Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSERR_ERR_AAA_LICENSE 2624 0xa40 MaxAAAUsers value more than allowed by license, ignored.
NSERR_USR_NOINTRAIP 2625 0xa41 No intranet IP bound to user
NSERR_USR_NOTCONFIGURED 2626 0xa42 User does not exist
NSERR_INVAL_AAA_GRP 2627 0xa43 Group does not exist
NSERR_INVAL_COMBNATION 2628 0xa44 NONE and ALL cannot be used simultaneously
NSERR_INVAL_MIP_IIP 2629 0xa45 Both Mapped IP and Intranet IP must be specified
NSERR_INVAL_MIPOFF_IIPOFF 2630 0xa46 Mapped IP and Intranet IP cannot be OFF at the same time
NSERR_USEREXIST 2631 0xa47 User already exists
NSERR_GROUPEXIST 2632 0xa48 Group already exists
NSERR_USERALREADYBOUND 2633 0xa49 User is already bound to the group
NSERR_NO_RADIUS_IP 2634 0xa4a ServerIP is not configured in radius params
NSERR_NO_TACACS_IP 2635 0xa4b ServerIP is not configured in tacacs params
NSERR_USERNOTBOUND 2640 0xa50 User is not bound to the group
NSERR_ENTITYNOTBOUND 2641 0xa51 Entity not bound
NSERR_GROUPNOTEXIST 2642 0xa52 Group does not exist
NSERR_INVALIDLOGLEVEL 2643 0xa53 NONE cannot be combined with other options
NSERR_DH_MISCONFIG 2644 0xa54 The first hop and second hop can not be enabled on the same vserver
NSERR_DH_IPPORT 2645 0xa55 The SG second hop ip and port are required
NSERR_DHINUSE 2646 0xa56 Bound double hop server cannot be removed
NSERR_INVAL_AAAGLOBAL_POLTYPE 2647 0xa57 Only preauthentication policies can be bound to AAA global
NSERR_NO_LDAP_IP 2648 0xa58 ServerIP is not configured in ldap params
NSERR_AAATM_LIC 2649 0xa59 Feature not licensed [AAA]
NSERR_AAATM_DISABLED 2650 0xa5a Feature(s) not enabled [AAA]
NSERR_NO_AUTH_HOST 2651 0xa5b No Authentication Host specified
NSERR_AUTH_ON 2652 0xa5c Turn authentication off first
NSERR_KILLPENDING 2653 0xa5d Another kill command in progress
NSERR_AAATM_NO_AUTH_VS 2654 0xa5e No Authentication vserver name specified or the server does not exist
NSERR_AAATM_401AUTH_ON 2655 0xa5f Turn off 401 based authentication first
NSERR_UNAUTHRZED 2656 0xa60 Unauthorized
NSERR_KILL_INPROGRESS 2657 0xa61 A kill session command is in progress. Try again later
NSERR_WI_FRM_NOTEXIST 2658 0xa62 Farm does not exist
NSERR_WI_FRM_LAST 2659 0xa63 At least one Farm should be configured: can not remove last farm
NSERR_WI_NOTINST 2660 0xa64 Web interface not installed
NSERR_WI_GENFAILED 2661 0xa65 Unable to generate website
NSERR_WI_SITE_EXIST 2662 0xa66 Site already exists
NSERR_WI_SITE_NOTEXIST 2663 0xa67 Site does not exist
NSERR_WI_SITE_INVAL_AGURL 2664 0xa68 Invalid agURL
NSERR_WI_SITE_INVAL_STAURL 2665 0xa69 Invalid staURL
NSERR_WI_SITE_ONLY_MPX 2666 0xa6a WI can only be installed on Citrix ADC nCore builds
NSERR_WI_INSTFAILED 2667 0xa6b Installation failed. Please check the log file /var/log/wicmd.log
NSERR_WI_MAXSITE_EXCD 2668 0xa6c Maximum number of WI Sites exceeded. Please check the log file /var/log/wicmd.log
NSERR_WI_STAWITHOUTAGURL 2669 0xa6d STAUrl cannot be specified without AGUrl.
NSERR_WI_AGURLWITHOUTSTA 2670 0xa6e AGUrl cannot be specified without STAUrl.
NSERR_WI_RELWITHOUTAGURL 2671 0xa6f SessionReliability cannot be ON without AGUrl.
NSERR_WI_AUTHWITHOUTAGURL 2672 0xa70 AuthenticationPoint cannot be specified without AGUrl.
NSERR_WI_TWOTKTWITHOUTREL 2673 0xa71 UseTwoTickets cannot be ON without SessionReliability.
NSERR_WI_TWOTKTWITHOUTSECSTA 2674 0xa72 UseTwoTickets cannot be ON without SecondSTAUrl.
NSERR_WI_SECSTASAME 2675 0xa73 SecondSTAUrl should be different from StaURL.
NSERR_WI_LICENSE 2676 0xa74 Web Interface on NS Feature not licensed.
NSERR_WI_SECSTAWITHOUTSTA 2677 0xa75 SecondSTAUrl cannot be specified without STAUrl.
NSERR_AUTH_NEGOTIATE 2678 0xa76 Negotiate authentication required
NSERR_WI_INSTSITESREDUCED 2679 0xa77 Memory available is not sufficient for the passed maxSites value
NSERR_WI_INCOMPATIBLEAUTHPOINT 2680 0xa78 WI Authentication methods can not be specified unless authentication point is WI
NSERR_WI_SITE_WITHIN_SITE 2681 0xa79 One WI site can not be completely within another WI site
NSERR_WI_SITE_TRANSLATION_NOEXIST 2682 0xa7a Translation Map does not exist
NSERR_WI_SITE_TRANSLATION_LAST 2683 0xa7b Cant Unbind Last Translation Map
NSERR_WI_SITE_NOAGURL 2684 0xa7c AGURL is not set
NSERR_AGSVC_AUTHFAIL 2685 0xa7d AG-Service request with invalid AAAC cookie
NSERR_TM_INVALID_PERS_CONFIG 2686 0xa7e Please specify both persistentCookie and persistentCookieValidity parameters
NSERR_WI_SMARTCARD_NOT_SUPPORTED 2687 0xa7f SmartCard AGAuthentication method is not supported with sites created using wi package
NSERR_WI_SEARCH_NOT_SITEWEB 2688 0xa80 Show Search Attribute supported only for site type XenAppWeb
NSERR_KCD_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS 2689 0xa81 The KCD account does not exist
NSERR_KCD_KEYTAB_NOT_EXISTS 2690 0xa82 The keytab file does not exist
NSERR_KCD_VS_PRINCIPLE_NOT_FOUND 2691 0xa83 The Vserver principle not found
NSERR_KCD_REM_INUSE 2692 0xa84 KCD account is in use and cannot be removed
NSERR_KCD_TOO_MANY_VS_PRINCIPLE 2693 0xa85 Too many host principles
NSERR_WI_REFRESH_NOT_SITEWEB 2694 0xa86 Show Refresh Attribute supported only for site type XenAppWeb
NSERR_WI_UIMODE_NOT_SITEWEB 2695 0xa87 User Interface Mode Attribute supported only for site type XenAppWeb
NSERR_WI_UILAYOUT_NOT_SITEWEB 2696 0xa88 User Interface Layout Attribute supported only for site type XenAppWeb
NSERR_WI_MESSAGESTRS_NOT_SITEWEB 2697 0xa89 App Welcome Message, Welcome Message, Footer Text, Login Sys Message, Pre Login Button, Pre Login Message, Pre Login Title Attributes supported only for site type XenAppWeb
NSERR_AAATM_AUTHN_PROFILE_CONF 2704 0xa90 Please turn ON authentication or authn401 setting in order to use authentication profile
NSERR_NEGACTION_UNAME_DOM 2705 0xa91 Domain must either be specified either explicitly or in the username
NSERR_NO_PRODUCTION_FARM 2706 0xa92 WI site will not be fuctional till a production farm is bound
NSERR_SAML_FORM_CONFLICT 2707 0xa93 Traffic cannot have both SAML SSO and Form SSO on same action
NSERR_MAXLOGIN_FAILLOGIN_CONFLICT 2708 0xa94 Please specify both max login attempts and fail login timeout
NSERR_KCD_ACCOUNT_EXIST 2709 0xa95 The KCD account does not exist
NSERR_KCD_ACCOUNT_NOTCONFIGURED 2710 0xa96 The KCD account is not configured
NSERR_NEGACTION_KEYTAB_CONFLICT 2711 0xa97 Action should have either keytab file or domain, username and password. Domain need not be specified if UPN is given for username
NSERR_KEYTAB_INVALID_ENC 2712 0xa98 Unsupported encryption type in keytab file
NSERR_HTTP_SSL_PROXY_CONFLICT 2713 0xa99 Cannot configure both HTTP and SSL proxy
NSERR_INVALIDIP_PORT 2714 0xa9a Invalid IP or Port
NSERR_ADVEPA_NOTSUPP 2715 0xa9b VServer does not support advanced EPA scans
NSERR_ADVEPA_NOPROFILE 2716 0xa9c EPA profile with this name does not exist
NSERR_ADVEPA_INUSE 2717 0xa9d Bound EPA profile cannot be removed.
NSERR_ADVEPA_EXISTS 2718 0xa9e EPA profile exists.
NSERR_ADVEPA_BOUND 2719 0xa9f EPA profile already bound to vserver.
NSERR_ADVEPA_NOTBOUND 2720 0xaa0 EPA profile not bound to vserver.
NSERR_ADVEPA_ON 2721 0xaa1 Advanced EPA is ON, can not bind classic preauthentication policy.
NSERR_DEVICEPROFILE_ADDRM_FAIL 2722 0xaa2 There has been a design change in the support of OPSWAT specific EPA scans. EPA Profile Configuration is no longer needed. Please refer to support documents for complete details.
NSERR_DEVICEPROFILE_INTERNAL_ERR 2723 0xaa3 An Internal Error occurred while operating on the Device Profile, please contact your Admin
NSERR_AAA_SESS_INVALID_INDEX 2724 0xaa4 Invalid attribute index. Attribute index should be between 1 and 16 both included
NSERR_AAATM_FORCETIMEOUT 2725 0xaa5 Force timeout setting of START or RESET must accompany a desired time in minutes
NSERR_KCDACCOUNT_KEYTAB 2726 0xaa6 Keytab file cannot be specified along with other parameters in kcdaccount
NSERR_KCDACCOUNT_REALM 2727 0xaa7 Realm must be specified by itself or extracted from delegated username/keytab
NSERR_KCDACCOUNT_KEYTAB_INVALID 2238 0x8be Invalid Keytab file
NSERR_WEBAUTH_FULLEXP 2728 0xaa8 Please specify full request expression
NSERR_WI_INVALID_SETTING_FOR_AUTHPOINT 2729 0xaa9 Setting is Invalid for given Authpoint
NSERR_WI_SETTING_VALIDONLYFOR_XENAPPWEB 2730 0xaaa Setting is Invalid for SiteType other than XenAppWeb
NSERR_WI_PARAMETER_UPGARDE_ERROR 2731 0xaab Migration of WebInterface.conf parameter to CLI didnt happen successfully
NSERR_SAMLIDP_ENC_CERT 2732 0xaac Encryption option requires ServiceProvider (SP) certificate.
NSERR_WF_NOT_INST 2733 0xaad Web Front is not installed
NSERR_WF_INSTFAILED 2734 0xaae Installation failed. Please check the log file /var/log/wfcmd.log
NSERR_AAA_TOOMANY_EXP 2735 0xaaf Number of expressions found exceeds allowed limit
NSERR_SAML_REDIR_CONFLICT 2736 0xab0 Signature and Digest algorithms are incompatible for Redirect Binding
NSERR_SET_MAXAAAUSER_NOT_ALLOWED 2737 0xab1 Set maxaaaUser not allowed per partition
NSERR_AAATM_INCOMP_NO_PROFILE 2744 0xab8 Profile does not exist or does not have Host configured
NSERR_RENAME_AUTHN_LABEL_NOT_PERMITTED 2745 0xab9 Rename of authentication policyLabel not permitted if it referred as nextFactor
NSERR_ERR_AAA_LICENSE_LOW 2747 0xabb MaxAAAUsers value less than allowed by license, ignored.
NSERR_ERR_ENABLE_DTLS 2750 0xabe Cannot start DTLS or PCOIP listener due to existing (ip, port, transport) conflicts.
NSERR_OPENID_ENC_METADATA 2751 0xabf Token encryption requires Relying Party metadata url.
NSERR_OPENID_MAX_ATTRIBUTES 2814 0xafe Expression exceeds maximum permissble attributes.