
Policy configuration.

Name Description
policydataset Configuration for TYPE set

policydataset_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to policydataset

policydataset_value_binding Binding object showing the value that can be bound to policydataset

policyevaluation Configuration for expr evaluation

policyexpression Configuration for expression

policyhttpcallout Configuration for HTTP callout

policymap Configuration for map policy

policyparam Configuration for policy parameter

policypatset Configuration for PAT set

policypatset_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to policypatset

policypatset_pattern_binding Binding object showing the pattern that can be bound to policypatset

policypatsetfile Configuration for patset file

policystringmap Configuration for string map

policystringmap_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to policystringmap

policystringmap_pattern_binding Binding object showing the pattern that can be bound to policystringmap

policyurlset Configuration for URL set


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