
System configuration.

Name Description

systemautorestorefeature Configuration for Enable/Disable the autorestore feature use to create restorepoint

systembackup Configuration for Backup Data for ns backup and restore

systemcmdpolicy Configuration for command policy

systemcollectionparam Configuration for collection parameter

systemcore Configuration for core

systemcountergroup Configuration for counter group

systemcounters Configuration for counters


systemdatasource Configuration for historical datasource

systementity Configuration for entity

systementitydata Configuration for entity data

systementitytype Configuration for entity type

systemeventhistory Configuration for event history


systemfile Configuration for file

systemglobal_auditnslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditnslogpolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_auditsyslogpolicy_binding Binding object showing the auditsyslogpolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_authenticationldappolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationldappolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_authenticationlocalpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationlocalpolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_authenticationpolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationpolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationradiuspolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_authenticationtacacspolicy_binding Binding object showing the authenticationtacacspolicy that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobal_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to systemglobal

systemglobaldata Configuration for global counter data

systemgroup Configuration for system group

systemgroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to systemgroup

systemgroup_nspartition_binding Binding object showing the nspartition that can be bound to systemgroup

systemgroup_systemcmdpolicy_binding Binding object showing the systemcmdpolicy that can be bound to systemgroup

systemgroup_systemuser_binding Binding object showing the systemuser that can be bound to systemgroup

systemhwerror Configuration for Hardware errors

systemkek Configuration for Key encryption Key

systemparameter Configuration for system parameter

systemrestorepoint Configuration for Setting restorepoints for auto restore

systemsession Configuration for system session


systemuser Configuration for system user

systemuser_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to systemuser

systemuser_nspartition_binding Binding object showing the nspartition that can be bound to systemuser

systemuser_systemcmdpolicy_binding Binding object showing the systemcmdpolicy that can be bound to systemuser

systemuser_systemgroup_binding Binding object showing the systemgroup that can be bound to systemuser


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