Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_RW_ACT_INVAL 2817 0xb01 Invalid rewrite action
NSERR_RW_UNDEFACT_INVAL 2818 0xb02 Invalid undef action or log action
NSERR_ACTFLOWMISMATCH 2819 0xb03 Flow types of target and string expression are incompatible
NSERR_RONLY_TAR_EXPR 2820 0xb04 Target must be a simple reference to an unmodified portion of the message
NSERR_DATASET_BINDFAIL 2821 0xb05 Unable to bind the pattern to dataset/patset
NSERR_DATASET_UNBINDFAIL 2822 0xb06 Pattern does not exist in dataset/patset
NSERR_DATASET_NOTPRESENT 2823 0xb07 Dataset/Patset does not exist
NSERR_RSP_ACT_INVAL 2824 0xb08 Invalid responder action
NSERR_RSP_POLICY_FLOWTYPE_REQ 2825 0xb09 Responder policy must be a request policy
NSERR_TAR_FLOWTYPE_NRES 2826 0xb0a Flow type of target should not be response type
NSERR_RSP_CONFIG_LOCK 2827 0xb0b Responder configuration is temporarily disabled
NSERR_RSP_ACT_MUST_BE_NOOP 2828 0xb0c Non-terminating policy must have NOOP action
NSERR_PATSET_INVALID_REGEX 2829 0xb0d Patset contains invalid regex.
NSERR_DATASET_BINDFAIL_DUP_INDEX 2830 0xb0e Pattern index already in use, try using other index
NSERR_PATSET_BINDFAIL_PATLEN_LT_WU_MINLEN 2833 0xb11 Patset search on a body target not allowed if any of the patset patterns are < 3 or > 112 bytes in length
NSERR_TARGET_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_RULE 2834 0xb12 Expression involving Target not allowed in rule.
NSERR_RW_TARGET_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_STRBUILDER 2835 0xb13 Expression involving Target not allowed in StringBuilder expression.
NSERR_PIT_INVAL 2836 0xb14 Invalid Packet data
NSERR_INVAL_INVOKEPOINT 2837 0xb15 Invalid invoke point
NSERR_PIT_MAX_PACKET 2838 0xb16 Packet size exceeds maximum size
NSERR_REFINE_SEARCH_INVALID 2839 0xb17 Regular expression for patterns not allowed when refine search is specified
NSERR_EXTEND_INVALID 2840 0xb18 Extend not allowed for non-body expressions
NSERR_NON_EXTEND_EXPR 2841 0xb19 Non extend expressions are not allowed
NSERR_EXTEND_INVAL_PIRL 2842 0xb1a Extend not allowed in the string builder expression
NSERR_INVAL_TAR_EXPR 2843 0xb1b Invalid target expression
NSERR_INVAL_PATTERN_SEARCH_SET 2844 0xb1c Cannot set both pattern and search
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_ARGS 2845 0xb1d Invalid argument: search supports text, xpath, xpath_json, xpath_html, regex and patset
NSERR_RSP_ACT_MUST_BE_RESET_DROP 2846 0xb1e Policy action must be DROP|RESET
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_SYNTAX 2847 0xb1f Invalid search syntax
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_XPATH_SYNTAX 2848 0xb20 Invalid xpath syntax
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_PATSET_SYNTAX 2849 0xb21 Invalid patset syntax
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_REGEX_SYNTAX 2850 0xb22 Invalid regex syntax
NSERR_RW_REQ_BODY_NOT_ALLOWED 2851 0xb23 Request body based expression is not allowed
NSERR_RENAME_NOTSUPPORTED 2852 0xb24 Renaming this entity is not supported as entity based expression is configured
NSERR_ENTITY_REMOVAL_NOTALLOWED 2853 0xb25 Removing this entity is not allowed as entity based expression is configured
NSERR_PI_ENTITY_EXISTS 2854 0xb26 Advanced expression entity with same name already exists.
NSERR_INCOMPATIBLE_CALLOUT_CHANGE 2855 0xb27 Incompatible callout change for in-use callout.
NSERR_STRINGMAP_NOTPRESENT 2856 0xb28 String map does not exist
NSERR_HTTP_PROFILE_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED 2857 0xb29 Responder action using HTTP protocol expressions is not allowed in HTTP profile
NSERR_RSP_ACT_MUST_BE_DROP_NOOP 2899 0xb53 Policy action must be DROP|NOOP
NSERR_RSP_UNDEF_ACT_MUST_BE_DROP_NOOP 2859 0xb2B Policy undef action must be DROP|NOOP
NSERR_INCOMPATIBLE_UNDEF 2860 0xb2C Incompatible global undef action for SIP policy
NSERR_PIT_ACTION_EVAL_INVAL 2861 0xb2d Action cannot be evaluated due to wrong input type.
NSERR_RW_PATTERN_DEPRECATED 2862 0xb2e -pattern is deprecated, use -search instead
NSERR_STRLIT_MAXLEN 2863 0xb2f String literal length exceeds maximum. Allowed maximum length is 32767 bytes or the maximum expression length, whichever is less. In most situations the maximum expression length is either 8191 or 1499 bytes.
NSERR_DATASET_INVALID 2866 0xb32 Invalid dataset element
NSERR_DATASET_BINDFAIL_DUP_PATTERN 2867 0xb33 Pattern already bound to dataset/patset, try using other pattern
NSERR_TIMER_ACT_INVAL 2868 0xb34 Invalid timer action
NSERR_TIMER_ENTITY_INUSE 2869 0xb35 Timer entity name already in use
NSERR_TIMER_ENTITY_GLOBAL_BINDPOINT_INVAL 2870 0xb36 Invalid global bindpoint
NSERR_PATSET_BUILTIN 2871 0xb37 Built-in Patsets cannot be modified or deleted
NSERR_CROSS_MAX_LIMIT 2872 0xb38 Maximum value can be 2147483647
NSERR_INVALID_IPV4_FORMAT 2873 0xb39 Value should be in IPv4 format
NSERR_INVALID_IPV4_MAX_FIELD_VALUE 2880 0xb40 Maximum value of an IPv4 field can be 255
NSERR_INVALID_IPV6_FORMAT 2881 0xb41 Invalid IPv6 address format
NSERR_INVALID_NUMERIC_FORMAT 2882 0xb42 Value should be in decimal or hexadecimal format
NSERR_VALID_PREFIX_NUMERIC_FORMAT 2048 0x800 Value is valid decimal or hexadecimal format, but is only a prefix of the string
NSERR_DATASET_PATTERN_ALREADY_BOUND 2883 0xb43 Specified pattern is already bound to dataset/patset
NSERR_PI_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_DETECTED 2884 0xb44 Circular reference detected
NSERR_INVALID_ULONG_FORMAT 2885 0xb45 Value should be in unsigned long format like 23445, 88888999
NSERR_INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT 2886 0xb46 Value should be in mac address format like ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
NSERR_INVALID_DOUBLE_FORMAT 2887 0xb47 Value should be in double format like 223, 22.3, 234e2
NSERR_CROSS_ULONG_MAX_LIMIT 2888 0xb48 Maximum value can be 18446744073709551615
NSERR_CA_ACT_INVAL 2889 0xb49 Invalid ContentAccelerator action
NSERR_INVAL_AVP_INSERT_EXPR 2890 0xb4a Rewrite policy has invalid action. For Diameter bind points use DIAMETER.NEW_AVP() in action and for Radius bind points use RADIUS.NEW_AVP() in action as stringBuilderExpr expression to insert/replace AVP
NSERR_INVAL_AVP_LOOKUP_EXPR 2891 0xb4b Rewrite policy has invalid action. For Diameter/Radius bind points, use AVP lookup expression as target expression. e.g. RADIUS.REQ.AVP(127)/DIAMETER.REQ.AVP(9000)/AVP_START/AVP_END
NSERR_INVAL_DELETE_AVP_EXPR 2892 0xb4c Rewrite policy has invalid action. Deletion of AVP should be done using AVP based expression like RADIUS.REQ.AVP(33)/DIAMETER.REQ.AVP(9999)
NSERR_INVAL_NEW_MESSAGE_EXPR 2893 0xb4d Responder policy has invalid action. Use expressions like DIAMETER.NEW_ANSWER/DIAMETER_NEW_REDIRECT as target expression to create new diameter message and RADIUS.NEW_ANSWER/RADIUS.NEW_ACCESSREJECT for RADIUS message
NSERR_INVAL_DIAMETER_REDIRECT_ACTION 2894 0xb4e Binding Invalid Diameter action. Use DIAMETER.NEW_REDIRECT as target expression to create new redirect message
NSERR_INVAL_DIAMETER_ACTION 2895 0xb4f Invalid action for Diameter bind point.
NSERR_CA_URL_INVAL 2896 0xb50 URL length more than 2000
NSERR_PIT_CONNECTION_ERROR 2897 0xb51 Connection error
NSERR_INVAL_SEARCH_AVP 2898 0xb52 AVP code should be a number
NSERR_DATASET_PATTERN_LIMIT_OVERFLOW 2900 0xb54 Cannot bind more than 5000 patterns to a patset/dataset
NSERR_INVAL_RADIUS_AVPCODE 2901 0xb55 RADIUS AVP code should be in 0-255 number range
NSERR_INVAL_RADIUS_RESPONSE 2902 0xb56 Invalid RADIUS response code
NSERR_RESP_ACT_REASON_PHRASE_REQUIRED 2903 0xb57 Please also specify a reason phrase with a user-defined HTTP status code.
NSERR_RESP_ACT_RESPONSE_CODE_REASON_PHRASE_NOT_ALLOWED 2904 0xb58 responseStatusCode and reasonPhrase options are allowed only for respondwithhtmlpage and redirect action types.
NSERR_RESP_ACT_INVALID_REDIRECT_CODE 2905 0xb59 For redirect action type the response status code must be in the range 300-399.
NSERR_RESP_ACT_EMPTY_REASON_PHRASE_NOT_ALLOWED 2907 0xb5B Empty reasonPhrase string not allowed.
NSERR_MAX_STREAMING_PATTERN_LIMIT 2909 0xb5D Maximum number of streaming patterns exceeded.
NSERR_RESP_UPDATE_HTMLPAGE_NOT_REFERENCED 1223 0x4c7 Responder HTML Page must be referenced in a responder action prior to update.
NSERR_PATSET_STREAMING_BINDFAIL_PATLEN_LT_WU_MINLEN 1224 0x4c8 Patterns which are < 3 or > 112 bytes in length are not allowed to be bound to the patset, if patset is being used for streaming search or in rewrite feature.