Global Server Load Balancing

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) configuration. GSLB feature ensures that client requests are directed to a best performing site available in a global enterprise and distributed Internet environment.

Name Description
gslbconfig Configuration for gslb config

gslbdomain Configuration for GSLB domain

gslbdomain_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbdomain_gslbservice_binding Binding object showing the gslbservice that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbdomain_gslbservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroup that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbdomain_gslbservicegroupmember_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroupmember that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbdomain_gslbvserver_binding Binding object showing the gslbvserver that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbdomain_lbmonitor_binding Binding object showing the lbmonitor that can be bound to gslbdomain

gslbldnsentries Configuration for LDNS entry

gslbldnsentry Configuration for LDNS entry

gslbparameter Configuration for GSLB parameter

gslbrunningconfig Configuration for running GSLB configuration

gslbservice Configuration for GSLB service

gslbservice_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to gslbservice

gslbservice_dnsview_binding Binding object showing the dnsview that can be bound to gslbservice

gslbservice_lbmonitor_binding Binding object showing the lbmonitor that can be bound to gslbservice

gslbservicegroup Configuration for GSLB service group

gslbservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to gslbservicegroup

gslbservicegroup_gslbservicegroupmember_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroupmember that can be bound to gslbservicegroup

gslbservicegroup_lbmonitor_binding Binding object showing the lbmonitor that can be bound to gslbservicegroup

gslbservicegroup_servicegroupentitymonbindings_binding Binding object showing the servicegroupentitymonbindings that can be bound to gslbservicegroup

gslbsite Configuration for GSLB site

gslbsite_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to gslbsite

gslbsite_gslbservice_binding Binding object showing the gslbservice that can be bound to gslbsite

gslbsite_gslbservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroup that can be bound to gslbsite

gslbsite_gslbservicegroupmember_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroupmember that can be bound to gslbsite

gslbsyncstatus Configuration for sync status

gslbvserver Configuration for Global Server Load Balancing Virtual Server

gslbvserver_binding Binding object showing the resources that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_domain_binding Binding object showing the domain that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_gslbservice_binding Binding object showing the gslbservice that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_gslbservicegroup_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroup that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_gslbservicegroupmember_binding Binding object showing the gslbservicegroupmember that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_lbpolicy_binding Binding object showing the lbpolicy that can be bound to gslbvserver

gslbvserver_spilloverpolicy_binding Binding object showing the spilloverpolicy that can be bound to gslbvserver

Global Server Load Balancing

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