_URL_SAML 3484 0xD9C Redirect URL is a required argument for adding SAML action. Please specify it explicitly, or enter Metadata URL from which it can be imported.
NSERR_CI_IPS_FLOWTYPE_MISMATCH 3486 0xD9E Policys action is incompatable with specified bindpoint or flow type