Citrix ADC 12.1 NITRO API Reference


Virtual Private Network configuration.

Name Description
vpnalwaysonprofile Configuration for AlwyasON profile
vpnclientlessaccesspolicy Configuration for Clientless VPN rewrite policy
vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpnclientlessaccesspolicy
vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_vpnglobal_binding Binding object showing the vpnglobal that can be bound to vpnclientlessaccesspolicy
vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnvserver that can be bound to vpnclientlessaccesspolicy
vpnclientlessaccessprofile Configuration for Clientless VPN rewrite profile
vpnepaprofile Configuration for Epa profile
vpneula Configuration for EULA for vservers
vpnformssoaction Configuration for Form sso action
vpnglobal_appcontroller_binding Binding object showing the appcontroller that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_auditnslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditnslogpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_auditsyslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditsyslogpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationcertpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationcertpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationldappolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationldappolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationlocalpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationlocalpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationnegotiatepolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationradiuspolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationsamlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationsamlpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_authenticationtacacspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationtacacspolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_domain_binding Binding object showing the domain that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_intranetip6_binding Binding object showing the intranetip6 that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_intranetip_binding Binding object showing the intranetip that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_sharefileserver_binding Binding object showing the sharefileserver that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_sslcertkey_binding Binding object showing the sslcertkey that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_staserver_binding Binding object showing the staserver that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnclientlessaccesspolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpneula_binding Binding object showing the vpneula that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnintranetapplication_binding Binding object showing the vpnintranetapplication that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnnexthopserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnnexthopserver that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnportaltheme_binding Binding object showing the vpnportaltheme that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnsessionpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpntrafficpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpntrafficpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnurl_binding Binding object showing the vpnurl that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnglobal_vpnurlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnurlpolicy that can be bound to vpnglobal
vpnicaconnection Configuration for active ica connections
vpnicadtlsconnection Configuration for active ica connections
vpnintranetapplication Configuration for SSLVPN intranet application
vpnnexthopserver Configuration for Next Hop Server
vpnparameter Configuration for VPN parameter
vpnpcoipconnection Configuration for PCoIP connection
vpnpcoipprofile Configuration for PCoIP session profile
vpnpcoipvserverprofile Configuration for PCoIP vserver profile
vpnportaltheme Configuration for portaltheme
vpnsamlssoprofile Configuration for SAML sso action
vpnsessionaction Configuration for VPN session action
vpnsessionpolicy Configuration for VPN session policy
vpnsessionpolicy_aaagroup_binding Binding object showing the aaagroup that can be bound to vpnsessionpolicy
vpnsessionpolicy_aaauser_binding Binding object showing the aaauser that can be bound to vpnsessionpolicy
vpnsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpnsessionpolicy
vpnsessionpolicy_vpnglobal_binding Binding object showing the vpnglobal that can be bound to vpnsessionpolicy
vpnsessionpolicy_vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnvserver that can be bound to vpnsessionpolicy
vpnsfconfig Configuration for Create a StoreFront configuration file
vpnstoreinfo Configuration for Store information for a URL
vpntrafficaction Configuration for VPN traffic action
vpntrafficpolicy Configuration for VPN traffic policy
vpntrafficpolicy_aaagroup_binding Binding object showing the aaagroup that can be bound to vpntrafficpolicy
vpntrafficpolicy_aaauser_binding Binding object showing the aaauser that can be bound to vpntrafficpolicy
vpntrafficpolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpntrafficpolicy
vpntrafficpolicy_vpnglobal_binding Binding object showing the vpnglobal that can be bound to vpntrafficpolicy
vpntrafficpolicy_vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnvserver that can be bound to vpntrafficpolicy
vpnurl Configuration for VPN URL
vpnurlaction Configuration for VPN url action
vpnurlpolicy Configuration for VPN url policy
vpnurlpolicy_aaagroup_binding Binding object showing the aaagroup that can be bound to vpnurlpolicy
vpnurlpolicy_aaauser_binding Binding object showing the aaauser that can be bound to vpnurlpolicy
vpnurlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpnurlpolicy
vpnurlpolicy_vpnglobal_binding Binding object showing the vpnglobal that can be bound to vpnurlpolicy
vpnurlpolicy_vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnvserver that can be bound to vpnurlpolicy
vpnvserver Configuration for VPN virtual server
vpnvserver_aaapreauthenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the aaapreauthenticationpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_appcontroller_binding Binding object showing the appcontroller that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_appflowpolicy_binding Binding object showing the appflowpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_auditnslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditnslogpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_auditsyslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditsyslogpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationcertpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationcertpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationdfapolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationdfapolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationldappolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationldappolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationlocalpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationlocalpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationloginschemapolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationloginschemapolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationnegotiatepolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationoauthidppolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationoauthidppolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationradiuspolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationsamlidppolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationsamlidppolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationsamlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationsamlpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationtacacspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationtacacspolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_authenticationwebauthpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationwebauthpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_cachepolicy_binding Binding object showing the cachepolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_cspolicy_binding Binding object showing the cspolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_feopolicy_binding Binding object showing the feopolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_icapolicy_binding Binding object showing the icapolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_intranetip6_binding Binding object showing the intranetip6 that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_intranetip_binding Binding object showing the intranetip that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_responderpolicy_binding Binding object showing the responderpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_rewritepolicy_binding Binding object showing the rewritepolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_sharefileserver_binding Binding object showing the sharefileserver that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_staserver_binding Binding object showing the staserver that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnclientlessaccesspolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnepaprofile_binding Binding object showing the vpnepaprofile that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpneula_binding Binding object showing the vpneula that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnintranetapplication_binding Binding object showing the vpnintranetapplication that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnnexthopserver_binding Binding object showing the vpnnexthopserver that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnportaltheme_binding Binding object showing the vpnportaltheme that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnsessionpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnsessionpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpntrafficpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpntrafficpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnurl_binding Binding object showing the vpnurl that can be bound to vpnvserver
vpnvserver_vpnurlpolicy_binding Binding object showing the vpnurlpolicy that can be bound to vpnvserver