Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference



Error Code Error Code(Decimal) Error Code(Hex) Error Message
NSCFG_INFO 2049 0x801 Sending the /cfg information
NSCS_INFO 2050 0x802 Backend server info exists
NSCSPROBE_INFO 2051 0x803 Probe to backend server pending
NSAPPPROBE_INFO 2052 0x804 Client side connection being closed
NSCFG_MP_INFO 2112 0x840 Sending the /mp_cfg Information
NSERR_NOINTRANETIP 2113 0x841 No Intranet IP available
NSERR_ALREADYLOGEDIN 2114 0x842 The user is already logged-in
NSERR_URLINUSE 2115 0x843 Bound URL/bookmark cannot be removed.
NSERR_VPNAPPINUSE 2116 0x844 Bound VPN application cannot be removed.
NSERR_NOTSUPP_TRANS_INTERCPT 2117 0x845 Transparent interception is not yet supported.
NSERR_CLNT_CERT_RENEG 2118 0x846 Client SSL certificate renegotiation failed
NSERR_DEFAULTCMDPLCY 2119 0x847 Default command policy cannot be removed
NSERR_CLNT_CERT_REQD 2120 0x848 Client SSL certificate is required
NSERR_INVAL_CERTFIELD 2121 0x849 Invalid certificate field
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_IPRANGE 2064 0x810 Proxy interception does not support IP ranges
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_NETMASK 2065 0x811 Proxy interception does not support netmasks
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_DSTPORT_RANGE 2066 0x812 Proxy interception does not support destination port ranges
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_PROTOCOL 2067 0x813 Proxy interception supports only TCP
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_HOSTNAME 2068 0x814 Proxy interception does not support hostname interception
NSERR_VPNAPP_TRANS_SRCIP 2069 0x815 Transparent interception does not support source IP
NSERR_VPNAPP_TRANS_SRCPORT 2070 0x816 Transparent interception does not support source port
NSERR_VPNAPP_NO_INTERCEPTION_TYPE 2071 0x817 Intranet application requires an interception type
NSERR_VPNAPP_CLIAPP_PORT 2072 0x818 Both client application name and destination port cannot be specified
NSERR_VPNAPP_CLIAPP_PROTO 2073 0x819 Protocol can not be specified when client application name is present
NSERR_VPNAPP_PROXY_CLIAPP 2074 0x81a Proxy interception does not support client application based interception
NSERR_VPNAPP_MISSING_PROTO 2075 0x81b Protocol must be specified
NSERR_VPNAPP_MISSING_ARG 2076 0x81c One of destIP, IPRange or hostname has to be specified
NSERR_VPNAPP_TOO_MANY_ARG 2077 0x81d At most one of destIP, IPRange or hostname may be specified
NSERR_FS_AUTHFAIL 2078 0x81e ?
NSERR_NSIPV6NOTPRESENT 2079 0x81f No IPV6 Citrix ADC IP has been configured
NSERR_REMOVE_SESSION 2096 0x830 No IPV6 Citrix ADC IP has been configured
NSERR_STAWI_EXIST 3250 0xcb2 A STA or WI DBS configuration exists. Unset it first
NSERR_INVALID_SSO_ACTION 2099 0x833 Invalid sso action
NSERR_INVALID_TMTRAFFIC_ACTION 2100 0x834 Invalid tm traffic action
NSERR_INVALFSSO 2101 0x835 SSO should be turned on for setting formsso action
NSERR_INVALIDURL 2102 0x836 Action url should be root relative url
NSERR_INVALID_FLOWTYPE_FORAPPFLOW 2126 0x84E Flowtype needs to be REQUEST or ICA_REQUEST or OTHERTCP_REQUEST for appflow policy when bound to VPN vservers
NSERR_TOO_MANY_SERVERS 2127 0x84F Too many servers bound
NSERR_BLOCKING_ATTR_WARNING_FOR_VPN_APPFLOW 2961 0xb91 Policy will not apply to VPN traffic if it has blocking attributes
NSERR_SAMLIDP_ACTION 2975 0xb9f Invalid SAML IDP Action
NSERR_SAML_ACTION_AUTHNCTX 2976 0xba0 None option is mutually exclusive with other Authentication Class References
NSERR_ABSOLUTE_URL 2977 0xba1 URL has to be an absolute URL
NSERR_INVALID_AG_BIND 2978 0xba2 SSLVPN vserver can be bound to only SSL type CS vserver
NSERR_NO_VSERVER 2979 0xba3 Please specify the associated vserver name
NSERR_SSSO_NOT_LICENSED 2980 0xba4 This feature needs enterprise or platinum license.
NSERR_MULT_AGBIND 2981 0xba5 Only one VPN vserver can be bound to a CS vserver.
NSERR_VPN_VSERV_PROTOCOL_NOT_ALLOWED 2982 0xba6 VPN/Authentication Vserver of service type HTTPis not allowed.
NSERR_SET_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ICAONLY_BIT 2983 0xba7 Changing ICAonlyparameter is not allowed in Cluster Deployment.
NSERR_IIP_INVALID_RANGE 2984 0xba8 The given intranet IP binding does not exist
NSERR_SSLVPN_LICENSE 2985 0xba9 Feature not licensed [SSLVPN]
NSERR_SAMLIDP_REDIR_INVALID_SIGN 2990 0xbae signAssertion option can only be set to ASSERTION in Redirect binding
NSERR_VPN_AUTH_BIND 2991 0xbaf Authentication vserver can not be bound to a CS vserver if VPN vserver is already bound to it.
NSERR_AUTH_VPN_BIND 2992 0xbb0 VPN vserver can not be bound to a CS vserver if Authentication vserver is already bound to it.
NSERR_SVPN_INVALID_URL 2993 0xbb1 URL must be an absolute url with a trailing slash
NSERR_MULT_AUTHBIND 2994 0xbb2 Only one Authentication vserver can be bound to a CS vserver.
NSERR_SVPN_INVALID_ICONURL 2995 0xbb3 Only the following image types i.e. .png, .jpeg, .jpg and .giff are allowed as bookmark icons.
NSERR_XM_PKG_CONTENT 2996 0xbb4 XenMobile package content error. Please find more information in /var/log/nsxm.log
NSERR_XM_MISSING_TOKEN_VALUE 2997 0xbb5 XenMobile script tokens replacement failure. Please find more information in /var/log/nsxm.log
NSERR_SAML_ARTIFACT_NO_URL 2998 0xbb6 Artifact resolution url is required when binding is specified as ARTIFACT
NSERR_OAUTHIDP_ACTION 2999 0xbb7 Invalid OAuth IDP Action
NSERR_NOLICENCE_PUSH 3000 0xbb8 Platinum license is required for this operation
NSERR_INVALSAMLSSO 3001 0xbb9 SSO should be turned on for setting samlsso action
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR1 2512 0x9d0 Incorrect expression at attribute 1
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR2 2513 0x9d1 Incorrect expression at attribute 2
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR3 2514 0x9d2 Incorrect expression at attribute 3
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR4 2515 0x9d3 Incorrect expression at attribute 4
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR5 2516 0x9d4 Incorrect expression at attribute 5
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR6 2517 0x9d5 Incorrect expression at attribute 6
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR7 2518 0x9d6 Incorrect expression at attribute 7
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR8 2519 0x9d7 Incorrect expression at attribute 8
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR9 2520 0x9d8 Incorrect expression at attribute 9
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR10 2521 0x9d9 Incorrect expression at attribute 10
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR11 3002 0xbba Incorrect expression at attribute 11
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR12 2523 0x9db Incorrect expression at attribute 12
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR13 2524 0x9dc Incorrect expression at attribute 13
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR14 2525 0x9dd Incorrect expression at attribute 14
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR15 2526 0x9de Incorrect expression at attribute 15
NSERR_INVALSAMLIDPATTR16 2527 0x9df Incorrect expression at attribute 16
NSERR_PUSH_SERVICE_AZURE_ARGS 2550 0x9f6 Azure type service requires Namespace, Hub, Servicekey and Servicekey name but not Trust service
NSERR_PUSH_SERVICE_NS_ARGS 2551 0x9f7 Citrix type service requires Client id and secret
NSERR_INVALID_DFA_BINDPOINT 2552 0x9f8 DFA policies cannot be bound to user defined policylabels/factors