
Basic system configuration.

Name Description
dbsmonitors Configuration for DB monitors

extendedmemoryparam Configuration for Parameter for extended memory used by LSN and Subscriber Store

location Configuration for location

locationdata Configuration for location data

locationfile Configuration for location file

locationfile6 Configuration for location file6

locationparameter Configuration for location parameter

nstrace Configuration for nstrace operations

radiusnode Configuration for RADIUS Node

reporting Configuration for reporting

reportingconfig Configuration for reporting config

server Configuration for server

server_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to server

server_gslbservice_binding Binding object showing the gslbservice that can be bound to server

server_gslbservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroup that can be bound to server

server_service_binding Binding object showing the service that can be bound to server

server_servicegroup_binding Binding object showing the servicegroup that can be bound to server

service Configuration for service

service_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to service

service_lbmonitor_binding Binding object showing the lbmonitor that can be bound to service

servicegroup Configuration for service group

servicegroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to servicegroup

servicegroup_lbmonitor_binding Binding object showing the lbmonitor that can be bound to servicegroup

servicegroup_servicegroupentitymonbindings_binding Binding object showing the servicegroupentitymonbindings that can be bound to servicegroup

servicegroup_servicegroupmember_binding Binding object showing the servicegroupmember that can be bound to servicegroup

servicegroup_servicegroupmemberlist_binding Binding object showing the servicegroupmemberlist that can be bound to servicegroup

servicegroupbindings Configuration for servicegroupbind

svcbindings Configuration for service bindings

systemlevelreporting Configuration for Make entity count for reporting equal to system threshold count cumulatively

vserver Configuration for virtual server


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