Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference


Configuration for license resource.


(click to see Operations)

Name Data Type Permissions Description
wl Read-only Web Logging.
sp Read-only Surge Protection.
lb Read-only Load Balancing.
cs Read-only Content Switching.
cr Read-only Cache Redirect.
sc Read-only Sure Connect.
cmp Read-only Compression.
delta Read-only Delta Compression.
pq Read-only Priority Queuing.
ssl Read-only Secure Sockets Layer.
gslb Read-only Global Server Load Balancing.
gslbp Read-only GSLB Proximity.
hdosp Read-only DOS Protection.
routing Read-only Routing.
cf Read-only Content Filter.
contentaccelerator Read-only transparent Integrated Caching.
ic Read-only Integrated Caching.
sslvpn Read-only SSL VPN.
f_sslvpn_users Read-only Number of licensed users allowed by this license.
f_ica_users Read-only Number of licensed users allowed by ICAONLY license. As long as the AG Feature is licensed,
unlimited number of ICA connections are accepted.
(In API, 0 value for this parameter means unlimited when AG license in ON).
aaa Read-only AAA.
ospf Read-only OSPF Routing.
rip Read-only RIP Routing.
bgp Read-only BGP Routing.
rewrite Read-only Rewrite.
ipv6pt Read-only IPv6 protocol translation.
appfw Read-only Application Firewall.
responder Read-only Responder.
agee Read-only .
nsxn Read-only .
htmlinjection Read-only HTML Injection.
modelid Read-only Model Number ID.
push Read-only Citrix ADC Push.
wionns Read-only WI on NS.
appflow Read-only AppFlow.
cloudbridge Read-only CloudBridge.
cloudbridgeappliance Read-only .
cloudextenderappliance Read-only .
isis Read-only ISIS Routing.
cluster Read-only Clustering.
ch Read-only Call Home.
appqoe Read-only AppQoS.
appflowica Read-only Appflow for ICA.
isstandardlic Read-only Standard License.
isenterpriselic Read-only Enterprise License.
isplatinumlic Read-only Platinum License.
issgwylic Read-only Simple Gateway License.
isswglic Read-only Secure Web Gateway License.
rise Read-only RISE.
feo Read-only Front End Optimization.
lsn Read-only Large Scale NAT.
licensingmode Read-only Pooled Licensed.
Default value: Local
Possible values = Local, Pooled, CICO, EXPRESS, CPU, CPU-Local
daystoexpiration Read-only Days to expire.
Minimum value = 0
Maximum value = 4294967294
rdpproxy Read-only RDPPROXY.
rep Read-only Reputation Services.
urlfiltering Read-only URL Filtering.
videooptimization Read-only Video Optimization.
forwardproxy Read-only Forward Proxy.
sslinterception Read-only SSL Interception.
remotecontentinspection Read-only Remote Content Inspection.
adaptivetcp Read-only Adaptive TCP.
cqa Read-only Connection Quality Analytics.


(click to see Properties)


Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response:NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the "warning" query parameter as "yes". For example, to get warnings while connecting to the Citrix ADC appliance, the URL is as follows:


    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code "209 X-NITRO-WARNING".

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations:NITRO allows you to logon to the Citrix ADC appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:



    Note:In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:



Mandatory parameters are marked in redand placeholder content is marked in <green>.

get (all)



Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN=<tokenvalue> Accept:application/json


HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for Citrix ADC specific errors). The response payload provides details of the errorResponse Headers:


Response Payload:

{ "nslicense": [ { "wl":<Boolean_value>, "sp":<Boolean_value>, "lb":<Boolean_value>, "cs":<Boolean_value>, "cr":<Boolean_value>, "sc":<Boolean_value>, "cmp":<Boolean_value>, "delta":<Boolean_value>, "pq":<Boolean_value>, "ssl":<Boolean_value>, "gslb":<Boolean_value>, "gslbp":<Boolean_value>, "hdosp":<Boolean_value>, "routing":<Boolean_value>, "cf":<Boolean_value>, "contentaccelerator":<Boolean_value>, "ic":<Boolean_value>, "sslvpn":<Boolean_value>, "f_sslvpn_users":<Double_value>, "f_ica_users":<Double_value>, "aaa":<Boolean_value>, "ospf":<Boolean_value>, "rip":<Boolean_value>, "bgp":<Boolean_value>, "rewrite":<Boolean_value>, "ipv6pt":<Boolean_value>, "appfw":<Boolean_value>, "responder":<Boolean_value>, "agee":<Boolean_value>, "nsxn":<Boolean_value>, "htmlinjection":<Boolean_value>, "modelid":<Double_value>, "push":<Boolean_value>, "wionns":<Boolean_value>, "appflow":<Boolean_value>, "cloudbridge":<Boolean_value>, "cloudbridgeappliance":<Boolean_value>, "cloudextenderappliance":<Boolean_value>, "isis":<Boolean_value>, "cluster":<Boolean_value>, "ch":<Boolean_value>, "appqoe":<Boolean_value>, "appflowica":<Boolean_value>, "isstandardlic":<Boolean_value>, "isenterpriselic":<Boolean_value>, "isplatinumlic":<Boolean_value>, "issgwylic":<Boolean_value>, "isswglic":<Boolean_value>, "rise":<Boolean_value>, "feo":<Boolean_value>, "lsn":<Boolean_value>, "licensingmode":<String_value>, "daystoexpiration":<Double_value>, "rdpproxy":<Boolean_value>, "rep":<Boolean_value>, "urlfiltering":<Boolean_value>, "videooptimization":<Boolean_value>, "forwardproxy":<Boolean_value>, "sslinterception":<Boolean_value>, "remotecontentinspection":<Boolean_value>, "adaptivetcp":<Boolean_value>, "cqa":<Boolean_value> }]}