
Configuration for IPSEC paramter resource.


(click to see Operations )

Name Data Type Permissions Description
ikeversion Read-write IKE Protocol Version.

Default value: V2

Possible values = V1, V2
encalgo <String[]> Read-write Type of encryption algorithm (Note: Selection of AES enables AES128).

Default value: AES

Possible values = AES, AES192, AES256
hashalgo <String[]> Read-write Type of hashing algorithm.

Default value: HMAC_SHA256

Possible values = HMAC_SHA1, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA384, HMAC_SHA512, HMAC_MD5
lifetime Read-write Lifetime of IKE SA in seconds. Lifetime of IPSec SA will be (lifetime of IKE SA/8).

Minimum value = 480

Maximum value = 31536000
livenesscheckinterval Read-write Number of seconds after which a notify payload is sent to check the liveliness of the peer. Additional retries are done as per retransmit interval setting. Zero value disables liveliness checks.

Minimum value = 0

Maximum value = 64999
replaywindowsize Read-write IPSec Replay window size for the data traffic.

Minimum value = 0

Maximum value = 16384
ikeretryinterval Read-write IKE retry interval for bringing up the connection.

Minimum value = 60

Maximum value = 3600
perfectforwardsecrecy Read-write Enable/Disable PFS.

Default value: DISABLE

Possible values = ENABLE, DISABLE
retransmissiontime Read-write The interval in seconds to retry sending the IKE messages to peer, three consecutive attempts are done with doubled interval after every failure,

increases for every retransmit till 6 retransmits.

Minimum value = 1

Maximum value = 99
responderonly Read-only Responder Only config for IKED.

Default value: NO

Possible values = YES, NO


(click to see Properties )

  • GET (ALL)

Some options that you can use for each operations:

  • Getting warnings in response: NITRO allows you to get warnings in an operation by specifying the 'warning' query parameter as 'yes'. For example, to get warnings while connecting to the NetScaler appliance, the URL is as follows:

    http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/login?warning=yes

    If any, the warnings are displayed in the response payload with the HTTP code '209 X-NITRO-WARNING'.

  • Authenticated access for individual NITRO operations: NITRO allows you to logon to the NetScaler appliance to perform individual operations. You can use this option instead of creating a NITRO session (using the login object) and then using that session to perform all operations,

    To do this, you must specify the username and password in the request header of the NITRO request as follows:

    X-NITRO-USER: <username>

    X-NITRO-PASS: <password>

    Note: In such cases, make sure that the request header DOES not include the following:

    Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>

*Note: * Mandatory parameters are marked in red and placeholder content is marked in green


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/ipsecparameter HTTP Method: PUT

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Request Payload:



Response: HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error


URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/ipsecparameter? action=unset HTTP Method: POST

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Request Payload:



Response: HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

get (all)

URL: http:// <netscaler-ip-address> /nitro/v1/config/ipsecparameter HTTP Method: GET

Request Headers:

Cookie:NITRO_AUTH_TOKEN= <tokenvalue>


Response: HTTP Status Code on Success: 200 OK

HTTP Status Code on Failure: 4xx <string> (for general HTTP errors) or 5xx <string> (for NetScaler-specific errors). The response payload provides details of the error

Response Header:


Response Payload:

{ "ipsecparameter": [ {
